Core 1: Health Priorities in Australia Flashcards
What is health status?
An assessment of the degree or quality of health of an individual or a specfic population
What is epidemiology and how is it used?
The study of the rates and patterns of illness, disease and injury amongst specific population groups. This information is gathered through hospital usage, health professionals and surveys. The identification of specific trends is then used to establish health priorites and to guide the decision making, resource allocation and programs of all public and private sectors involved in health care and health promotion in Australia
What are the limitations of epidemiology?
It does not provide information about a person’s quality of life in a holistic sense, nor does it accurately describe the socialcultural, socioeconomic and environmental determinants of health. There is also lack of data on mental health issues
What is morbidity?
The rates, distribution and trends of illness, disease and injury in a given population
What is Mortality?
The number of deaths for a given cause in a given population over a set time period
What is Infant Mortality?
The number of deaths in the first year of life per 1000 live births
What is Life Expectancy?
An estimate of the number of years a person can expect to live at any particular age
What are the concerns of the health status of Australians
- Increasing rates of mental health disorders and type 2 diabetes
- The prevalence of poor health behaviours, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, poor dietary choice and low levels of physical activity, particulalry amongst those population groups who are of a low socioeconomic status
- The existence of significant inqualities between the health status of the general population and several sub-groups : namely ASTI, those living in rural and remote areas, low SES
- An ageing population with greater needs to invariably suffer increased rates of mobidity, and who will exert a significant finiancial burden on Australia’s health care budget
What are the principles of social justice?
Equity- fair allocation of funding and resources
Diversity- sufficient health care services and facilities for all the diverse groups of Australia
Supportive Environments- environments supporting the right to be healthy
What is the health status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people?
- Life Expectancy- at least 17 years less than other Australians
- Increased Mortality for CVD, cancer, respiratory disease and diabetes
- Infant Mortality Rates- 3 times higher than other Australians
- Increased rate of depression and anxiety
- Increased rates of self-reported ill health
- Overall, there has been a decrease in mortality from all causes
What are the health behaviours of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People?
- Smoking rates are twice that of other Australians
- Increased use of illicit drugs and alcohol misuse
- Increased obesity
- Diets are generally poor (high in saturated fats and refined sugars) and higher rates of physical inactivity
What are the sociocultural determinants of Indigenous Australians?
- Ongoing effects of colonisation, such as social dislocation, loss of culture, identity and self-worth
- Lower standards of living (e.g clean water, public sanity, availability of fruit and vegetables and safe housing)
- Significantly higher rates of imprisonment
What are the socioeconomic determinants of Indigenous Australians?
- More likely to be of low socioeconomic status
- Lower levels of education attainment (half as likely to finish year 12)
- Higher rates of unemployment (16%)
- Lower levels of disposable income
What are the environmental determinants of Indigenous Australians?
-24% live in rural and remote areas which leads to decreased access to healthy foods and medical services
What is the role of Inidviduals in addressing health inqualiites experienced by ASTI?
- Empower ASTI to increase decision making ability through education (e.g community programs and health related websites)
- Incentives for health professionals to work with ASTI communities
- Increased educational oppotunities, such as indigenous scholarships
What is the role of the community in addressing healthy inequalities experienced by ASTI?
- Empower elders to work with communities
- Ensuring all partcipation by all ASTI representative groups in adressing health inequalities
- The work of non-government organisations who focus on ASTI such as the Heart Foundation and Diabetes Australia who produced the ‘Live Now and have Hope’
What is the role of the government in adressing healthy inqualitie experienced by ASTI?
- Increasing community-based primary and maternal health care which is acessible and appropiate
- Adressing related social determinants
- Providing a range of preventative health care activities aimed at improving ATSI health outcomes
- Provide funding on education and health programs
What is the health status of low SES people?
- Lower life expetancy, with increased rates of premature death
- Increased mobidity and presence of risk factors for CVD, diabetes, asthma and mental health problems
- Higher rates of infant mortality
- Increased rates of common infectious disease
What is the health behaviours of low SES people?
- More likely to smoke and use illicit drugs
- Poor dietary habits
- More people of low SES are overweight or obese
- Less likely to access preventative health measures, such as immunisations and dental check ups
- Less likely to adress the signs and symptoms of prevenative disease
What are the socioeconomic determinants of low SES people?
- The impact of negative social and cultural forces which shape personal attitudes and behaviors which contribute to poor health-related decision making
- Increased family dysfunction which leads to a lack of stability and social support
- Increased social isolation
What are the socioeconomic determinants of low SES people?
- Decreased financial capacity has a direct impact on a person’s ability to achieve good health such as being unable to access specialist health services
- Lower levels of education, particularly health education
- Higher rates of unemployment especially in the long term