Core Values Flashcards
principles or standards of behavior and judgment of what is important in life
● help focus and align your life choices
● reflect the fundamental choices of who we want to be
● living it derives a sense of fulfillment because our motivations and actions are aligned
Personal Core Values
- beliefs
- schools, parents, teachers, friends
- credible
a. good
b. bad
note: recognize possible wrong interpretations of our life experiences (especially during our childhood).
essence–principles, beliefs and philosophies are to establish strong core values which provides both internal and external advantages to the company
Institution’s Identity
This determines priorities including things and factors that support the vision of the institution and help shape its culture
Insitutional Core Values
things that an entity believes are most important in the way they live and work
Core Values
devotion to duty, loyalty to profession and to the Institution.
FEU-NRMF Core Values:
the quality of being able to return quickly to a previous good condition after problems
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change
a strong feeling of sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others and a wish to help them
FEU-NRMF Core Values:
the quality of being excellent
● evidence-based
● cost-effective
● delivers intended outcomes
Universal Standard for Quality in Education:
● enabler
● expansion of assets and capabilities of people to participate, negotiate, influence, control and hold accountable institutions that affect their lives
Universal Standards for Quality in Education:
● fair, accessible for all and inclusive
● equal best opportunities to achieve their full potential and act to address instances of disadvantage which restrict/hinder educational achievement
Universal Standards in Education:
● protects and promotes health and well being
● strengthens resilience
Wellbeing and safety
● maintained at a certain rate or level that balances the requirements of social economic and environmental development
● development which meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
● suitable or relevant
● adapted to local needs and acceptable to those who use them and to those for whom they are used
● The beliefs, concepts and principles of an institution are stated in its _________. In some HEIs, the institution’s __________ is expressed in its value statements or core values, setting “the ethical tone for the institution.”
It serves as guideline “for the way the institution conducts its operations” in “the processes used to achieve an institution’s mission and vision
● key values, principles, and roles that define what it is to be part of the FEU-NRMF education Community
● presents an overview of the main traits or features that will uniquely define the institution’s graduates in preparation for becoming competent and ethical healthcare professionals
Philosophy of FEU - NRMF
● a company’s road map, indicating what the institution wants to become by setting a defined direction for the institution’s growth.
Two types of vision
Concept-based and Quality-based
the set of skills that help someone be a productive member of their community and the world.
Global Competitiveness
providing care that is free from harm, minimizes redundancy and waste, allows timely access to needed services, follows best practices, and incorporates patients’ preferences and treatment priorities.
Organization that aims to equip graduates with the skills and support needed to transition into the new jobs
Educ Insti
sponsor or provide training to upskill their employees
People who engages in lifelong learning
Employees and Professionals
defines what an organization is, why it exists, its reason for being,
● Its “core purpose and focus” is the starting point in strategic planning and goal-setting process
- an ethical framework in which individuals or institutions are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty and taking actions that benefit societ
Social Responsibility
high-quality health care services “the degree to which health care services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.
Global Standards
Any purposive action aimed at addressing social problems; promoting social and environmental justice; improving the access to opportunities for deprived or marginalized persons, groups, or communities; enhancing social welfare; and contributing to sustainable development at large
Social Initiatives