Chest Painful Obstruction Syndrome (Xiong Bi) Flashcards
Etiology and Pathology
- External Pathogenic Factors
- Diet
- Emotional Problems
- Old Age
Important Pathogenic Factors in Chest Painful Obstruction
Excess Patterns: 1. Stagnation of QI/Blood *Blood Stag produces Phlegm-Blocks Circulation 2. Phlegm 3. Cold Deficiency Patterns: 1. Heart and Kidney Yin Deficiency 2. Qi & Yin Deficiency 3. Spleen & Heart Yang Deficiency (soon KI Yang deficiency comes)
PRICKING Pain in Chest which is FIXED and WORSE at NIGHT, radiates to Shoulders & Back, unprovoked SIGHING, palpitations,
T: Purple especially in the chest area
P: Deep & Choppy
Xiong Bi d/t Stagnation of Blood in the Chest
TP: Move blood, eliminate stasis, invigorate connecting channels and Stop Pain
Points for Xiong Bi d/t Stagnation of Blood in the Chest
UB 13, 14, 15, 17, Ren14, 17, PC 4, 6 ST 40, SP 10, DU 10, 11, 12 (Qi & Blood in Chest) SI 11 (moves blood in chest)
Formula for Xiong Bi d/t Stagnation of Blood in Chest
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Blood Mansion Eliminating Stasis D.
Pronounced feeling of Oppression of the Chest (more severe than pain), extending to shoulder or upper back, Breathlessness, Feeling of Heaviness in Extremities, dizzy, expec. of white sputum, Swollen body
T: Sticky White Coat P: Slippery
Xiong Bi d/t Turbid Phlegm stagnating in the Chest
TP: Invigorate Yang, Resolve Phlegm, Open the orifices
Points for Xiong Bi d/t Turbid Phlegm in the Chest
PC 6, UB 13, 14, 15, Ren 9, 12, 14, 17, ST 40, SP 6, LU 7, 9
Formula for Xiong Bi d/t Turbid Phlegm in the Chest
Gua Lou Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang
Trichosanthes-Allium-Pinellia D
Severe CRAMPING chest pain extending to the Scapula, Feeling of tightness in Chest, Palpitations, Breathlessness, Difficulty lying down, Pale complexion, COLD Limbs, Pain induced by cold & alleviated by warmth
T: Pale or Bluish Purple P: Deep Weak Tight
Xiong Bi d/t Stagnation of COLD in the Chest
TP: Warm Yang, Scatter Cold and remove obstruction
Points for Xiong Bi d/t stagnation of Cold in Chest
UB 14, 15, Ren 6, 8 Moxa, Ren 14, 17, PC 6,
DU 20 Moxa, ST 36 Moxa
Formula for Xiong Bi d/t stagnation of Cold in Chest
Gua Lou Xie Bai Bai Zhu Tang
Severe Stabbing & Pain =
Tong Mai Si Ni Tang
A feeling of Oppression and Pain in Chest, Palpitations, night Sweating, Insomnia, sore back and knees, tinnitus, dizziness, 5 palm heat
T: Red no coat, Heart Crack P: Thready, Rapid
Xiong Bi d/t Heart and Kidney Yin DEFICIENCY d/t Phlegm/def. condition
*Deficiency Pattern pain is milder
TP: Nourish Yin, Benefit Kidneys, Nourish Heart, Calm Mind, Stop Pain
Points for Xiong Bi d/t Heart and Kidney YIN Deficiency
UB 14, 23, PC^, Ren 4, 17, KI 3, 25, HT 6
Formula for Xiong Bi d/t Heart and Kidney YIN Deficiency
Zuo Gui Yin
(Restoring the Left Kidney Pill)
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
(Heavenly Emperor Tonifying the Heart Pill)
Oppression and Pain in Chest which Comes & Goes (mild pain), Palpitations, Breathlessness, Tiredness, Dislike to Speak, Pale complexion, dizziness, blurred vision - All symptoms aggravated by Overexertion
T: Red no coat P: Fine or Weak
Xiong Bi d/t QI & YIN Deficiency d/t def qi and yin of HT, LU, SP
TP Tonigy qi, nourish yin, move blood, stop pain
Points for Xiong Bi d/t Qi & Yin Deficiency
LU 9, UB 13, 15, HT 5, Ren 4, 17, PC6, ST 36,
SP 6
Formula for Xiong Bi d/t Qi & Yin Deficiency
Zhi Gan Cao Tang + Qing Jiu (Rice Wine)
Glycyrrhiza D
Oppression an Dull Pain in Chest, Palpitations, Brathlessness, Sweating, Feeling COLD, COLD Limbs, Bright pale Complexion, CYANOSIS of Lips and nails, Tiredness, poor appetite, Insomnia
T: Pale or Bluish Purple P: Deep weak
Xiong Bi d/t SPLEEN & HEART Yang Deficiency
(SP yang def leading to HT yand & KI Yang def)
TP: Tonify Qi, Warm Yang, Move Blood, Stop Pain
Points for Xiong Bi d/t Spleen & Heart Yang Deficiency
*Yang Deficiency = Qi deficiency also
UB 13, 15, 20, 23, DU 4, Ren6, 12, 14, HT 5, PC 6
ST 36, SP 6, KI 25
Formula for Xionb Bi d/t Spleen & Heart Yang Deficiency
Shen Fu Tang & You Gui Yin
Ginseng-Aconitum Dec, and Restoring the Right Kidney Dec.