CoreConcepts Flashcards
How is GFR affected by age?
Decreases by 1-2% per year over 25
Major diagnostic criteria for Fat embolism?
Axillary/subconjunctival petechiae
CNS depression
Pulmonary Edema
What causes painless vaginal bleeding in the second and third trimester?
Placenta Previa
What is the treatment for Diabetes Insipidus?
- this is a condition where there is not enough ADH resulting in polyuria
What is the normal A-a Gradient based on age?
A-a gradient increases in the elderly
- This formula gives and estimate (Age + 4)/4
Half Life is directly proportional to?
Volume of distribution (Vd)
- Inversely to clearance
What is second degree AV block Type II closely associated with?
MI and can progress to a Complete heart block (3rd degree AV block)
What hemodynamic changes are usually seen with Liver Failure?
Inc. CO (Hyper-dynamic state) Low SBP (90-110) low PaO2 (<60mmHg) High Pulse Rates (90-100bpm) Low SVR
What is the incidence of drug diversion in CRNA’s?
~ 10% (9-12)
What is the L/PSI of the O2 cylinder
660 L / 1900 PSI
What is the Flow rate and PSI of the O2 flush valve
Flow 35-75 L/min
60 PSI
Difficult airway management and intubation is associated with what congenital conditions?
Treacher-collins (mandibular facial dystosis) Pierre Robins (micrognathia & Glossoptosis) Klippel Fleil (Cervical fusion and immobility)
List the phases of the capnograph and what they correlate with?
Phase I: Represents FGF from machine
Phase II: CO2 rich alveolar gas (deadspace)
Phase III: Expiration of gases form low V/Q areas
Phase IV: Inspiration
What is a common postoperative complication following carotid surgery?
HTN due to alterations in the carotid sinus baroreceptors
- Also CVA and MI
What is the target temperature for circulatory arrest in patients undergoing ascending aortic aneurysm repair?
15-22 degrees C for up to 25 min
What is the primary cause of morbidity in patients with PIH?
Intracerebral hemorrhage
How much volume is added to circulation during labor from uterine contraction?
300-500 mL
When is maternal CO the highest?
Immediately after delivery
What medication can be used to DECREASE bowel motility during abdominal surgery
Anticholinergics such as glycopyrolate
What VAA produce CO in desiccated soda lime?
Des > Iso»_space;»> Sevo
What are the CV effects of abdominal insufflation
Increased SVR Atelectasis Intrapulmonary shunting Decreased Venous return Decreased CO Decreased FRC
How do we dose NMBs in burn patients?
Increased dose do to present of exntrajunctional receptors
What lung volumes INCREASE in the elderly patient?
Closing capacity
Residual Volume
What Lung volumes DECREASE in the elderly patient
Vital Capacity
Total Lung Capacity
Drugs to avoid in patients on MAOi’s
Meperidine > Ephedrine (indirect)
- may result in hyperthermia, seizures, and coma
What test is the best indicator of GFR?
Creatinine clearance
What is the average blood loss for tonsillectomy?
4 mL/kg
Transient blinding after a TURP is due to?
Glycine irrigation
What is the normal FRC in an adult?
What is the normal Vital Capacity in an adult?
What is the normal TLC in an adult?
What is the normal RV in an adult?
What is the normal ERV in an adult?
What is the most common viral disease from blood transfusion?
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
How to calculate EBV for adults?
70 mL/kg Female
75 mL/kg male
What cells produce surfactant
Type II pneumocytes
What factors are decreased in stored blood
2,3- DPG
Factor V and VIII
What makes chronic regional pain syndrome type II different?
Acute onset and follows a nerve injury
What is the most important factor in determining spread of LA that is injected into the subarachnoid space?
What effect does an ETT have on deadspace?
Deceases deadspace by 50%
What effect does hypercarbia have on CBF
increases CBF through cerebral vasodilation
What are the conditions associated with Tets Of Fallot?
Overriding aorta
VSD (most important)
Pulmonic stenosis
RT Ventricular Hypertrophy
List the pediatric cervical spine anomalies.
“Kids Try Gold”
Klippel Fleil
Trisomy 21
Anomalies with small underdeveloped chin?
"Please Get That Chin" Pierre Robin Goldenhar Treacher Collins Cri Du Chat
Anomalies with big tongues
“Big Tongues”
Trisomy 21
What causes initial closure of the PDA?
A rise in arterial O2 concentration
Commonly used test that are used to determine causation in malpractice cases?
“but for” test
Substantial factor test
What signs are consistent with cardiogenic shock?
Increased PAOP (LV failure)
Low CI
Increased SVR
Venous congestion
NIOSH recommendations for exposure to VAA
VAA alone <2ppm
VAA + N2O: VAA <0.5ppm N2O<25ppm
The most commonly injured nerve of the lower extremity
The common peroneal nerve
- Foot drop
- loss of sensation of the dorsal aspect of the foot
- inability to evert foot
Landmarks for popliteal block
Medial: Semimembranous ligament
Lateral: Biceps femoris
Base: crest of the posterior fossa
(Insert needs 7-10 cm above skin crease)
Insulin release can be stimulated via
Directly by glucose
Beta- stimulation (terbutaline…)
Alpha blockade (Phenoxybenzamine/phentolamine)
vagal stimulation
What is theophylline?
PDE inhibitor that causes bronchodilation d/t decrease in increase in cAMP in lungs
Drugs that induce CYP450 system?
Ethanol, Barbs, ketamine, and benzos
formula for ETT tube depth
12 + age/2
or 3x ett size
Best drug for PONV in Parkinson’s patients
Classify fetal heart rate variability
Minimal: < 5 BPM
Moderate: 5-25 BPM
Marked: >25 BPM
What are the most common cardiac abnormalities seen in Trisomy 21?
- Endocardial cushion defect (AV canal)
What correlates with the dicrotic notch On the arterial waveform?
Closure of Aortic valve
- Highest flow to left coronary occurs at this time
What cranial nerves are involved in the occulocardiac reflex?
Five and Dime reflex
- Trigeminal CN V: afferent
- Vagus CN X: efferent
Landmarks for median nerve block of the wrist?
Flexor carpi radialis
Palmaris Longus tendon
Proximal crease of the wrist
What is the dB for Alarms
20 dB
What positions reduce VC?
Lithotomy (largest decrease), Reverse T-Burg, Supine, Prone
VAA that causes the greatest degree of myocardial depression
Sevo > Des
Iso/N2O does not cause depression in CO
The latent phase of labor is associated with
cervical effacement but minimal dilation
Common electrolyte abnormality after liver is removed during liver transplant
Hypocalcemia d/t citrate in transfused blood not being metabolized
The laryngeal inlet is closed by which muscles
Aryepiglottic muscle (opened by thyrepiglottic)
How much N20 is in an E-Cylinder>
1590L (at 745 psi)
CV manifestations of TURP syndrome?
(result of hypervolemia)
NMB with high renal excretion
Pancuronium (>90%)
How is FRC affected by pregnancy
It is decreased by 20%
Why is succinylcholine dose increased in neonates and infants?
rapid redistribution into increase ECF volume
- increase dose up to 2x
Safest method to secure airway with ludwigs angina
(a septic cellulitis of the submandibular region)
- Awake tracheostomy
What is the SVP of the VAA
Des 669
Iso 238 (240)
Sevo 157
Treatment of vasoplegic episodes in patients on ACE inhibitors that does not respond to conventional treatment?
Methylene Blue (2mg/kg) Vasopressin
Variables measured in APGAR scoring
Heart rate Respitrations Muscle Tone Reflex Irritability Color
Where is the U wave located on the EKG and what does it signify
U wave present on the Wave
Diplopia during PDPH is the result of
Post dural puncture headache
Traction on CN VI (Abducens n.)
What is the most common permanent airway injury from ET intubation?
Dental damage
temporary is soar throat and dysphagia
How to measure the QT interval
Beginning of QRS to end of T
What is echothiophate?
An Irreversible cholinesterase inhibitor (Glaucoma)
- Prolongs DOA of succ (use with caution)
What are some facts of Lamert-Eaton syndrome?
- Ascending muscle weakness that improves with effort
- weakness may involve respiratory muscles
- Less response to anti cholinesterase agents
What is the most common cause of hypotension in PACU?
Order of systemic absorption of LA by injection site
Intercostal > Caudal > Epidural > Brachial plexus > Sciatic/Femoral > Sub Q
What PONV medication can prolong Succ DOA
Metoclopramide due to inhibition of plasma cholinesterase activity
Indicates increased risk of gastric aspiration
pH <2.5
gastric volume >25 mL
How does CO2 rise during Apnea?
6 mmHg during 1st min
3-4 mmHg for each minute after
What effect do Burn injuries have on anesthetic technique
NO succ after 24 hours
Higher dose of NMBs
MOA of sulfonylureas
stimulate the release of insulin from the pancreases
What is the normal CI?
2.5- 4.2
What is the most significant source of heat loss in the OR?
Radiation (60%) > Evaporation > Convection > Conduction
What is the most sensitive method assessing the adequacy of cerebral perfusion in the anesthetized patient?
EEG monitoring
What can cause falsely elevated values with the thermodilution method for measuring CO?
Pulmonic Insufficiency
O2 consumption is increase by ______ with shivering
up to 200%
Risk factors for PIH
primigravida (nulliparity): most significant Extremes of ages Multiple Births (twins) Pre pregnancy HTN DM Renal Dz Asthma Autoimmune disease
Common cause of decrease plasma cholinesterase activity?
Also: alcoholism, obesity, thrombotoxicosis, ECT….
Cauda Equina syndrome is associated with?
5% lidocaine
Micropore spinal catheters
The maldistribution of LA
The only LA approved for IV regional Block
0.5% Lidocaine
What facilitated closure of PDA
High FiO2
Drugs that can be administered wit ETT during neonatal resuscitation?
"LANE" Lido Atropine Nolaxone Epinephrine
What is the most common finding in hyperparathyroid patients with hypercalcemia?
What current applied directly to the myocardium can induce fibrillation?
100 microamps (microshock)
What generations of the respiratory system have the respiratory bronchioles?
Side effects from hemabate (Carboprost)
Bronchoconstriction, HTN, Pulmonary vasoconstriction
What are some mixed opioid agonist-antagonist?
What is the minimum oxygen concentration at the CGO?
What are some signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia?
Nervousness Diaphoresis mydriasis tachycardia HTN
What is the largest constituent of soda lime?
Calcium hydroxide
Ideal Gas law
1 mole of gas at STP (0 degree C and 1 atm) occupies 22.4 L
STP = standard temp and pressure
How to reduce heat loss in the OR
HME filter (Evaporation)
Warm OR table (Conductive)
Warm Hot Air (Convection)
What is the EBL for TURP
3-5 mL/min (usually 200-300 mL)
What is the formula for Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
MAP - ICP or CVP (whichever is greater)
How does 25% albumin affect plasma volume
Every 100mL increases plasma volume by 400 mL
What is the free water deficit formula?
[(Na/140)-1] x (kg x 0.6)
Spectrometry method that ionizes gas molecules and passes them through a magnetic field
Mass Spectometry
What contributes to physiologic shunting?
Thebesian veins, bronchial veins, pleural veins
Drugs contraindicated in patients who have Parkinson’s?
Drug that is useful in treating tremors from Parkinson’s disease
Diphenhydramine (anticholinergic effect)
Elderly response to hypercarbia and hypoxia
50% Decrease in ventilatory response too hypercarbia
- A greater decrease in response to hypoxia
Signs of retrobulbar hemorrhage after a block?
dense motor block
proptosis (Bulging eye)
Palpable increase in IOP
Closing of the Lid
Best lead for monitoring narrow complex QRS arrhythmias
Lead II
How is cerebral oxygen requirement affected by temperature?
decreased by 6-7% for each degree C drop in temp
What is the most common cause of heparin resistance
Antithrombin III deficiency
Which alternate Hgb has little effect on pulse oximetry?
HgF (fetal hgb)
What is a normal FRC in a neonate?
70 mL
What is the normal RR in the neonate?
30-60 breaths/min
Factors indicating postoperative respiratory ventilatory insufficiency in patients with myasthenia graves?
Disease duration more that 6 years Concomitant pulmonary disease Negative inspiratory pressure < -25 VC < 4 mL/kg Pyridostigmine dose > 750 mg/day
Epidural opioid with longest DOA and most prolonged onset
Blood flow to the Liver and oxygen supply
O2 supply 50/50 hepatic artery and portal vein
BF is 25% hepatic artery 75% portal vein
treatment of a patient with a carcinoid tumor includes
Volume expansion and Alpha Agonist (If hypotension)
What are the benefits of smoking cessation
12-24 hours: Dec catecholamine levels, HR and BP: Also return of carboxyhemoglobin levels to normal
4-8 weeks: reduced chances of pulmonary complications
Claims made policies
Only cover claims filed while the insurance is in place