Core Theme 4 - Patterns in Resource Consumption Flashcards
What is the earth’s biocapacity and how much are we living beyond it by?
The planet’s biocapacity is estimated at 1.9 hectares per person. Currently, we are using up 2.2 hectares per person
What will happen to the earth’s biocapacity if global population trends continue?
If global population trends continue, the ecological footprint available to each person would be reduced to 1.5 hectares per person by 2050.
What country has the highest ecological footprint?
The USA is the country with the largest ecological footprint (9.57 hectares).
What does the Living Planet Index measure?
The Living Planet Index measures trends in the earth’s biological diversity. Based on figures from 2005, the index states that global biodiversity has declined by nearly 1/3 since 1970.
What does the Living Planet Report (2008) say?
- humans are using 30% more resources than earth can replenish each year, leading to deforestation, extinctions…
- humans have an ecological debt of $4.5trillion
- population + consumption growing faster than we can find technological solutions
What was Thomas Malthus’ ‘The Principle of Population’
- In 1978, Thomas Malthus developed his theory ‘The Principle of Population’
- Whilst resources only grow arithmetically, populations tend to grow exponentially
- So there is a limited capacity to which the Earth can provide the resources to support a growing population
- As population exceeds resources, a no. of preventative checks (e.g. reduced birth rate) or positive checks (inc. famine + war) keep the world pop. at sustainable level
What is the Neomalthusian ‘Limits to Growth Model’
- Neomalthusian ‘Limits to Growth’ model was developed in the 1970s by the Club of Rome
- It studied basic limiting factors to growth, inc. population and pollution
- Whilst technology may have place in developing + increasing resource production, it too will only develop arithmetically + so not be able to keep up with an exponentially growing population
Drawbacks to the Neomalthusian ‘Limits to Growth Model’
- Emphasises exponential growth but not the discovery of new resources
- It doesn’t distinguish between different parts of the world (esp. important when comparing MEDCs+LEDCs)
- Whilst LEDCs may have larger populations e.g. India, this doesn’t mean they consume more resources
- Australia has very low pop. density but high resource consumption
What are Anti-Malthusian theories?
- The Anti-Malthusian theories as developed by Esther Boserup stated that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’
- When population grows, it puts pressure on food supply
- Technological improvements + increased areas of farmland will enable the inc. the supply of resources to meet the demand
- This may include technologies developed during the Green Revision, such as GM crops, that are able to withstand extreme conditions / grow more rapidly
- Population then able to grow without any Malthusian checks
What was Boserup’s theory based on ?
- The idea that people knew the techniques required by a more intensive system, and adopted them when the population grew
- If knowledge were not available then the agricultural system would regulate the population size in a given area
What was Emile Durkheim’s theory of population?
- an inc. in population density would lead to greater division of labour, allowing greater productivity (1893).
- population pressure necessary to increase division of labour
There are three models of what might happen as a population growing exponentially approaches carrying capacity. What are they ?
- Rate of increase doesn’t change until ceiling is reached, at which point increase drops to zero (highly unlikely)
- S-curve
- J-curve
Optimum population
The number of people who, when working with all the available resources, will produce the highest per-capita return.
How to calculate standard of living
Standard of living =
(Natural resources x technology) / population
Give an example of an overpopulated country
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries, with over 1000 people per square km.
When does underpopulation occur ?
Underpopulation occurs when there are far more resources in an area than can be used by the people living there.
Give an example of an underpopulated country
Canada could theoretically double its population + still maintain its standard of living.
It can export its surplus food, energy + mineral resources. It has a high level of immigration.
It is possible that Canada’s standard of living would increase through increased production if population were to increase.
Resources that are accessible + usable
Describe global oil production in 2009
In 2009 global oil production was 84 million barrels per day
8 producers (Saudi Arabia, US, Russia, Iran, China, Venezuela, Mexico, Norway) accounted for over 50% of global oil production
Describe global oil demand in 2010
In 2010 the global oil demand was 86 million barrels per day.
7 countries (US, Japan, China, Germany, Russia, Italy, France) accounted for over 50% of global demand
What is a country’s oil demand influenced by ?
- Population size
- level of development
- state of world economy (shown by 2008-09 banking crisis + economic recession)
Why did countries become so dependent on oil ?
Oil was considered a cheap fuel and many countries became dependent on it. However, as a result of the oil price rise in 1973 many countries had to reassess their energy policy