Costing Flashcards
Traditional absorption costing
Budgeted overhead/ Budgeted normal activity (hours)
OAR = overhead absorption rate, one rate is used for all overheads
What is Activity Based Costing?
Splitting into cost pools (order costs) and cost drivers (number of orders)
Target Costing
Market driven approach starting with selling price and working backwards for a cost
Life cycle costing
Tracing all costs and income over the entire life cycle of a product
Throughput accounting
Used to assess performance of internal function (bottlenecks/ scarce resources)
Theory of constraints
idea that there will always be a resource or bottleneck stopping growth
Goldratt’s five focusing steps
Step 1: Identify bottleneck
Step 2: Maximise use of bottleneck
Step 3: Production schedule to determined by bottleneck
Step 4: How to overcome bottleneck
Step 5: Next bottleneck resource (always will have demand as one)
Throughput contribution
revenue minus material purchases
Throughput accounting ratio
Return per hour / cost per hour
Throughput contribution (revenue - material purchases) / conversion cost (labor + overhead)
If greater than 1, more income than cost
Rank bottlenecks and then create production plan based on TPAR
Environmental accounting
focus on decision making around environmental issues
Environmental cost classifications
Conventional - raw materials and energy
Potentially hidden - general overheads
Contingent - future costs i.e. decommissioning