Core case study statistics Flashcards
Population doubling time
Doubled between 1650 and 1850 (200 years), and 1920-1970 (50 years).
Crude death rate is a poor indicator
Denmark 11, Pakistan 7.8
Youthful population (2)
Mexico, 34% of population below 15, CDR of 5.
Racial mortality
In South Africa, Blacks have 52.8 infant mortality whereas whites have 7.3.
Mortality in rural areas
NE Brazil, life expectancy is 27 years short than in the more affluent SE.
Feminisation of migration
23,000 pinoy nurses moving in the UK
Political representation of women
More than 70% of african countries have no female cabinet minister, notable exceptions include Rwanda
100-140million women are victims of FGM, rarely done in sterilised conditions.
Economic benefits of gender equality
UNESCO suggested that restricting women in the Asia-Pacific costs $45bil a year.
Women’s union
SEWA (self-employed women’s association) in India.
Gender bias in migration
70% of all Filipino migrants are women
Informal economy
In Peru it is estimated that 35-40% of the economy is informal
Grammen Bank in Bangladesh
Range in life expectancy
Mean 70, max Monaco 89, min Angola 38.
Advantage of free trade for local businesses
Local companies can become TNCs, e.g Pollo Campero has expanded from Guatemala to all of south america
Nicaragua received $4.5bil debt relief in 2000, its annual debt is now 9% of its expenditure
Global remittances (2)
$440 bil 2014
$318bil in 2007, but exact figure unknown because of illegals
Cost of children
$300,000 (UK surveys)
Poverty threshold
1/4 of the world are below the 1$ threshold
Uneducated poor people
30% of children uneducated in Sub Saharan Africa
Heat wave deaths
2003 heat wave in France, 14.8k dead.
Forest fire
2009 Black Saturday bush fires in Victoria, Australia killed 173 people.
Water leakage
One UK water company loses 120 olympic swimming pools of water a day.
Population of Guangzhou
44 million
Optimum population of China
700 million
Deaths in the Great Famine
30 million
TFR in a pro natalist country
1.1 in Singapore
Percentage of foreigners in Singapore
Results of a pro-natalist policy
13.6% increase in BR in Singapore since 1988
Results of NAFTA on Canada (3)
80% trade increase with US, 1 mil new jobs, 68% of canada’s FDI from NAFTA.
Results of NAFTA on Mexico
Mexican exports grew 250%
Aral sea rivers
North inflow: Syr Darya, South inflow used to be Amu Darya.
Aral sea size
Used to have an area of 68000 km squared. By 2007, it was 10% of that.
Arable land in China
22% of the world population, only 7% of the world’s arable land.
Runoff in the Loess Plateau
95% runoff, taking topsoil.
Rehabilitation for the Loess Plateau
1995 plan: 20 million benefitted, local income quadrupled.
A country which uses renewables
Iceland – 70% renewables, 90% of which is geothermal,
Iceland waste (3)
32% recycled
Annual target is 50%.
Aim to reduce landfill waste (e.g 97% of construction waste goes into landfills).
One child policy (3)
Prevented 400 million births
Fertility now 1.7, down from 5.8 before OCP.
30 million more men by 2013
Three gorges dam advantages (3)
100 million people downriver protected from flooding
Provide 2% of China’s energy needs
China uses 20% of the World’s power
Three Gorges Dam disadvantages (3)
1.3 million people relocated
356 villages submerged
40 billion USD cost
Effects of Chernobyl 1986 (2)
135,000 people evacuated, including 50,000 from Pripyat
Total death toll 734,000
Exxon Valdez 1989 (4)
Exxon Valdez (carrying 50 million tonnes of crude oil) ran aground 40km out of Valdez.
Oil extended 1700km from the boat
35,000 birds killed
3000 otters killed
Tuvalu (2)
11,000 people living on nine islands.
Highest land is 4.6m above sea level.
Rainforest clearance Amazon facts (4)
1/3 of the world’s trees
15-40% has been cleared
15 football pitches per minute cleared
3000 known species threatened
Reasons for Amazon clearance (3)
subsistence farming for 25 million landless peasants
5300km Amazonian highway
900km railway line from Carajas to the coast.
Desertification in the Sahel (3)
Rains 1 or 2 months per year
3-4% increase in population per year
40% increase in overgrazing
Uganda youthful population (4)
38 million people.
Half population under 15.
Average fertility of 7.
Population expected to double by 2025, to become the 12th most populated country.
Rwanda refugees (3)
2 million Hutus to Zaire
480,000 to Tanzania
300,000 people died on route to or in refugee camps
Urban problems in Rio (3)
10 million people in and around Rio
0.5 million homeless.
1 million living in favelas e.g Rocinha
Urban improvement in Rio (4)
Favela Bairro project
16 favelas to improve
250 million euro project.
Barra da Tijuca
Cambridge science park (4)
90 high tech firms
20/152 acres are parkland
5000 people total
Near M11
Migrants in SEA (2)
1 million needed at the start of the 1980s
Now 6.5 mil needed.
Gender migration (3)
Female migrants from Philippines, Indonesia and Sri Lanka comprise 60-80% of the legally deployed women
Female filipino migrants began to outnumber males in 1992.
6 billion USD revenue for the Philippines.
China internal migration (2)
The urban population in China increases by 15-20 mil people per year.
The ‘floating population’ totals around 132 million people.
Push factors from Mexico (5)
Poor medical facilities 1800 per doctor Low paid jobs (GNP = $3750) Adult literacy 55% 40% unemployed 42,000 violent drug deaths since 2006
Pull factors to US for Mexican migrants (3)
Good medical facilities 400 per doctor
Well paid jobs (GNP = $25,000)
99% adult literacy
General Mexico to US (4)
2000km border
1 million migrants attempt to cross
In 1995, 850,000 were caught.
$22 billion sent back in remittances in 2013
Transmigration in indonesia (3)
250 million people in Indonesia
60% live in Java, which is only 7% of the area.
2.5 million moved since 1900
Transmigration in indonesia problems (5)
Has costed £200 million from the World bank
Java’s population increased by 18% in 1980 anyway
In 1995, population growing by 3.2mil a year.
20% of migrants have since returned
120 million hectares of forest felled.
Bill gates quote
“If you’re not fully utilising half the talent in the country, you’re not going to get close to the top 10”.
Gender discrimination (3)
In Saudi, 18% of women aged 15-24 are literate and the 1992 Basic Law does not guarantee gender equality.
In Yemen, Women are 30% literate compared to 70.5% in men.
In India, 47.8% literacy in women compared to 73.4% for men ar
Fracking (3)
Marcellus Shale provides all US gas needs for 14 years
Releases 40,000 gallons of toxic chemicals
150 wells drilled a day.
Tar Sands (5)
Area the size of England
Lake Athabasca has the second largest oil reserves after Saudi
Produces 1.3 million barrels a day
Viable since the price of oil is above $30 per barrel.
Single largest emitter of CO2
Advantages of tar sands (4)
$500 million turnover per year
Fort McMurray has 70,000 workers (remittances)
Wages thrice higher than other Canadian towns
Everyone gets $10,000 dividend annually.
MDG 1 (best/worst) (1+1)
In Asia between 1990 and 2001, 250 million rose out of poverty.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, the number of poor people increased from 227mil- 313 million.
MDG 2 (best/worst) (2)
96% enrolled in Latin America
Enrolment has only increased by 2% in Oceania.
MDG 3 (best/worst) (2+1)
In North Africa, the girl/boy ratio is 93%, an 11% increase over a decade.
In Southern Asia, there are 15% fewer girls than boys in primary school.
MDG 4 (best/worst)
North Africa has more than halved child mortality.
In Sub Saharan africa, child mortality has increased.
MDG 6 (best/worst) (2+2)
In Nepal, 45% of the population has TB. However, 90% of patients successfully completed treatment.
In Sub Saharan Africa, 7/100 have HIV and 900,000 people die of Malaria. TB rates have doubled.
Arctic climate change (2)
Temperatures rise 3-4˚C in the last 50 years
40% of permafrost is expected to thaw
Rwanda facts (2)
90% of populations is on subsistence agriculture
GNI per capita was 360 per year in 1995, but this has now increased to 1450 PPP dollars.
1998 Yangtze flood (2)
3000 deaths
30 million homeless