Code of Conduct (Classification of Offenses) Flashcards
Unauthorized use of FEU-NRMF logo or seal, attempt to imitate, use of a
strikingly similar symbol.
Class A
Engaging in unauthorized transactions that may incur a cost to the
Institution or initiate unwanted Internet services and transmissions.
Class A
Gross act of disrespect in word/s or in deed/s that tend to put the
Institution or any administrator, member of the faculty, co-academic personnel, security guards, maintenance personnel, students and visitors
in ridicule or contempt.
Class A
Acts that clearly bring into disrepute, discredit, or dishonor the name of
Class A
Class A
Forging, falsifying, and tampering.
Class A
Encouraging students to violate their Statement of Undertaking by
inviting them to organize and/or to join groups not recognized by the Institution.
Class A
Possession, peddling, and/or use of prohibited or regulated drugs and/or
deadly weapons/materials
Class A
Threatening another with any act amounting to a crime, elicit a wrong, or
with the infliction of any injury or harm upon his person, honor or
Class A
Conviction before any court for a criminal offense involving moral
turpitude against persons or property.
Class A
Tampering with or misuse of computer applications, software, programs
and other IT systems of the FEU-NRMF.
Class A
Commission of any acts of immorality (i.e., extramarital affairs)
Class A
Cheating or any attempt to cheat in in-person or online examinations
including but not limited to the use of mobile phones and other similar
devices during an on-site examination.
Class A
Disrespect for national symbols
Class B
Patronizing places of questionable reputation
Class B
Scandalous behavior (i.e., public display of affection or intimacy)
Class B
Possession and or distribution of pornographic materials
Class B
Vandalism and destruction of property
Class B
Class B
Unauthorized collection of money, selling of tickets or other objects.
Class B
Act of disrespect, in words or in deed that tend to insult or subject
anyone to public ridicule/contempt.
Class B
Violent acts, physical injuries inflicted on any person.
Class B
Acts of subversion or insurgency including membership in any
subversive organization working for the violent overthrow of the duly
constituted government
Class B
Threatening or preventing any student or school personnel from
entering the school premises to attend classes or discharge their duties
Class B
Membership in unrecognized organization like fraternities and
Class B
Any act of threat either physical or by means of any medium of
Class B
Discourtesy in any form (physical, oral or written) by means of any
medium of communications
Class B
Disrespect toward any faculty member, or any official of the institution
or his authorized representative
Class B
Bullying, cyberbullying, defamation, inciting to fight, and/or any
abusive behavior committed against any student
Class B
Willful failure to comply immediately with the instruction/directions
given by the persons in authority
Class B
Failure to comply with the deadline given/set to complete the given
disciplinary sanction and/or to submit an explanation letter for
commission of any of the offenses
Class B
Sending or posting messages or videos that defame or slander other
Class B
Any form of bribery (attempted or consummated) of any faculty
member or personnel of FEU-NRMF
Class B
Embezzlement of funds of a student organization or student council
Class B
Recording your professor’s class without his/her permission AND recording any class session and transmitting it
Class B
Entering any restricted area within the Institution without prior
permission or authority
Class B
Use of obscene and vulgar language
Class C
Unauthorized collection of money
Class A,B,C
Gambling or playing cards especially while in uniform, in the campus
or any official academic activity outside the campus
Class C
Smoking or drinking liquor especially while in uniform, in the
campus or any official academic activity outside the campus
Class C
Possession of cigarette, smoking paraphernalia, and/or alcoholic
beverages in the campus
Class C
Usage of school facilities for any purpose without any reservation or
proper authority
Class C
Posting of any publication material online without approval
Class C
Sending anonymous malicious email messages
Class C
Improper uniform, wrong shoes color
Class D
Improper civilian attire in coming to school (shorts, backless blouse)
Class D
Failure to wear ID and name plate inside the campus
Class D
Class D
Wearing of earrings and long hair for males
Class D
Neon/shocking colored hair
Class D
Body piercing with ornament worn (except for earrings for females)
Class D
Misbehavior during school programs, activities, or competitions
Class D
Disruptive use of mobile phones, or other similar devices during class
Class D
Improper use of lavatories and washrooms
Class D
Possession of gambling materials while inside the premises of FEU-
Class D
Refusal to present an ID card or Certificate of Matriculation when
asked by the authorities and/or not wearing, lending/borrowing of
ID card
Class D
Improper decorum, and etiquette in wearing proper uniform and
Class D
Defacing, mutilating, or unauthorized removal of posters on bulletin
Class D