CP - Changing Places Flashcards
How Gov policies affect character of place::
1 - Demographic charcteristics:
- China one child rule rduce pop
2 - Cultural charcterostics
- controlling immigration e.g Ger fov invites Turksih people 1960s therefore Turksih culture bceom large part of Ger culture e.g Turkish second most spoken lang
3 - Economci /social/ demo charcteritics
- Regeneration schemes:
manchester ‘Hulme city chllange partneship’ new house, park, shopping areas, arts venue, business park – increase pop, reudced uneplyment, increased quality of life
How past connections shape present character of place:
1 - New York and London been conected to eachother + other cities by sea trade routes - this helped them become more wealthy, attract more poeple, encompass wide rnagecultures (now world cities) this is further stengthned hy globalisation
How the ways places dveloped in the past affaects places charcter in present:
1 - Development natural resouces - lead to industrilisation of area due to abdunet of oil/coal reserves
2 - Industrial rveolution - large scale - urbna rual migration - indutsria cnetres today remain as large cities with high pop e.g sheefield major cnetre steel industry resulting in a high pop when those jobs were availble
3 - Deindustrilisation - cities remained high populated but less well connected due to dcreased trade (reudced flows) + economci and social decline e.g Sheefiled closure factories - derelict, mass unempyment and red pop
How Sheffiels character has been shaped by past and present connections and developments?
- Still characterised as industrial city: still steel maket, consevrtaion area to presnve historically sig roads and builidngs, new art installtions reflecy indstrila charcetr
- New connections: charcterised as studney city houses 50,000 studnets 2 unis
- New connections with high tech industries:
Mclauren atomative announce they will build a plany to build carbo fibre chassis for New vechile - City council -re-branding’ it os outdoor city - boost tourism, possibly affecting charcetr: eocnomy, flows in