Cours 1- Set Up A Route To Mkt Strategy Channel Flashcards
Mkt process
- Analysis : swot trades
- Strategy : segmentation,targeting
- Operating marketing :4ps : product price promo place
- Control
Go to mkt strategy
Go to mkt strategy
Analysis : distribution
Implémentation : channel relationships, trade mktg
Marketing Channel
Set of interdépendant organisation that make à product available for consumption
What cost a lot
Distributing the product
Trade marketing manager
Manage the relationship between retailles and producteurs
Property principle
When u give a product to a retailer
Forbidden to impose à price
Pb for positionning
You can condition them
Part de marché :
Absolute MS
Sales of company / total sales
Performance indiciaire
Pénétration x weighted coverage
Si/TPCi = sales of i / total d’achat dans les retails
Weighted coverage
Mesuring how good we are in distribution
Pb we can have with Abolute market shake
Weighted coverage
Pb we can have with distribution
Average size
Numeric coverage
Average size
Total d’achat dans les retails / total de retails
Numeric coverage
Nombre de retail / total de conso
Average size x numeric coverage x dispersion
If the problem is the pénétration
Need to come back to implémentation strategy
Of the pb is WC
Need to come back to D. Strategy
Brand of the distributors
Quality of clients portfolio
WC/n > 1 —> good
Ben chmark
Results of the competitors
Évolution of the sells
Comparison of diff markets
To choose market
The biggest ând growing
Depth of the markt
Prefer to choose according to the total sales of the company not thé MS
The diff choices customer have
Market share
Relationship between the firmes market share and the one of its main competitors
Provides useful indications on a compétitive gap between the company and the marketing leader
Évolution in channel management
3 phase
Phase 1
Fragmentijg retail
Phase 1
Firm’s objectives
Créating value for the final customer