CP English Genesis Flashcards
The J writer
- Live in 10 centuries, during the United Kingdom of Israel
- Writing includes the mythical stories of sin and God’s promises
- Often describe god anthropomorphically
- Always refers to god as Yahweh or Adonai
The E writer
- Refer god as El, Elohim, Eloah, E-shaddai
- Written during divided Kingdom(850 B.C)
- Thought to have been created in the northern Kingdom of Israel after the Northern tribes split from Judah
4 Rewrote the traditional stories by focusing on the heroes from - Included information about the covenant relationship or pact that god made his people
- God is good of love also good to be feared
- Emphasizes human responsibility, service, faithfulness and obdience to god
- God deals with humans indirectly and sends message through angles and dreams
The D writer
- Updated the religious laws from Moses time, also called the second giving of law
- Deuteros means “second” and nomist means “law”
- Encourages people to obey the laws out of love and not just duty
- Had little to do with writing Genesis
The P writer
- Actually a school of priest or scribes
- Write about god calling thing into exsies
- Also gives other examples of the power of God’s word
- About 587 B.C., these writers developed the final revolution of the Torah
- Finds version od the Torah was written after Israelite’s return from Bablonian
Genesis says that the world was originally “without form and void.” What do they mean?
“From” is the spatial attribute. “void” is the state of nonexistence
“And God said, ‘Let there be light:’ and there was light.” the narrator is speaking figuratively. What figure(s) of speech is he using? Explain.
Used symbolize, because there is definition of “day” before there was sun
On what day did God create the sun, moon and stars?
Day 4
Three sons of Noah
Shem, Ham and Japheth
What are the dimensions of the ark? (Give the answer in feet.) How many decks does it have?
450 feet long, 75 feet wide, 45 feet high, there are 9 decks in ark
How old is Noah when God floods the earth?
God was six hundred, 2 months, 17 days years old.
What promise does God make to Noah?
God promise Noah that his descendants will be as much as stars and sands, also gave all the living creatures to Noah, but they can’t eat meat with blood.
Where is the Tower of Babel built?
It was built at eastern plain.
What reason does God give for confounding their language?
To punished people try to be god.
From what is the Tower of Babel built?
The Tower of Babel was built from brick and tar.
What does God ask Abraham to do?
God ask Abraham to sacrifices his son.
On the way up the mountain what does Isaac ask his father?
Issac asked where the lamb to sacrifices is.
What answer does Abraham give?
Abraham said “God himself will provide the lamb for the sacrifices.”
What do we learn of Abraham’s character from this exchange?
Abraham is absolute loyal to god
What reward is given to Abraham for his pious willingness to obey God?
God made covenant with him, promise him that his descendants will be as much as stars and sands, and through his offspring all nations will be blessed.
What question does Rebecca ask God after she has conceived?
Rebecca asked “Why is this happening to me?”
What answer does God give her?
God answers “Two nations are in your womb, and two people from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the others, and the older will serve the younger.”
How old was Isaac when Rebecca gave him twins?
Isaac was forty years old when he get the twins
What are the twins’ names and how are the two different?
The older named Esau, the younger one named Jacob, Esau was full of red hair, Jacob was clean
For what does Esau sell his birthright?
What does this tell us about Esau’s character?
Esau was despised his birthright, and also careless
How does Jacob deceive Isaac?
He use soup trade for birthright when Esau was thirsty.
What does the name “Jacob” mean?
Jacob means catch, cause Jacob was catching Esau’s heel when he was born
What prophecy does Isaac make regarding Esau?
Isaac prophecy that Esau will throw Jacob’s yoke from off his neck
Why was Joseph Israel’s favorite son?
Because he get the son when he was old
Why did Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery?
Because they were jealous about Joseph, and his dreams.
How many brothers did Joseph have?
What does Jacob think happened to Joseph?
Jacob though Joseph was devoured and torn by fearcious animal
How did Jacob mourn for his son?
Jacob tore his clothes put on sackcloth and mourned his son.
Who bought Joseph from the Ishmeelites?
Potiphar, an Egyptian who was one of pharaoh’s officials and the captain of the guard.
Who makes a sexual pass at Joseph?
His master’s wife.
Why was Joseph put into prison?
Because he was said having harassment with his master’s wife.
Who was put into prison with Joseph?
Pharaoh’s cupbearer and baker
Who does Joseph give credit to for helping him interpret dreams?
The cupbearer
What did Pharaoh’s dream mean?
It means that Egypt will have 7 fertile year and 7 famine
How many of Joseph’s brothers went to Egypt to buy grain the first time?
Which brother stayed behind while the others returned to get Benjamin?
Why did Joseph and his brothers eat separately from the others?
Because Joseph was thought Egyptian, Egyptian don’t eat with Hebrews, because that is detestable to Egyptian.
Whose sack contained Joseph’s silver cup?