Cortical Function 1&2 Flashcards
_____________ is a pseudo-science which involves the measurement of bumps on the skull to predict mental traits
Broadmanns areas:
1, 2, 3: Primary sensory
4: motor
6: Premotor
22: Wernicke’s area
39: Read symbols
40: Articulate symbols
43: Secondary sensory (under temporal)
44, 45: Broca’s Area
Somatosensory cortex is in which areas?
Is somatosensory cortex unilateral or bilateral? What does this mean?
- L somatosensory receives the information from the Right side of the body
What are the tests you can use to check cortical function?
- 2 point discrimination
- Stereognosis
- Graphesthesia
________ is the mental perception of depth or three-dimensionality by the senses, usually in reference to the ability to perceive the form of solid objects by touch.
____________ is the ability to recognize symbols when they’re traced on the skin
What are the steps for the non-head mechanosensory pathway?
- 1st nucleus: Dorsal root ganglion → Dorsal column
- 2nd n: Gracile Nucleus (lower body) or Cuneate nucleus (upper body) → Cross over → medial lemniscus
- 3rd n: VPL of thalamus
What is the pathway for head mechanosensory?
- 1st nucleus: Trigeminal ganglion
- 2nd nucleus: Principal nucleus of CN V/Trigeminal complex → Medial lemniscus → Trigeminal lemniscus
- 3rd nucleus: VPL nucleus of Thalamus
_________ is the inability to transform language (transform = think something then say it!)
Brocas aphasia is caused by a lesion in areas _____, this results in what??
-44, 45
- inability to speak language
Is brocas aphasia caused by lesions on the right or left side?
What are some historical cases of Brocas aphasia?
-Leborgne: only say “tan”
Had a worse lesion than Lelong!
-Lelong: could only say oui, non, tois, toujours, Lelo
Wernickes aphasia is caused by lesions in area _____. What does this cause?
Area 22
- Lesion causes inability to understand words and language organization
Patients speak gibberish although rhythm and syntax are normal
Brocas aphasia is also called ___________, and Wernickes aphasia is also called ________
- Expressive aphasia
- receptive aphasia
____________ is the inability to transform sensory stimuli (NOT speech!)
What areas are agnosia associated with? How are the agnosias caused by these two areas different?
-Area 39: ability to recognize written words
- Area 40: ability to write and interpret similar words
which side are the areas located on for agnosia? Left or right?
__________ is a difficulty recognizing writing, including order and orientation of letters.
What area are lesions that cause this located in?
Areas 39,40
In dyslexia, Lesions of 39 can spillover into _____, causing symptoms of hearing and reading comprehension to occur together
Area 22
What is unilateral neglect caused by?
a parietal lobe lesion (Areas 1, 2, 3, 39, 40 are here)
Areas of parietal lobe outside of the postcentral gyrus = part of the _____________
association cortex
What does the association cortex associated with? What goes wrong in unilateral neglect?
associates stimuli/sensation with thought/object, the sensation is fine, but you can’t associate it with the thought!
____________ is the inability to recognize faces (facial recognition revealed by electrical traces in the temporal lobe__________)
- fusiform gyrus
On what side of the fusiform gyrus is facial recognition located on?? Right or left??
_________ is a Normal blind spot in the middle of the retina where the optic nerve is
Is vision loss usually bilateral or contralateral?
Usually contralateral, RARELY BILATERAL
In which case is there bilateral vision loss?
benign pituitary tumor
-Bilateral loss of vision HAS to be in the (optic chiasm, where the crossover happens)
_______________ is a broad term used to describe the damage of higher functioning processes of the brain
Prefrontal lobe syndrome
What can prefrontal lobe syndrome cause?
-Problems with executive function: memory, planning, problem solving
-Personality changes: problems controlling emotions, anger, impulsiveness, lack of control over reaction to input from limbic structures
_________ is the loss of social abilities
_________ stroke is a constriction of blood flow
_______ stroke is bleeding in the brain
___________ are branches of the middle cerebral artery that supply the area of the internal capsule
Striate arteries
Label the numbered arteries
1- anterior cerebral a
2- internal carotid a
3- middle cerebral a.
4- posterior cerebral .
5- superior cerebella a
6- basilar a.
7- anterior inferior cerebellar a
8-vertebral a
9- posterior inferior cerebellar a
What are the three brain regions that are supplied by the anterior, middle and posterior cerebellar artery ?
Anterior cerebral artery: looks like a mohawk!
Middle cerebral artery: in the middle!
Posterior cerebral artery: back/bottom of brain
What are the Certain functional areas that are associated with cerebral arteries?
Anterior: below shoulder
Middle: from shoulder up
Posterior: mostly occipital lobe
What is the FAST test?
-Facial drooping
Ask person to smile
-Arm weakness
Ask person to raise both arms
-Speech difficulties
Ask person to repeat a phrase
Time to call 911!!