COUGH Flashcards
4 Etiologies of Cough
External Pathogenic Factors
Emotional Stress
Chronic Illness
What is a Pathogenic Factor
Something that Disturbs Qi, Blood, Fluid, Essence
Is Deficiency a Pathogenic Factor
No - you Tonify, You don’t remove
Cough, slight breathlessness, sneezing, runny nose with white discharge, aversion to cold, no fever, no sweating, HA, stiff neck, body aches
T: Thin White Coat
P: Floating Tight Pulse
Exterior Invasion of WIND COLD
TP; Release the Exterior, expel Wind, Scatter Cold, Restore the Dispersing & Descending function of Lung qi & Stop Cough
Formula fo Cough d/t Wind Cold
Ma Huang Tang
Points for Cough d/t Wind Cold
LU 7, UB 12, 13 (release exterior)
LI 4 & KI 7 = sweating
LU 6 = Xi Cleft, helps with Cough
Dry Cough with a Tickling sensation in throat, aversion to Cold, shivering, Fever, Slight Sweating, runny nose with yellow discharge, HA, body aches, sore, throat, swollen tonsils, cough
T: Slightly red on the side and/or front
P: Floating, Rapid puls
Invasion of WIND HEAT
Formula for Cough d/t Wind Heat
Sang Ju Yin
(Morus-Chrysanthemum D)
Yin Qiao San
(Lonicera-Forsythia Powder)
Points for Cough d/t Wind Heat
LU 7, UB 12, 13, LI 4, LI 11
LU 11 = Sore Throat, Tonsils
DU 14, LU 6=Xi Cleft, Cough
Dry & Ticklish Cough, Dry Itchy Sore Throat, Sore sensation in upper chest, dry lips, mouth, stuffed nose, HA
T: Red sides and/or front
P: Floating
Wind Dryness
Formula for Cough d/t Wind Dryness
Sang Xing Tang
(Morus Prunus D) = Dry Heat
Xing Su San
(Prunus-Perilla Powder) = Dry Cold
Points for Cough d/t Wind Dryness
LU 7, 9 (fluid), RN 12 (fluid), KI 6 (fluid), SP 6
Barking Cough (d/t heat/phlegm heat), Chest Pain, Fever, Breathlessness, Thirst, coughing yellow sputum, flaring of alae nasi (LU Heat)
T: Red with Yellow Coat
P: Surging Rapid
Interior LUNG HEAT
Formula for Cough d/t Interior Lung Heat
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
(Sphedra-Prunus-Gypsum-Glycyrrhize D
Shi Gao & Gypsum strongly clear heat
Points for Cough d/t Interior Lung Heat
LU 5 (cl. LU heat), LU 1, DU 14, LU 6 (cough) LI 11
Barking cough with Profuse Sticky Yellow Sputum, Fever, restless, opp. in chest
T: Red with sticky yellow coat
P: Slippery Rapid
Interior - Lung PHLEGM Heat
Formula for Cough d/t Lung Phlegm Heat
Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang
(Clearing Qi and Resolving Phlegm D.)
Xiao Xian Xiong Tang
(Minor sinking Qi of the Chest D.) = Phlegm accum. in chest
Points for Cough d/t Lung Phlegm Heat
LU 5, LU 1, St 40, RN 9,12 (phlegm), SP 6, LU 6 (cough), DU 14, LI 11, SJ 6 (heat), SP 15 (heat)
SJ6 & SP 15 Send Qi down
Repeated attacks of Cough, Profuse expectoration of white sticky sputum, worse in mornings & after eating, nausea, poor appetite, tired, heavy, loose stools
T: Pale or normal with a ticky thick white coat
P: Slippery Pulse
Excess - Damp Phlegm in Lung d/t SP & ST Yang
Chronic Deficiency
Formula for Damp Phlegm in LU d/t SP & ST Yang def.
Er Chen Tang SP Qi Def = Bai Zhu SP Yang Def = Gan Jiang Pronounced Dampness = Cang Zhu Attacks of Cough d/t frequent colds = Huang Qi
Points for Damp Phlegm in LU d/t SP & ST Yang Def.
LU 5, RN 9, 12, ST 40, SP 6, UB 20, ST 36, UB 13
Repeated attacks of a Barking Cough with Profuse expec. of Yellow or Blood Flecked purulent sputum, breathlessness, rattling sound in throat
T” Red with sticky yellow coat
P: Slippery rapid or weak-floating
Chronic Excess:
Phlegm Heat in the Lung d/t Sp Qi def.
Formula for Phlegm Heat in the Lung d/t Sp Qi Def.
Qing Jin Hua Tan Tang
Clearing Metal and Resolving Phlegm D
Points for Phlegm Heat in the Lung d/t SP Qi def.
LU 5, RN 9, 12, ST 40, SP 6, UB 20, ST 36, UB 13, DU 14, LI 11
Cough with a LOW Sound and expectoration of White Watery Dilute Sputum, poor appetite, tired
T: Pale with sticky white coat
P: Weak, Float, Slightly slippery
Chronic Excess
Phlegm Fluids d/t SP & KI Yang Deficiency
Formula for Phlegm Fluids d/tSP & KI Yang Deficiency
Ling Gan Wu Wei Jiang Xin T.
Poria Glycyrrhiza Schisandra Zingiber Asarum D
Points for Phlegm Fluids d/t SP & KI Yang Deficiency
LU 5, RN 9, 12, ST 40, SP 6, UB 20, ST 36, UB 13, DU 4 (Moxa), UB 23 (Moxa), UB 22
Sudden Bouts of Cough with a RED Face elicited by Emotional Stress (LV), PAIN on Coughing, Dry Stools, Mough
T: Red with Redder Sides, dry yellow coat
P: Wiry, Rapid
Chronic Excess
Liver Fire counter acting on the Lung
Formula for Liver Fire Counter Acting on the Lung
Qing Fei Yi Huo Pian
Clearing the Lungs and Eliminating Fire Tablet
Points for Liver Fire Counter acting on the Lung
LV 2, GB 34 (Smooth LV qi, decrease hypoc. pain)
LI 11, LU 5, LU 1, RN 17 (descend LU Qi)
GB 21 (descend Heat)
Slight Cough with Low Sound, *No phlegm, Spontaneous sweating, weak, voice, tired, pale face
T: Pale
P: Empty
*Most Chronic Cases have no phlegm, just cough
Lung Qi Deficiency d/t SP Qi Deficiency
Chronic - Deficiency
Formula for Lung Qi Deficiency d/t SP qi Deficiency
Bu Fei Tang
Tonifying the Lungs D
Points for Lung Qi Deficiency
LU 9 (source-strengthen)
UB 13, UB 43 (chronic, T. LU Yin)
RN 12, ST 36, SP 6 (nourish ST & LU)
Dry Cough in Short Bursts with a LOW Sound, no phlegm or scanty phlegm, blood flecked sputum, dry thoat, thin body, extreme tiredness
T: Red without Coat, dry, LU cracks
P: Floating-empty (very severe yin def. when push it is empty)
Lung Yin Deficiency d/t Kidney Yin Deficiency
Chronic - Deficiency
Formula for Lung Yin Deficiency d/t Kidney Yin Def.
Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang
Glehniz-Ophiopogon D
Points for LUng Yin Deficiency d/t Kidney Yin Def.
LU 9 (tonify), LU 1, LU 10, RN 12, ST 36, SP 6, LU 7, KI 6 (LU7 & KI6 open Ren, nourish LU Yin)
Dry Cough with a LOW Sound, dry throat & mouth, dry tongue
P: Floating, Empty
LU Dryness d/t ST yin Deficiency
*ST Yin Deficiency main problem because ST needs fluids
Formula for LU Dryness d/t ST Yin deficiency
Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang
(Glehniz Ophiopogon D)
Shen Mai San
(Generating the Pulse D)