Cozby Flashcards
what is baseline?
In a single case design, the subject’s behavior before the introduction of the experimental manipulation.
Control series design
In the interrupted time series quasi-experimental design, when there is a comparison or control group.
History effect
As a threat to internal validity, any outside event that is not a part of the manipulation that could be responsible for the results.
Instrument decay
As a threat to internal validity:
The possibility that a change in the characteristics of the measurement instrument is responsible for the results.
Interrupted time series design
A design in which effectiveness of treatment is determines by examining a series of measurements made over an extended time period both before and after the treatment is introduced. The treatment is not introduced at a random point in time.
Maturation effect
A threat to internal validity:
The possibility that any naturally occurring change within the individual is responsible for the results.
multiple baseline design
Observing behavior before and after manipulation under multiple circumstance (across different individuals, behaviors, and settings)
nonequivalent control group design
A quasi experimental design in which nonequivalent groups of subjects participate in the different experimental groups, there is no pretest.
nonequivalent control group design with a pretest
nonequivalent groups are used in this quasi experimental design, but a pretest allows assessment of equivalency and pretest-posttest changes.
One group posttest-only desgin
A quasi-experimental design that has no control group and no pretest compararson ( apoor design in terms of internal vlaidity).
One group pretest-posttest design
A quasi experimental design in which the effect of an independent variable is inferred from the pretest-posttest difference in a single group.
proram evaluation
when research is designed to evaluate programs (eg; social reforms, innovaions) and they are trying to produce a change or outcome in a target population.
Quasi-experimental design
A typerof design that approximates the control features of true experiments to infer that a given treatment did have its intended effect.
what are the different quasi-experimental designs:
- nonequivalent control group design
- nonequivalent control group design with pretest
- one group posttest-only design
- one group pretest-postest design
Reversal Design
A single case design in which the reatment is introduced after a baseline period and then withdrawn durning a second baseline period, then adding a second treatment (ABABAB) type.
selection differences
differences in the type of of subjects who make up each group in an experimental design, this situation occurs when participants elect which group they are assigned to.
single case exeriment
independent variable is assessed with only one participant
Regression toward the mean
(or statistical regression) and its the principle that extreame scores on a variable ten to be closer to the mean when a second measurement is made.
Testing effect
A threat to internal validity in whitch taking a pretest changes behavior without any effect on the independent variable
Bar graph
bars depict frequences of reponses, percetages, or means in two or more groups.
central tendency
a single number or value that describes the typical or central score among a set of scores. (finding the mean, median, and mode)
Correlation coefficient
An index of how strongly two variables are related to each other.
Descriptive statistics
Satistical measures that describe the results of a study; descriptive statistics include measures of central tendency, variability (eg; standard deviation, and correlation (ex; r)
what discribes variablility
standard deviation
effect size
the extent to which tow variables are associated. In experimental research, the magnitude of the independent variable’s impact on the dependent variable.
frequency distribution
an arrangement of set of scores from lowest to highest that indactes the number of times each score was obtained
frequency polygo
A graphic display of a frequency istribution in which the frequency of each score is plotted on the vertical axis, with the plotted pints connected by straight lines.
Interval scale
A scale of measurement in which the intervals between numbers on the scale are all equal in size.
A measure of central tendency obtained by summing scores and then dividing the sum by the number of scores.
the middle of organized scores
most frequent score in a distribution of scores
multiple correlation
a correlation between one variable and a combined set of predictor variables.
nominal scale
a sccale of measurement with two or more categories that have no numerical properities (no less than or greater than)
ordinal scale
the measurement categories are a rank order along a continuum.
partical correlation
the correlation between two varibale with the influence of a third variable statistically controlled for.
path anaylsis
a method used to develop models of possible relationships among a set of variables that were studied with the nonexerimental method.
pearson product-moment correlation coefficient
A type of correlation coefficient used with interval and ratio scale data. Provinding the strength of realtionship between two variables.