Cours 2- Channel Relationship Mana Flashcards
Channel as a
Social system
The key variables of the social channel
- the performance of the channel as a social system
- the behavior of channel protagonists that depends on different variables
Different variables
Relationship between conflict and performance
Functional conflict
Unfunctional conflict
Conflict in a single channel perspective
Useful for management
Main causes of conflict in the channel
Divergent economic goals
Behaviors perceived as not in line with role expectations
Self fulfilling prophecies
Reaction to a conflict
- exerting power : through punishment threats
- changes in inter organization relationships
- definition of resolution processes
Un balanced relationships
Univlateral, by the leader
Balanced relationships
Collaboration bo latéral
Influence that a subject is able to exert toward a third party’s behavior
Possibility to determine a change in the other marketing policies
Dimensions of power
Subjects toward whom power is exerted : relation specific
Areas where power can be exerted : issue specific
Relative strength of one party toward the other : firm specific
The déterminants of power
Power depends on degree of control that subject I has on decisional variables referred to the marketing strategy and policies of J
Degree of control depends on
Sources of power
The power that i has on j is directly proportional to the dependence of j on i
Negatively correlated with the dependence rod I on j
Related to the sources of power
Sources of power
Reward power
Coercitive power (punishment)
Reputation power (knowledge and ability)
Légitimation power : subjective characteristics or contracts
Identification power : identification, reference
Power can be used as a
Channel coordination mechanism
Socio organizational component
Marketing component
Cooperative dimension in channel relationships
Common goal : trust
Reconsidering trust as a transferable is extensible ressource
Exemple de conflits
Nike vs foot locker
There is trust only in
Risky situations