CP 1- Embryology MNTS notes Flashcards
in cardiac emmbryo
what happens by the 3rsd week
the heart is already beating
in cardiac emmbryo
what happens by the 6th week
The fetus has pretty much attained a premature adult cardiac configuration
where does the heart rest?
midline structure that rests on the diaphragm at the costal margin. It angles toward the left.
It is anterior to the aorta and the vertebral column
what does the heart’s position imply?
that, during development, we need to form a
ventral pumping system and dorsal vessels during development.
what term is used to describe the position of the atria and of the ventricles?
anteroinferior ventricles and posterosuperior atria
whats the valve between the R atrium and L ventricle
tricuspid valve or right atrioventricular valve
what is the valve that leads to the lungs
what is the valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle
what is the valve that leads to the aorta
aortic valve
where is the ovum fertilized?
in the ampulla of the fallopian tube (AKA oviducts, uterine tubes, and salpinges (singular salpinx)
how long before the zygota implants? where does it implant?
4-5 days onto the endometrium
when it implants where does the zygote get its nutrients?
does this last long?
simple diffusion (secretions and O2 dissolved in fluids).
Simple diffusion
won’t work for long, so it will have to develop a method for a more direct oxygenation.
What characteristics should the developed system of exchange between the mother and embryo have?
This means that
we need a system to pump blood from mom to baby, but we also need a system to pump blood from
baby to mom so that the fetus can support its own developing circulatory system
what happens by day 6
syncitiotrophoblast invades into the endometrium and will form spaces between cells that coalesce into
trophoblastic lacunae.
how does the uteroplacental circulation form?
what does this facilitate?
-When the syncitiotrophoblast gets to the endometrial blood vessels, the
endothelial lining of the capillaries will rupture and the lacunae will fill with mom’s blood.
-Because of the small pressure gradient in the endometrium (only about 40/38), we can get enough circulation to nourish the embryo more directly with its mother’s blood.
Describe the way in which the embryo circulation allows for gas, nutrient and exchange.
Eventually, as the embryo forms its own
circulation and blood cells, the embryonic blood will come into close contact (but doesn’t mix) with
maternal blood and allow for the diffusion of oxygen, nutrients and waste across the placental barrier.
On what day would the trophoblastic lacunae fill with blood?
What is clinically significant about this?
-The trophoblastic lacunae fill with blood at about day
14, which would be the normal time for a woman to start
her next period.
-This is the reason for “spotting” and a woman might not realize she’s pregnant until her 2nd missed period 7 weeks into gestation.
-This poses a problem because important things like the heart and nervous system have already developed at this point and may be subject to alcohol and other toxins. This is apparently a bigger problem with teens and is a big reason for why doctors give “the talk” to teenagers.
what are the 2 parts of the blastocyst?
the trophoblast and the inner cell mass (ICM).
What happens on the inside while the early placenta is forming?
What happens initially?
the ICM is also developing at this time. Initially, it becomes the hypoblast, which lines the blastocoelic cavity.
What part of the ICM is excluded from the embryo proper?
What does it induce?
The hypoblast is pretty much excluded from the
embryo proper (except for a small role in early
organization of the heart), but it does induce the
cells above it to become epiblast, which do give
rise to the embryo proper.