Cornea And Layers Flashcards
What’s the nerve supply of cornea
Trigeminal’s - opthalmic branch’s— nasociliary branch
Corneal anaesthesia causes ( corneal reflex absent)
HDL ACTS Herpes Diabetes Leprosy Acoustic neuroma Contact lense Topical timolol Surgical trauma
Layers of eye
Outer- cornea, sclera, limbus
Middle(aka uvea)-iris,ciliary body, choroid
Inner- retina
Corneal reflex pathway
Afferent—sensory NV 5
Efferent— motor 7th NV to orbicularis oculi
Orbicularis oculi is the muscle of eyelids
*Bell’s palsy-orbicularis oculi palsy- inability to blink —lagopthalmus
Layers of cornea
6 layers Epithelium Bowmans Stroma Duas Descemets Endothelium
Corneal transparency is maintained B y
Tear film
Collagen fibres in stroma have uniform diameter
Corneal dehydration maintained by endothelium
Normal intraocular pressure
Crystallins in corneal stroma reduce teh backscatter of light
Microcornea is a
Autosomal dominant ul/bl condition
Horizontal corneal diameter is <10mm or lessover 2 years of age
Saved ques 1 module
Organisms capable of penetrating intact cornea ( penetrates cornea without presence of ulceration)
Cornybacterium dipthriae
Nessaria meningitidis
Corneal investigations
Keratometry- measure corneal curvature, diagnose astigmatism, contact lens curvature fitting, diagnose keratoconus
Measure corneal thickness(0.54mm)
In case of LASIK
IOP Measurement
Corneal surface
Bacterial keratitis causes
Staph aureus (mcc)
Staph aureus mcc
Pneumococcus in india mcc (ulcer serpens)
Psudomonas in contact lens wearers ( pseudomonas can cause corneal perforation in just 48 hrs)
Atypical mycobacterium mcc in prior LASIK surgery
Nocardia cause wreth shaped ulcers
Or pin head ulcers
Mc fungi aspergillus
Treatment of corneal ulcer
Fortified antibiotics
- Fortified cefazolin and fortified tobramycin (5%)
- Atropine eyedrops
- steroids are c/i as they promote epithelial thinning
- In case of impending perforation use doxycyclin
In fungal corneal ulcer hypopion is immobile and asterile
satellite lesion( more signs than symptoms)
Natamycin 5% eyedrops( natamycin is the DOC for filamentous fungi)
Amphotericin B
Acanthamoeba keratitis ( contact lens + contaminated water—- more symptoms than signs)
Doc PHMB ( polyhexamethyl biguanide)
Viral keratitis — hsv( dendritic ulcer on fluorescent staining)
3% acyclovir eye ointment
Characteristics of fungal corneal ulcer
Caused by trauma with vegetative or organic matter
Signs are more pronounced than symptoms
Corneal ulcer appears dry
Feathery finger like extension present
Sterile, immune ring ( yellow line of demarcation) may be present( presence of immune ring is type 3 hypersensitivity reaction)
Small satellite lesions maybe present around ulcer
A big nonsterile hypopion
Perforation in mycotic ulcer is rare but can occour
Mcc is aspergillus
Pigmented ulcer maybe caused by some species of fungi
Ocular lesions in heroes
Primary herpes- fine and coarse epithelial punctate keratitis
Dendritic ulcer
Recurrent herpes - punctate epithelial keratitis, dendritic ulcer, geographical ulcer, disciform keratitis, diffuse stromal necrotic keratitis
Hutchinsons rule
Related to herpes zoster opthalmicus. It states that if the tip of nose is involved there will be significant risk of ocular involvement. This is due to involvement of nasociliary nerve
Horiz dia <10 mm or <9mm in newborn
Horiz dia >12 mm or >13 mm in >2 yr old