Couples - domestic violence Flashcards
Home office definition of domestic violence:
any incident or pattern of controlling and threatening behaviour, violence of those aged 16+ who have been partners or family regardless of gender/sexuality.
Sociologist views on domestic violence:
- its to widespread/common: womens aid report show 1/6 - 1/4 of all recorded cases.
- it doesnt happen randomly: it follows certain patterns. E.g coleman et al, states women are more likely to experience intimate violence across 4 types -sexual, family, partner abuse or stalking.
- coleman and osborne, found 2 women are killed a week by partner or ex.
Dobash and dobash
Their research proves coleman’s point with their research based on police courts records examples of women being raped, killed, punched and pushed about. It is found to be started due to wife “challenging authority” of husband. E.g wife ask why hes late. They say marriage legitimises violence against women.
Gender and domestic violence
- Reports of domestic violence from women was 1.2 million women and only 800k men.
- Walby and Allen say women are more likely to be victims
- ## women are more likely to fear their partners and struggle with psychological impacts due to them being more likely to suffer severe violence and control from partner
Official stats:
- women suffer an average of 35 assault before making a report. the stats are inaccurate as domestic violence is the least reported crime.
- police are resistant to investigate domestic violence bcos they dont want to be involved in the family. They assume women can just leave if they go through abuse but this underestimates the control men can have over men.
Radical feminist to dobash and dobash finding of domestic violence:
How do they explain domestic violence:
- say Dobash and Dobash’s findings are evidence of patriarchy. They see family as oppressing women and men dominate women through domestic violence.
- they explain it as how state institution is filled with men and so police force might feel reluctant to take action
Evaluation of radical view:
Evidence to prove this evaluation:
- Elliot critises radical fems for ignoring that most men are opposed to domestic violence and not all men are aggressive.
- radicals are also fail to explain violence produced by women toward child ( child abuse ) or the husband or lesbian partners.
- failed to explain which sort of women are at more risk for domestic violence
- it is shown in england and wales that 18% of men have experienced abuse since 16.
- evidence from national statistics show its the w/c state women and youngers and those living in deprived areas etc.
Materialist explanation:
It focuses on how economic and material factors such as poor income or housing can lead to domestic violence.
- wilkinson and pickett,