Correlations Flashcards
What are two strengths of the correlational method?`
- Can be a starting point for further (experimental) research by discovering trends and patterns
- Allows research on topics that would otherwise by unethical to investigate.
What are two weaknesses of the correlational method?
- As there is (almost) no control over extraneous variable, cause and effect relationships cannot be established.
- It can take lots of time and money to gather data about participants.
What is a correlation co-efficient?
It is a number that represents the strength and direction of a relationship between two (co-) variables. It ranges from -1 to +1, with -1 being a perfect negative relationship an +1 being a perfect positive relationship.
What is a positive correlation?
It is where, as the value of one co-variables increases, the value of the other co-variable also increases, but not necessarily at the same rate.
What is a negative correlation?
It is where, as the value of one co-variable increases, the value of the other co-variable decreases, but not necessarily at the same rate.
Write an alternative one-tailed correlational hypothesis.
There will be a significant positive correlation between (co-variable) X and (co-variable) Y.
Write an alternative two-tailed correlational hypothesis.
There will be a significant correlation between (co-variable) X and (co-variable) Y.
Write a null correlational hypothesis.
There will be no significant correlation between (co-variable) X and (co-variable) Y. Any relationship will be due to chance.