coronary vasculature Flashcards
What are the major ateries of the heart?
Right coronary artery
left coronary artery
Where does the right coronary artery arise?
sinus of the right aortic valve leaf
From where does the left coronary artery arise?
sinus of the left aortic leaf
What are the branches of the right coronary artery?
SA nodal branch
marginal branch
posterior intervetricular artery (posterior descending artery)
AV nodal artery
Where does the SA node branch normally branch from?
right coronary artery
sometime from circumflex A
What is the course of the Right marginal branch?
inferior margin of the heart supplying the right ventricle
What is the course of Posterior IV artery?
posterior and inferior surface of IV sulcus
supplies 25% of IV septum parts of right and left ventricle
What is the course of AV nodal artery?
can rise from either R. coronary (most common) or the circumflex artery projects superiorly toward the inter ventricular sulcus
What are the branches of the left coronary artery?
Anterior IV artery (left anterior descending branch)
circumflex artery
marginal artery
What is the course of the anterior IV artery?
largest artery of the heart; supplies ~ 75% if interventricular septum, including conducting system contained within and large portions of the right and left ventricles. Includes a named diaganol branch (left anterior descending artery).
What is the course of the left marginal artery?
large artery supplying the edge of the left ventricle. May arise from the anterior ventricular a., circumflex a., or directly from the left coronary a.
What is the left dominate pattern?
pattern (less common) — right coronary a. is small, circumflex a. is large. In this pattern, the posterior interventricular area is supplied by the circumflex a. rather then the coronary a.
What are the coronary veins?
Great cardiac Middle cardiac vein Small cardiac vein Coronary sinus Anterior cardiac vv.
What separates the atria from the ventricles?
coronary sulcus
what is the course of the Great cardiac vein?
also called the anterior inter ventricular vein
starts at the apex runs in the inter ventricular groove turns left to the coronary sulcus turns into coronary sinus
associated with LAD artery
What is the course of the middle cardiac vein?
also known as the posterior interventricular ascends posterior inter ventricular groove to coronary sinus
associated with the PDA
What is the course of the small cardiac vein?
found between the right atrium and right ventricle below coronary sulcus. goes to the right and meets the coronary sinus
What is the course of the posterior cardiac vein?
found to the left of middle cardiac vein. joins great cardiac vein or enters coronary sinus directly
What is the course of he coronary sinus?
continuation of the great cardiac vein, starts under the left atrium in the coronary sulcus enters right atrium into SVC
what is the course of the anterior veins of right ventricle (anterior veins)?
start on the surface of the right ventricle crosses the coronary sulcus into right atrium wall. drains right ventricle
What are the venue cordis minimae?
veins of thebesius AKA drain directly into the right atrium and right ventricle
Where does the right atrium receive blood from?
SVC IVC coronary sinus anterior cardiac veins veins of thebesius (venue cordis minimae)