Cornea Flashcards
Layers of cornea having regenerative capacity
Layers of cornea not having regenerative capacity
Strongest layer of cornea
Most common collagen in
1) sclera
2) cornea
3) vitreous
Epithelium, Descemet’s memb
Bowman’s memb, Stroma, Endothelium
Descemet’s memb or Dua layer
1) I
2) I
3) II
Study of corneal
Keratoscopy (placido disc)
Specular microscopy
Which type of corneal ulcer
1) has ring ulcer
2) has sterile hypopyon
3) has immune ring
4) saucer shaped
5) satellite lesions
6) decreased corneal sensation
7) feathery margin
1) Acanthomeba
2) bacterial corneal ulcer esp Pneumococcal
3) Fungal corneal ulcer ( weesly ring)
4) Bacterial corneal ulcer
5) Fungal corneal ulcer
6) Herpes simplex
7) Fungal ulcer
Which type of corneal ulcer
1) ulcer serpens
2) punctate keratopathy
3) dendritic ulcer
4) acute retinal necrosis
5) stromal abscess
6) pseudo dendritic ulcer
7) patchy stromal infiltrate
1) bacterial corneal ulcer especially pneumococcal
2) herpes zoster
3) herpes simplex
4) herpes zoster
5) acanthamoeba
6) herpes zoster, acanthamoeba
7) acanthamoeba
Which type of corneal ulcer
1) geographical ulcer
2) stromal necrotic ulcer
3) disciform ulcer
4) associated with iritis/uveitis/ optic neuritis ophthalmoplegia /encephalitis/ meningitis/ hemiplegia
5) metaherpetic/ atrophic ulcer
6) unsterile hypopyon
1) herpes simplex
2) herpes simplex
3) herpes simplex
4) herpes zoster
5) breakdown of previous viral scar
6) fungal corneal ulcer
Nerve implicated in hutchinson’s rule
Most prominent feature of
1) bacterial corneal ulcer
2) fungal corneal ulcer
3) viral corneal ulcer
4) acanthamoeba corneal ulcer
Nasociliary nerve
1) Pain
2) signs more than symptoms
3) decreased corneal sensation
4) excruciating pain
Most common cause of
1) fungal corneal ulcer
2) corneal ulcer in contact lens users
Bacteria that can invade intact cornea
1) aspergillus
2) pseudomonas> acanthamoeba
Haemophilus influenzae
Nisseria meningitidis and gonorrhea
Cornebacterium diptherae
Cogan syndrome
Triad of congenital syphilis
Triad of congenital rubella
Appearance of cornea in interstitial keratitis
Interstitial keratitis+ deafness
INH interstitial keratitis (Salmon patch & ghost vessel appearance) + SNHL + Hutchinson's teeth
Congenital cataract+ heart disease (PDA) + SNHL
Ground glass
Corneal dystrophy vs degeneration
Dystrophy. Degeneration
Hereditary. Acquired
B/L. B/L or U/L or symm or asymm
Not ass with ass with systemic d/s
Systemic d/s
Examples of
Anterior corneal dystrophies
Stromal corneal dystrophies
Posterior corneal dystrophies
Epithelial- cogans, Messman
Bowman’s memb- Reis buckler, Theil Bhenke
Stromal- Macular, Mucopolysaccharides, Alcain blue Granular, Hyaline, Masson trichome Lattice- Amyloid, Congo red Avellino- granular + lattice
Posterior (endothelial)
Fuchs endothelial dystrophy
Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy
Posterior polymorphus dystrophy
Most common corneal dystrophy
Least common corneal dystrophy
Most common corneal dystrophy requiring corneal transplantation
Feature of cogans distrophy
Features of Fuchs endothelial dystrophy
Map dot / Thumb print dystrophy
Corneal edema, bullous keratopathy, more in morning after waking up,
Examples of corneal degeneration
Arcus senilis
Arcus juvenilis
Band shaped keratopathy
Corneal dallen
Band shaped keratopathy
Which mineral deposit
At which layer of cornea deposited
Bowman’s memb
Epithelial debridement and chelation with EDTA
1) number of eyes involved
2) size of eyeball
3) curvature of cornea
4) refractive errors
5) finding in retinoscopy
6) finding in distant direct ophthalmoscopy
7) finding in applanation tonometry
8) stretch marks?, direction?
9) clinical sign
10) mineral deposited
11) acute complication
1) B/L
2) increase
3) increase
4) myopia, irregular astigmatism
5) scissoring reflex/yawning reflex
6) oil droplet reflex
7) pulsatile mires
8) Vogt stria, vertical
9) Munsen sign, Fleisher ring
10) Fe
11) Corneal hydrops, painful, rupture of endothelium