Corporate Policies Flashcards
Definition conflict of interest
A situation in which a person is in to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity. Even if there is no evidence of improper actions, a conflict of interest can create an appearance of inpropriety that can undermine confidence in the ability to act properly.
Examples of Conflict of Interest
- Being in a position to make a decision or influence a decision that will affect in either a positive or negative way the personal, financial or business interests of either the employee, friend, relative or associate of the employee.
- Being in a position to use info or resources, which are available solely through their employment for the purpose of financial gain either to the benefit of the employee, friend, relative or associate.
- Engaging in employment outside the corporation that interferes with the performance of their duties as a city employee or from which an economic advantage may be derived as a result of info gained from employment with the city.
- Soliciting or being offered gifts, hospitality or favours of any kind from persons doing business with the city or seeking to do business or seeking employment.
- Engaging in political activity which would bring into question the employees neutrality with respect to political issues or particular elected municipal officials.
What does not constitute a conflict of interest
A personal interest in common with all or most residents or tax payers or interest in common with all or a substancial number of employees.
Respectful Workplace
Bullying def.
Is deliberate, aggressive behaviour by a person or group that is typically repeated over time. It is intended to cause harm, fear and distress or create a negative environment for another person. Bullying includes but not limited to:
* Abuse of power
* humiliation or embarrassment
* persistent and unjustified criticism
* exclusion and/or isolation
* threats
* rumours/gossip
Respectful workplace
Discrimination def.
results from treating a person unequally, rather than treating the person fairly on the basis of individual merit. Discrimination can be either intentional or unintentional and is visually vased upon personal prejudices and steriotypical assumptions related to as least one of the protected grounds set out in the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Respectful workplace
a positive, safe and healthy workplace that results in the preservation of equal dignity and creates a culture that supports an individuals physical, emotional, social and psychological health and safety.
Respectful workplace
workplace harassment def.
- engaging in a course of vexatious comments or conduct against an employee that is known or ought reasonably to be know to be unwelcome.
- A “course” of conduct means that a pattern of behaviour or more than one incident is usually required to establish Workplace Harassment or Workplace Sexual Harassment.
- However, a single significant incident may be sufficiently offensive to be considered Workplace Harassment or Workplace Sexual Harassment.
respectful workplace
Workplace sexual harrasment def.
engaging in a course of vexatious comments or conduct against an employee because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression where the courst or comment is known or ought to be reasonably know to be unwelcome;
or making sexual solicitation or advance where the person is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement and the person ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome.
Respectful workplace
examples of harrassment
Workplace harassment and sexual harassment are not defined by intent **but rather how the behavious would be perceived. **
* Physical actions such as touching, leering, violence which reinforces stereotypes and undermines self respect
* comments such as inappropriate jokes, psychological abuse or name calling
* Displays of offensive materials or offensive email or other electronic communications including social media
* Behaviours which create an environment which is hostile or offensive or which contribute to a poisoned work environment.
* Bullying
Respectful workplace
harassment does not constitute:
- differences of opinion, interpersonal conflicts or unpleasant interactions unless they involve any behaviours described in the policy
- normal managerial functions such as the assignment of work, scheduling, approval of OT or vacation, management of performance and attendance, requests for med. documentation in support absences and the imposition of discipline, unless they involve any of the behaviours.
- Reasonable action taken by employee or management staff
Respectful workplace
employee responsibilities
- promote and contribute to a respectful workplace
- refrain from violation of the policy
- report incidents
- attend an interview and provide info/documentation to the investigator when requested
- maintain confidentiality
- cooperate fully in investigation
Respectful workplace
management responsibilities
- actively promote a respectful workplace
- set a good example
- keep a detailed written record of any violations
- address and resolve informal employee complaints by conducting and/or attempting to assist employees and as required consult with HR
- maintain confidentiality
- ensure that employees involved are aware of their responsibility to keep confidentiality
- cooperate in attempts to reach an informal resolution
- take corrective actions as required.
Standard of behaviour
- Employees are expected to behave in an ethical, professional and responsible manner at all times
- Applies on and off duty
Standard of behaviour
use of pres. drugs
Employees are required to advise EHS if prescribed a drug including medicinal cannibis which may impact their job or duties.
Standard of Behaviour
examples of unacceptable behaviour
- Failure to disclose a conflict of interest
- commission of fraud or theft in relation to city property
- discrimination, harassment or bullying in the workplace
- violence in the workplace
- excessive absenteeism or lateness
- possesion of illegal drugs, open alcohol, open cannabis
- working under the influence which may prohibit the safe or responsible performance of job duties whether medically prescribed or not
- Misrepresentation or falsification of employee record
- release of info confidential to the City
- incompetent negligent or improper conduct prejudicial to the interest of the city
- Insolence and/or subordination
- abuse of authority
Workplace Violence
- the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker in the workplace that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker
- an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker
- a statement or behaviour that it is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker
Workplace violence
management staff responsibilities
- actively promote a workplace free of violence
- understand and abide by the requirements of this policy including the employee responsibilities
- immediately respond to all complaints/incidents
- report all complaints and/or incidents
- summon immediate assistance when extreme or immenant threats occur
- communicate and review this policy with employees they supervise
- ensure employees are trained in this policy
- take corrective action to address the conduct of employees who violate this policy, including but not limited to disciplinary action, coaching/counselling, training, education or such other measures as one deemed appropriate in the circumstances
- Encourage employees to report complaints/incidents
- ensure that all employees are aware of who to contact
- consult with the directort of HR or designate prior to releassing any personal info
- provide a written response to all written recomendations from the JHSC within 21 days
- Become familiar with all aspects of the workplace violence program
Workplace violence
employee responsibilities
- promote a work environment free from workplace violence and refrain from contributing to or engaing in any acts of workplace violence
- comply with this policy
- immediately notify management staff or their HR rep of any workplace violence, whether the notigyer is the victim or not. In the case of an extrem/immenent threat contact security, corp. services dept., police
- where appropriate go to a safe location in the workplace and immediately report the incident to any management
- participate in training regarding this policy
- fully cooperate in investigations
Workplace violence
reprisal examples
Employees who engage in reprisals may be disciplined
* any act of retaliation that occurs because a person has complained or provided info about an incident
* intentionally pressuring a person to ignore or not report an incident
* intentionally pressuring a person to lie or provide less than full coop with an investigation of a complaint