Coupling And Uncoupling Flashcards
Name the coupler components for the B92?
1.Electrical coupler
2.Mechanical coupler
3. Air transfer Valve (Atv)
4. Bar
5. Locating block
6. Racking bar
7. Coupler isolation Cock (CIC)
8. Self-centering device
What are the key points you should know about the B92 electrical coupler head?
- Racked Forward for Electrical coupling
- Racked Backward for Mechanical coupling
- Racking bar and Locating Block used to track coupler head back for a mechanical couple
State the coupler components for B2007?
- Electrical coupler
- Mechanical Coupler
- Air Transfer Valve (ATV)
- Bar
- Coupler isolation Cock (CIC)
- Self centering Device
- Friends and Foe sensor
- Coupler head isolation cock (CHIC)
Name the differences between coupler components of B92/B2007?
B92 - Racking bar
B92 - Locking block
B2007 - Friends & Foe sensor
B2007 - CHIC
What is the function of the Electrical coupler on the B92?
Transfers electrical circuits and
information between vehicles
What is the function of the Mechanical Coupler on the B92 & B2007?
Physically holds vehicles together
What is the function of the Air Transfer Valve (ATV) on the B92 & B2007?
Transfers air pressure between vehicles
What is the function of the Bar on the B92 & B2007?
Swing coupler assembly
Guide for non-straight track sections
What is the function of the Locating Block and Racking Bar on the B92?
Used to rack the coupler head back for the mechanical coupling
What is the function of the Coupler Isolation Cock (CIC) on the B92 & B2007?
Cuts off air supply during coupling by preventing air passing through ATV
What is the function of the Self Centering Device on the B92 & B2007?
Allows manual alignment of couplers on bends and prevents coupler from striking objects.
Name the types of fleet used for coupling and uncoupling?
B92 and B2007
How many types of coupling are there, and what are they?
There are two types of coupling, and they are electrical and mechanical
Name fleets that couple electrically?
B92 - B92
B2007 - B2007
Name fleets that couple mechanically?
B92 -B92
B2007 - B2007
B92 - B2007
What is the function of the electrical coupler on the B2007?
Default position is racked backward. It comes forward during electrical coupling
What is the function of the friends and foe sensor on B2007?
It detects mechanical coupling to B92/B2007 and prohibits electrical coupling to B92. The sensor is always live when a vehicle is Auxed on
What is the function of the Coupler Head Isolation Cock (CHIC) on B2007?
The Coupler Head Isolation Cock (CHIC) is located below the valve’s assembly
The CHIC is horizontal by default
Mechanical coupling requires the CHIC to be vertical (isolated). The isolated CHIC prevents coupler head to move forward for electrical coupling
Describe the 3-Meter Coupler Checks?
- The Electrical Couplers are positioned correctly for the type of coupling
- The Air Transfer Valve is free from obstructions, in good condition, with the rubber grommet present
- The entire Coupler Assembly must align for the coupling process
- The CIC must be in the correct position for the type of coupling
- On a B2007, the CHIC must be in the correct position for the type of coupling
What are the key points during coupler checks?
- The Electrical Coupler Head is Racked Forward by default on a B92
- The Electrical Coupler Head is Racked Backward by default On a B2007
- No changes are required in the equipment default position for the electrical coupling unless specified otherwise
- The CIC and CHIC are horizontal in position by default
What are the 3-Meter train checks?
- No targets attached
- No obstructions/scotches under wheels
- No external equipment covers missing
- Red Skirts are secured
- Red Brake indicators are not showing green
- Red tail lights are on
What are the Key points during external train checks?
Neglecting Scotches can cause derailment
Neglecting Targets can cause incidents
Describe the Electrical Coupling Procedure?
- Collect details from Control. Log and repeat
- In Emergency shunt, stop at 3m and carry out coupler/vehicle checks. Advise Controller of any issues
- Stop at 1m and check coupler alignment
- Couple vehicles correctly at no more than 3kph
- Check Tail, Head and E/S lamps at coupled end have extinguished
- Check the Air pressure illuminated
7.Clear inhibit and observe it is cleared in the other carriage
- Check electrical coupling by turning lights OFF/ON
- Check mechanical coupling by reversing slightly
- Update notebook and advise control
What are the key points in the coupling procedure?
- Coupling at a speed more than 3kph can cause damage to couplers or vehicles
- Coupling requests may involve moving vehicles from one berthing road to another via TVAs
- All couplings requests to be considered Electrical in nature unless specified otherwise
Describe the Mechanical Coupling Procedure?
- The controller will advise about the location and vehicles details. Log and repeat
- Drive in Emergency shunt, stop at 3m. Request permission to go trackside to carry out coupler/vehicle checks. Advise controller of any issues
- Prepare both couplers for mechanical coupling and reboard
- Stop at 1m and check coupler alignment
- Couple vehicles correctly at no more than 3kph
- Clear inhibit (since it is a mechanical couple only, the inhibit may not clear in the coupled vehicle)
- Confirm mechanical coupling by reversing, the coupled vehicle won’t move, but a resistance is felt
- Update notebook and advise control after successful procedure
Describe the un-coupling procedure?
- The controller will advise about the location and vehicles details. Log and repeat
- Ensure enough space around the vehicles to carry out the uncouple move and there are no personnel working around
- Board the vehicle and select Emergency shunt at the coupled end
- In Emergency shunt depress uncouple and listens for ‘clunk’ and observe Tail, Head and E/S lamps at coupled end have Illuminated
- Reverse checking vehicles come apart
- Board other carriage. Select Emergency shunt, press Uncouple and ensure Inhibit releases
- Update notebook and advise control
What Must you do if coupling or un-coupling fails on one carriage?
Attempt the procedure from the other carriage. If the issue persists, contact control for further instructions