Ciudad y Perros 2 Flashcards
the skeleton key
la llave maestra
the ups and downs, twists and turns, highs and lows
los altibajos
the setback, bump in the road
el altibajo
the skeleton key, lockpick, growbar
la ganzúa
the gambling den, dive, honky-tonk, hangout
el garito
to attach, to anchor
to grab, hold onto, cling to, linger in
to split, slit, cleave, split open, slice through
the brow, the space between the eyebrows, scowl, frown
el ceño
the wooden flooring, the platform, dais
la tarima
the hardwood floor
la tarima maciza
the roller, hair roller, hair curl, garden roller
el rulo
to strive, to endavor
stubborn, obstinate
the apathy, indifference, lack of appetite
la desgana
without an appetite, apathetic
the nut, the screw (tools)
la tuerca
to have a screw loose
tener una tuerca floja
to mention
the nape of the neck, back of the neck (two words)
el cogote / la cerviz
to dive, plunge, submerge yourself, engross yourself (2 similar words)
zambullirse / zabullirse
the dip, dive, plunge
la zambullida
the shock, electric shock, cramp
el calambre
crude, rude, uncouth, coarse
the mud, silt, mire, sludge, durt
el fango
the tail end, end piece, corporal (mil), cord, rope, cape (geography)
el cabo
the grill, grating, rack, mesh strainer, wickerwork
la rejilla
to fasten, start up, engage in,
to get tangled up, caught up, get tongue-tied
the aim, the target practice
la puntería
the meringue (dessert), the mess (cono sur), or related to Real Madrid (adj)
el merengue / merengue
the skull, brain, head
la mollera
the snitch, informer
el soplón / la soplona
the partying, bender, commotion, chaos, small Mexican guitar
la jarana
to flood, inundate
to rub, scrub
to rub your eyes
restregarse los ojos
the shock, the chill, spasm
el pasmo
the drain, sewer, sump, hotbed, basin
el sumidero
the rag, tatter, tail (of wine)
el harapo
to mess up, to dishevel, ruffle,
to go berserk, to become violent
the stagger, the sway, the wobble, the lurch
el tambaleo
to stagger, totter, teeter, wobble, lurch
unsteady, wobbling, staggering, tottering
to pack, cram, fill, crowd, fill up
packed, jammed, crammed
the report, statement (of an accident)
el atestado
the bundle, sheaf, beam, shaft
el haz
the brine (salty)
la salmuera
the ending, the closing sale, the finish, the shot (sports)
el remate