Counseling & Helping Relationship Flashcards
4 key elements of a therapeutic relationship
- Human relations
- Social influence
- Skills
- Theory
Human relationship core qualities
- Empathy
- Respect
- Genuineness (rogers)
Social influences core
- Competence, power, intimacy
- Expertness, attractiveness, trustworthiness (Stanley Strong)
Skills core qualities
Communication skills attending, inquiry, reflection (Allen Ivey)
Theory core qualities
- Help understand problems
- Choose interventions that are more likely to be effective
Freud three parts of personality
Id: basic impulses,unconscious motivation, ruled by pleasure principle
Ego: reality principle, mediates between id and superego, mainly conscious
Superego: ideals and morals, preconscious level
Projections on to therapist by client
Projections of therapist on client
Neo Freudians
Placed less emphasis on the id and more emphasis on the ego.
Karen Horney: security is the main motivation anxious when not attained. Neurotic needs
Erich Fromm: join with others to develop self fulfillment and social character. Society offers opportunities for love and respect.
Harry Stack Sullivan: a social systems (interpersonal) approach. Behavior is better understood through social interactions
Other theorists: Otto Rank, Willheim Reich, Theodore Reik, Carl Jung, Alfred Adler.
Object relations theory formed from which family of theories?
Comes from Psychoanalytic concepts.
Freud used term objects to refer to a significant person or thing
What are object relations?
Interpersonal relationships that shape an individuals current interactions with people both in reality and fantasy.
4 broad stages of development in Object Relations theory
- Fusion with mother: first 3-4 weeks of life
- Symbiosis: with mother 3 to 8 months
- Separation/individuation: 4th or 5th month
- Constancy of self and object: 36 months or 3 years
Disorders that result from not successful progressing through object relations developmental stages
Attachment disorders
Borderline Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Writers in Object relations theory
Margaret Mahler (Psychological Birth of the human infant)
Heinz Kohut
Otto Kernberg
Person-centered (client-centered, Rogerian)
Reacted against directive psychoanalytic approach
Focus is more on the persons phenomenological world
Process of becoming (self actualization) and client relationship is are key
Unconditional Positive regard (Rogers)
Basic acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the person says or does.
Core facilitative conditions in person centered therapy (Rogers)
- Unconditional positive regard
- Genuineness (congruence)
- Empathic understanding
Gestalt (Frederick ̳Fritz‘ Perls)
Based on existential principles
Here and now focus
Holistic system theory view point
Goal of gestalt therapy
For individuals to become whole beings, to complete gestalts where the needs of the figure or needs in the foreground are met.
Who wrote in out of the garbage can?
Fritz perls
What type of therapy is gestalt therapy
Experiential technique