Costera Book (María Dueñas) 2 Flashcards
good bearing/good appearance
el trapío
to feel ones way, to keep score
the safe-conduct, pass
el salvoconducto
to spur on, urge on (an anima) to rush, to hurry (a person) to smack to make off with, steal)
damask fabric, apricot
el damasco
the gift, present ( 2 words)
el regalo el obsequio
the match (3 words)
el fósforo, el cerillo, la cerilla
the stick, club, post, handle, mast
el palo
to go numb, to seize up
to cut off the circulation of, to tourniquet
the ballast, burden
el lastre
Kaballah (doctrine)
la cábala
the olive tree
el aceituno
the scad, horse makerel
el jurel
to deal (a blow) or to fire (a shot)
asestar (un golpe) (un tiro)
the crater
el cráter
the wedge, commercial break, bedpan
la cuña
plump/self satisfied
dried tuna, tuna jerky
la mojama
the precipice (3 words)
el precipicio el despeñadero el derrumbadero
to gut, dismember
shy, timid, self-consious
wonder, prodigy, marvel, sensation
el portento
to dekernel, tresh, shell
the lever, leveraging, influence
la palanca
apathy, indifference, lack of appetite
la desgana
the bun (hairbun), chinson, sweet bun, bow
el moño
the knack, skill, deception, swindle
la maña
impertinence, insolence, cheek (4 words)
la impertinencia el descaro la insolencia el atrevimiento
the contraption, bungling fool
el armatoste
the pillowcase, cloth cover, dustjacket
la funda
to take a shortcut
the shortcut
el atajo
the bowl, washbasin, busybody
la palangana
the stove, fireplace, burner, campfire
el fogón
the tweezers, curling iron
la tenacilla
to make a getaway
the praise/flattery (3 words)
el halago la adulación la lisonja
to praise, flatter (two words)
halagar a adular a
lewd, obscene (4 adjectives)
procaz obsceno-a indecente lascivo-a