Cours Du 3/12 Flashcards
On ferait mieux de leur donner des vacances
They had better be given holidays
Me suis je bien fait comprendre
Have i made myself understood
Il regrette de vous avoir menacé
He wishes he had not threatened you
Had better + BV
If : #if i was rich today
# If i had been rich last year
Wish : #i wish i was rich today
# I wish i had been rich last year
Would rather : #i would rather you were rich today
#i would rather you had been rich last year
If : if i was rich today
If you had been rich
Wish : i wish i was rich today
I wish you had been rich
Would rather :
I would rather you were rich
i would rather you had been rich last year
On nous a fait travailler jusqu’à minuit
WE have been made to work until
Semi modaux
Need : affirmation -you need to work
Négation -i don’t need to work
-i need not work
Interrogation - do i need to repeat
- need i repeat
Ce n’est pas la peine de venir
You don’t need to accept
Il accepte afin de voir les résultats
He accepts in ordee to/ so as to see the outcome
Il accepte qu’elle soit contente.
He accepts so that she is happy
Pouvez vous nous faire travailler demain
Can you make us work tommorow
Vous nous manquez beaucoup
WE miss you very much
Il est étrange qu’elle n’ait rien dit mais il est important qu’elle soit prête
It is odd that she should not have said anything, but it is important that she should be ready
J’aurais mieux aimé qu’il ne vienne pas
I would rather he had not come