Common Cold & Influenza Flashcards
Aversion to COLD, Chills (shivering), NO Fever (very beginning) or very low fever, NO Sweating (ying qi closes wei qi door), Occip. HA, Stiff Neck, Body Aches, Slight Cough, Runny Nose with white discharge
T: Thin White Coat
P: Floating TIGHT
Wind Cold
Prevalence of Cold
Defensive Qi level (Greater Yang Stage)
Aversion to COLD, shivering, no fever or very low fever, Slight SWEATING, Occip. HA, Stiff neck, body aches, slight cough, runny nose white discharge
T: Thin White Coat
P: Floating MODERATE Pulse
Prevalence of Wind (sweating main symptom)
Defensive Qi level (Greater Yang Stage)
Aversion to Cold, Shivering, FEVER, Slight Sweating, runny nose with YELLOW discharge, HA, body aches, cough, SORE THROAT, Swollen Tonsils Slight Thirst
T: Slightly red on the side and/or front
P: Floating, Rapid
Wind Heat
Defensive Qi Level (Greater Yang Stage)
Aversion to Cold, Shivering, Fever, feeling of HEAVINESS of the head and body, Nausea, Vomiting, Swollen Glands, HA, Feeling worse in the Afternoon, Feeling of oppression of the Chest & Epi,
T: Sticky Yellow Coat
P: Slippery & Floating
Wind Damp Heat
Defensive Qi Level (Greater Yang STage)
Aversion to Cold, Fever, Slight Sweat, DRYNESS of nose, mouth and throat, Dry Cough
T: Slightly red in Front (LU) & DRY
P: Floating
Wind Dry Heat
TP: Release the Exterior, Expel Wind, Scatter Cold, restore the Dispersing & Descending of Lung Qi
Wind-Cold (prevalence of Cold)
TP: Release the Exterior, expel wind cold, and Harmonize Nutritive (Ying) & Defensive Qi
Wind Cold (prevalence of Wind)
TP: Release the Exterior, Expel Wind-Heat and Restore the dispersing and descending of LUng qi
Wind Heat
TP: Release the Exterior, expel wind-heat and resolve DAMP
Wind-Damp Heat
TP: Release the Exterior, Expel Wind, restore the Descending of Lung Qi and benefit FLUIDS
Wind-dry Heat
Formula for WIND COLD
Ma Huang Tang
very heavy LU qi function-makes LU qi strong
Formula for WIND COLD-prevalence of WIND
What to add for severe Stiff Neck
Gui Zhi Tang
Strengthens Middle Burner
Helps balance Heart Rhythym-palpitations
Ge Gen for severe Stiff Neck
Formula for Wind HEAT
Yin Qiao San
Formula for Wind DAMP HEAT
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
(Agastache Upright Powder)
Huo=fragrant Xiang Zheng=Release damp
Points for Wind Cold
LU 7, LI 4, UB 12, GB 20, Du 16 (HA), UB 13 (Cough), LI 20 (releases wind), DU 23, Du 20 (Wind HA) KD 7
LI4 & KD7 = Sweating
Points for Wind Cold - Prevalence of WIND
LU7, LI4, UB12,
ST 36 = Ying & Wei Balance
UB 18 = Blood=Wing & Wei Balance
GB 20, DU 23 UB 13, LI 20, DU 10, KI 7 & LI4
Points for Wind HEAT
LI4, LI 11, SJ5 (expels wind heat) LU 11 (severe with Sore Throat)+ LU 10=sore throat UB 13 (cough), DU 14 (heat), GB 20
Points for Wind Damp Heat
LI 4, RN 13 (Damp), LI 11, SP 9 (Damp), SJ 5 (W/H), LU 11 (good for tonsils/gland problems)
Points for Wind Dry Heat
RN 12, SP6, KD 6 = Nourish Body Fluid
LU 7, LI 4, LU 11
HOARSE VOICE = REN 23, DU14, LI11, LI4, LU7, *HT5
What 4 Organs when irritated with FIRE produce PHLEGM
Formula for Wind DRY HEAT
Sang Xing Tang
Morus Prunus D.
Feeling of Heat, BARKING Cough, BREATHLESSNESS, Coughing of Yellow Sputum, Thirst, Restlessness, Sweating,
T: Red with Yellow Coat
P: Overflowing & Rapid
QI Level - Greater Yang
Barking Cough with PROFUSE amounts of Yellow Sticky Sputum, SOB, WHEEZING, Feeling of Oppression of Chest, PHLEGM in Throat, Thirst, INSOMNIA, feeling of HEAVINESS & MUZZINESS of head, Dizzy, restless
T: Red, Sticky Yellow Coat
P: Slippery Rapid
Lung PHLEGM Heat
Qi Level - Greater Yang
HIGH Fever, INTENSE Thirst, Restlessness, PROFUSE Sweating, COARSE Breathing
T: Red with Dry Yellow Coat
P: SURGING Big Pulse
(ST has more qi & blood, shows high fever on outside)
Qi Level - Greater Yang
HIGH Fever which is WORSE in the afternoon, CONSTIPATION, a Burning feeling in the ANUS, abdominal pain and fullness which is WORSE with Pressure, restlessness (heat damaging fluid), thirst, FAINT Feeling, DELIRIUM
T: Red with Very Dry Thich Yellow, Brown or Black Coating
P: Deep, Full, Rapid
*Brown or Black Tongue=Severe Heat damaging body fluids
Stomach and INTESTINE Heat
Constipation Pain Without Pressure =
Already Dry - Pain = Dry
TP for Lung HEAT
Clear Lung Heat, Prevent Injury of YIN by HEAT
TP for Lung PHLEGM Heat
Clear Lung Heat, resolve Phlegm, restore the Descending of Lung qi and prevent injury of Yin
TP for ST Heat
Clear Stomach Heat, Prevent injury of Body Fluid
TP for ST & Intesting Heat
Clear Heat in the Stomach & Large Intestine
Promote Bowel Movement
Formula for Lung Heat
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Ephedra-Prunus-Gypsum-Glycyrrhiza D
Formula for Lung Phlegm Heat
Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang
Clearing Qi & Resolving Phlegm dec.
Formula for STomach Heat
Bai Hu Tang
White Tiger Decoc.
Formula for Stomach and Intestine Heat
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang
Regulating the Stomach Conducting Qi Decoc
Points for Lung Heat
LU 10, LU 5, LU 1, DU 14, SP 6 (nourish body fluid)
Points for Lung Phlegm Heat
LU 5 (Cl. Phlegm Heat), LU 7, LU 10, LI 11, LU 1 (cl LU Heat), UB 13, RN 12 (move Qi in MB), ST 40
Points for Stomach Heat
ST 44 (cl. Heat), LI 11, DU 14
Points for Stomach and Large Intestine Heat
LI 11, LI 4, SP 15 (constipation), SJ8 (constipation), KD 6 (constipation), ST 44, ST 25 (LI), UB 25 (LI Shu)
Alternating of hot & cold, more HOT than cold, bitter taste, hypoc. pain, nausea
T: Red Yellow coat on RIGHT Side
P: Wiry & Rapid
Gall Bladder Heat
TP: Clear Gallbladder Heat & Harmonize the Lesser Yang (Shao Yang)
Formula for GB Heat
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Artemmisia Aiacea-Scutellaria Clearing the Gall Bladder D.
Points for GB Heat
SJ5, GB 41 = Harmonizes Shao Yang
DU 14, GB 43 (GB Heat), LLI 11,
UB 22-SJ, decreases dampness or phlegm
Alternating cold & hot, more Cold than hot, bitter taste, hypoc pain, no thirst, vomitng
T: White Coat on RIGHT Side
P: Wiry & Fine (thin, weak, & thready=Qi Def=Blood Def)
Lesser Yang Pattern (Shao Yang Closer to Tai Yang)
TP: Harmonize the Lesser Yang, Clear the Gall Bladder
Formula for Lesser Yang Pattern
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Minor Bupleurum Decoction
Points for Lesser Yang Pattern
SJ 5, GB 41 = Harmonize Shao Yang
DU 13 = Harmonize Shao Yang
ST 36 = Strengthen Middle Burner
*Continuous Fever which Decreases after Sweating than returns. Feeling of Heaviness of body & head, oppression of chest & epig. nausea, loose stools
T: Red with a Sticky Yellow Coat
P: Slippery & Rapid
Cont. fever caused by damp-damp holds heat in
Stomach & Spleen Damp Heat
TP: Resolve Dampness, Harmonize the Stomach, Strengthen the Spleen
Points for Stomach & Spleen Damp Heat
SP 9, SP6, Ren 12
RN 10, 13 = Descends ST Qi
ST 36, UB 20
Formula for Stomach & Spleen Damp Heat
Bai Hu jia Cang Zhu Tang
White Tiger D. plus Rhizoma Atractylodis Lanceae