Corn Flashcards
Corn Latin name
Zea mays L.
Native to
Mexico / Central America
domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico 10,000 years ago
annual production
1148 million tonnes in 2019.
30% in USA, 23% in China.
Corn is a minor crop in Canada (13 million tonnes). Canada imports significant quantities of corn.
Primary global uses
primarily as human food in Central and South America, India, and Africa.
Primarily a feed grain in Europe.
Uses in USA
40% fuel alcohol and distillery
35% feed
10% exports
10% edible products
Corn Kernel
Naked Caryopsis
Very Large Kernel (10x wheat)
Very large embryo (germ).
Corn Bran
makes up 6% of kernel (compared to 15% in wheat)
Coloured corn variants
coloured variants have pigmented aleurone and pericarp. yellow corn has carotene in the starchy endosperm.
Corn constituents
Bran - 15%
Starchy Endosperm - 82%
Embryo - 12% (contains 35% of the seed oil)
Corn protein and oil
9-10% protein
6% high linoleic acid oil
Storage protein in corn
Prolamin (Zein)
deficient in lysine, threonine, tryptophan.
Corn Market Class depends on what?
Market Classes are based primarily on starchy endosperm structure/composition. It is based on the proportion and location of soft and hard endosperm. Also distinguishable based on colour.
Therefore, corn market class is based on the basis of colour, and starch type.
Market Classes
Dent (waxy, high amylose, flour, & sweet corn).
Flint (popcorn).
Soft Endosperm
Opaque and floury.
Called Starchy Endosperm
Usually in the middle of kernel.
Hard Endosperm
Transluscent and rough.
Called Horny Endosperm.
Usually on the periphery of kernel.
Dent Corn
contains a hard endosperm on two sides of the kernel with a central core of soft endosperm in the middle of the hard endosperm.
variants of dent corn are waxy corn, high amylose corn, flour corn, and sweet corn.
waxy corn
a variant of dent corn.
Starch is almost exclusively amylopectin
high amylose corn
a variant of dent corn.
50-70% amylose in starch (Amylomaize starch)