Collective Agreement Flashcards
Management Function
- Maintain order, discipline and efficiency
- Hire, discharge, transfer, classify, promote, demote or otherwise discipline for just cause and member providing that the above matters may be made subject to a grievance procedure
Modified hours for training
**Fire Chief **can alter for a **1 week period with min. 60 days notice **not more than 2 times/year. Will not exceed normal hours.
Lieu Time
Never in excess of 96 hours. Excess paid on the last pay in December.
Vacation Rules
- must be taken in consecutive full week blocks using 1 or 2 credits.
- a vacation week is Monday-Sunday
- 24 hours = 1 credit
- after peak vacation (Sept. 15 on or about) vacatin may be utilized individually
- employees who cancel must cancel all time immediately before or after the desired cancellation period
Vacation Groups
- Max 10/group
- 15 groups max
- 22 off plus 1 time owing and plus 1 STI time owing
- Group 1(DC/ADC) may double book 1 position
- # of vacation groups= # of suppression staff- (DC/ADC) /10
- **(double booking) **1 person/group off puls 7 addition/shift
Hourly use of Vacation
One 24 or floating holiday in 6 hour blocks
Floating Holiday
1 floating holiday/year. Has to be used that calendar year
Grievance Procedure
- Committee consists of 3 members and shall file notice with the FIre Chief(or delegate), city manager and concil annually.
- Grievances are submitted to the corp. within 10 days (Sat. and Sun. included) of the origin date of the grievance.
Grievance procedure stages (1-5)
- employee may take matter orally with officer in charge of shift (PC) and with failing a settlement within **48 hours **may;
- Orally with the Fire Chief (or designate) and failing settlement within **48 hours **may;
- Appeal to the grievance committee. If there is just cause that proceeds as follows:
- Grievance commitee and Employee in writing to the Fire Chief who replies in writing and failing settlement in** 48hours;**
- Grievance committee and employee to council** within 14 days following stage 4 decision. Written statement and decisions of preceding stages shall be tabled in 21 days. Failing settlement in 3 days shall be referred to arbitration by written notice given withi7 additional days**.
- Employees may request a union rep.
- All employees must be given a copy of any notation or letter in their file
- Employees can view their personal file
- Disciplinary notes removed after 24 months with no other notes placed in the file. Exception is discipline under the OHSA. These notes will never be removed from the employees personnal file.
Sick Leave
- **18 hours/month **accrued
- No sick accumulation on STD or LTD
- Will accrue on WSIB or sick time
- Deducted on and hourly basis
- Sick leave accumulation can be used after 6 months of employment.
- If sick time exceeds accumulated credits employee will have the right to draw upon any overtime or vacation credits
- Upon exhaustion of sick credits and any other credits they shall be place on a leave of absence for 1 year. During this time no accumulation of seniority or vacation.. City will no pay dues, bond payments or pension contributions. City will pay employees portion of hospital and medical plan premiums of the life insurance coverage.
- Mat/Pat. leave are not sick time
- WSIB is not sick credits
- The corp. has the right, with just cause to ask for a physicians note. The requiered note will be reimbursed.
* 75% of salary before deductions up to $9300/month.
* Payment will commence 6 months after the disablility occurs
* May use sick credits before LTD
* Payments continue until retirement or recovery
* No accumulation of sick credits
* 100% covered by city
- must complete 3 months of service
- Equals to** 66 2/3 %** of normal income up to the max payable by canadian EI
- **15 weeks **max duration
- Will be payable after no more than 14 days of injury/illness
- No accumulation of sick leave credits
Physician note
- No longer automatically required. PC or Division Chief( or in absence a senior officer) will contact employee and offer the choice of a Dr.’s note or signed declaration.
However, if absent 2 or more occasions/calendar year under the folowing conditions a note is required:
1. absence id’ as a pattern
2. absence prior/following vacation, floater, duty exchange, time owing
3. absence on a stat holiday or scheduled duty exchange
4. absence on a date requested that was denied
5. absence following a work place issue discussion
Failure to call in sick without adequate notice
- Failure to call in without adequate notice** ( 90 mins prior to shift)** may result in a no show, loss of pay and discipline
Attendance Level 1
- trends higher than the previous year’s average.
- you will receive an Attendance Notification Form. Form lists dates of absences and hours that contributed to the issue/pattern
- If improved in the next 6 months, the letter in removed. If not then level 2
Attendance Level 2
(formal meeting and letter 1)
Meeting Purpose:
* id concerns with the attendance and verify dates
* explain the impact of absences on work ops
* id expectations
* provide an opportunity to discuss reason for absence
* id resources for assistance
* id specific course of action
* Notify if pattern continues they move to Level 3
* If it improve in the next 6 months they drop a level
* provide an opportunity for the employer to ask for accomodation and see if PC, Divisional Chief require consultation with appropriate resources - EHS, HR, EAP
* May ask for a union rep.
Level 3
(formal meeting 2/letter 2)
* Id that the absence is unacceptable
* provide an opportunity for employee to discuss reason
* formal referral to employee health services
* id expectations for satisfactory improvement
* id resources for assistance
* a requirement to contact PC for every abscence
* id a specific course of action and consequences if not followed
* notify that if the pattern continues they go to the next level
* no improvement in 6 months- level 4
* Impovement in 6 months- drop a level
* if accomodation requested, PC will consult the appropriate resources (EHS, HR, EAP)
* can have a union rep.
Level 4
(Formal meeting 3/letter 3)
* Id that the absence is unacceptable
* provide an opportunity for employee to discuss reason
* formal referral to employee health services
* id expectations for satisfactory improvement
* id resources for assistance
* a requirement to contact PC for every absence
* id a specific course of action and consequences if not followed
* notify that if the pattern continues they go to the next level
* no improvement in 6 months- level 4
* Improvement in 6 months- drop a level
* if accommodation requested, PC will consult the appropriate resources (EHS, HR, EAP)
* can have a union rep.
Level 5
(Formal meetiing 4/ letter 4)
- The purpose of the meeting is to re-state again all the points from meetings 1, 2 and 3 clearly state expectations and consequences including termination.
- EHS will review all medical documentation provided to them during the preceding 6 months to confirm if there may be any accommodation issues which have not been addressed.
- employee is provided with a 3 month period and if there is not a satisfactory improvement, appropriate action will be taken.
Attendance Management exemption
- The Association will bring to the attention of the Fire Chief an
employee who may require an exemption from the Attendance Management Program - If an exemption is granted, a note to file will be made by the Fire Chief with a copy to the