Corrections - 3 Flashcards
Average age for the following milestones:
a) sit without support with a straight back
b) run
c) ride a tricycle
a) 7-8m
b) 16m-2y
c) 3y
Mx of a diaphragmatic hernia?
1) insertion of NG tube (with the aim of keeping air out of the gut)
2) intubate & ventilate in cyanosed patients
3) surgical repair
Is whooping cough a notifiable disease?
Head size in Fragile X?
Testes size in Fragile X?
Large testes (macro-orchidism)
Mx of small umbilical hernias in babies?
tend to resolve by 12 months of age –> reassurance
What heart defect is most commonly associated with Fragile X?
Mitral valve prolapse
Mx of scarlet fever?
oral penicillin V for 10 days
Is scarlet fever a notifiable disease?
What is HSP?
IgA vasculitis
The most common form of systemic vasculitis in children.
Classic 4 features of HSP?
1) rash
2) abdo pain
3) arthritis/arthralgia
4) glomerulonephritis
What do about 50% of cases of HSP follow?
URTI (mainly strep)
Describe rash in HSP
Typically symmetrically distributed, non-blanching palpable purpura, especially on the lower legs, buttocks, knees and elbows.
What joints are most affected by arthritis/arthralgia in HSP?
The knees and ankles are most often affected.
What is a common GI complication in HSP?