Coronary Artery Disease Flashcards
Non-modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis
- Age
- Family history
- Male
Modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis
- hypertension
- dyslipidemia
- smoking
- diabetes
- physical inactivity
Chest pain
Pale appearance
How to identify sings and examples
Are visible
pallor and diaphonesis
How to identify symptoms and examples
what a patient reports
angina and dyspepsia
Normal blood pressure
Systolic less than 120 mmHg - 129 mmHg
Diastolic less than 80mmHg
BP for hypertension stage 1
Systolic 130- 139 mmHg
Diastolic 80-89 mmHg
BP for hypertension stage 2
Systolic 140 mmHg or more
Diastolic 90mmHg or more
BP for hypertension crisis
Systolic higher than 180 mmHg
Diastolic higher than 120 mmHg
Treatments for atherosclerosis
- Angioplasty (PCTA)
- Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
PCTA description
inserting a mesh to push the plaque so blood can pass eassier
CABG description
Connecting with a vein (taken from other part), from before the blockage and after the blockage so blood can pass through, is an open heart surgery
P wave
Atrial depolarisation
3 small boxes
PR interval
Conduction time through atria and AV junction for the beginning of ventricular depolarisation
(3-5 small boxes)
QRS complex
Ventricular depolarisation
2-3 small boxes
ST segment
Beginning of ventricular repolarisation
T wave
Repolarisation of ventricles
( + ) deflection, usually horizontal
QT interval
Total ventricular activation and recovery time
9-11 small boxes
6 limb leads (frontal or coronal)
I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF
6 pre-cordial/chest leads (horizontal or transverse)
V1 - V6
Myocardial Ischaemia
- Restriction of blood flow In 1 or more coronary arteries
- Usually during exercise
- Reversible
Myocardial infarction
- Coronary occlusion
- Accute thrombus
- Irriversible
How to identify a myocardial infarction ECG
- ST segment elevates and T wave peaks
- ST segment and T wave se fusionan; then it returns to normal but T wave may invent
- New Q wave appearst in hrs. or days = INFARCT
3 main coronary arteries
- Righ Coronary Artery (posterior and inferior wall)
- Left Anterior Descending Artery (septum and anterior wall)
- . Left circumflex Artery (lateral wall of left ventricle)
Non-modifiable risk factors of hypertension
- family history
- old age
Modifiable risk factors of hypertension
- lifestyle e.g. obesity
- latrogenic e.g. drug use
Normal BP 7-11 yrs.
Systolic 100 mmHg
Diastolic 60mmHg
Consequences of raised arterial pressure
- Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (aumento y endurecimiento del músculo)
- Atherosclerosis
- Arterial wall thickening
- Renal vesseI hsalinization (intimal thickening, acumulación de proteinas que engruesan el tejido)
- Direct vessel trauma