Core Practicals Flashcards
Describe the procedure used to test the effect of caffeine on heart rate on daphnia
Remove 1 daphnia and place it on a caviety slide
Remove pond water and replace with distilled water m
Then after time count and observe the heart rate *2 to work out heart rate repeat with 2 more daphnia
Repeat the steps again this time using a small concentration of caffeine solution(increaseing the concentration each time)
Repeat the experiment 3 times for 3 concentrations to obtain average
State some control variables in the daphnia experiment and in some cases state how they could be controlled
Same species of daphnia
Time(using a stopwatch)
Volume of caffeine solutions(can be obtain by using a pipette
Explain why daphnia is used in the experiment on heart rate
They are simple organisms so less likely to feel pain
They are transparent so we can see the heart beat
Describe the procedure involved in measuring the content of vitamin c in fruit juice
Pipette 1cm of blue DCPIP into a test tube
using a burette or pippette add 1% of vitamin C solution drop by drop,shake the tube gently after each drop
Continue to do so until the blue colour just starts to disappear
Record the volume of solution needed to decolourise the DCPIP
Repeat twice more in order to calculate the mean result,repeat the procedure with different fruit juices
State some control variables in the measuring of the content of vitamin C solution
Concentration of DCPIP solution
Shake each tube same number of times
Same end point In which blue colour disappears
Describe the procedure involved in measuring the effect of temperature on cell memebranes
Using a cork borer and knife cut pieces of beetroot into 1cm length of cylinders let them dry
Place 8 boiling tubes of distilled water into 8 water baths with different temperatures
Once at temperature add a piece of beetroot to each and leave for 30 mins then remove the beetroot and let the dye disperse
Set the colorimeter to absorbance on blue and green filter and calibrate using distilled water in a cuvette
Then add 2cm3 of beetroot solution from the first temp and place it in a corvette and place it in the colorimeter and read the absorbance
Repeat procedure twice more and obtain an average
State some control variables in experimenting the effect of Temperature on membranes
Time left in water
Volume of distilled water
Size of beetroot
Describe the procedure used in investigating the effect of changing enzyme concentration on rate of reaction
Using distilled water make up different concentrations of enzymes
Set up a water bath for temperature to keep constant
Place 1 test tube of 5cm3 of casein dilution into water bath alonsise a second test tube containing 2cm of 0.2 trypsin
Allow to acclimatise for 3 mins so they reach the same temperature then add trypsin to casein to start the stop clock time how long it takes for casein solution to turn transparent(mark a X on other side of tube when visible stop clock)
Repeat twice more then repeat for other concentrations
State some control variables in the effect of enzyme concentration on rate of reaction
Volume of enzyme and substrate
Condensation of substrate
In the experiment that’s investigating change in enzyme concentration of rate if reaction state why different syntinges are used
Different syringes are used to prevent cross contamination
Describe the procedure when observing mitosis
Place a test tube of 2cm3 1m HCL into 60 degree waterbath
Cut off 1-2cm of root tip from a garlic root and place it in a watch glass containing 2cm3 of acetic alcohol for at least 12mins
Remove then place in another water glass containing ice cold distilled water
Leave for 4-5 mins then remove and dry and place into heated HCL for 5 mins and then repeat the process all over again
Transfer one tip to a microscope slide gently macerate with a needle add one small drop or precinct ethanoic stain and leave for 2 mins
Add a coverslip and blot with filter paper and view under a microscope and identify each stage of mitosis
Describe a procedure to investigate the strength of plants fibres
Leave the plant material in a bucket of water for time
Then extract the fibres
Connect one fibre between two clamp stands and gradually add mass in the middle until the fibre snaps repeat to maintain a mean
Repeat the experiment on other species
State control variable in investigating the strength of plant fibres
Length of fibre
Age of fibre
Size of individual mass
Describe the procedures investigating plant mineral deficiencies
Fill half a tube with all nutrients present solution cover the tube with foil and push down on covering so there is well in the centre
Gently push the geranium stem into the solution below
Repeat with solutions lacking in nitrogen,potassium,magnesium,phosphate,calcium and lacking in all solutions
Wrap all in aluminium foil and place on a sunny window still and observe regularly
State some control variables in the investigation of plant material deficiencies
Volume of mineral solution
Plant species
Size of container
Amount of light revived