Coral reefs Flashcards
What are the main ecological features of a coral reef
- light
- depth
- salinity
- temperature
- biodiversity
What is a coral reef
- made up of thousands of coral polyps
- polyps secrete calcium carbonate
How do coral polyps feed and get the energy they need to survive
- they have tentacles and cilia
- tentacles collect and trap small particles
- they have nematocysts which are stinging cells which catch live prey
What are the importance of coral reefs
- protect coastlines from storms and erosion
- provide food for humans
- provide jobs for local communities
- source of new medicines
- important for tourism
Example of medicine developed from coral reef species
- sea sponges - AZT - treat HIV and viruses
How does physical damage affect coral reefs
- divers, fishing boats and fishing gear physically damaged the coral by breaking it
- can be unintentional or intentional
How does collection of ornaments and souvenirs affect coral reefs
- intentional removal of coral
- made into jewelry
How does sedimentation affect coral reefs
- build up of sediment
- less light penetration which means algae will struggle to photosynthesis
How does pollution affect coral reefs
- litter - because of tourism
- pile spills from boats
- sewage from land
How does coral bleaching affect coral reefs
- coral looses their colour
- because there is no food and algae die which means the polyps die
How does fishing affect coral reefs
- overfishing
- dynamite fishing
How does coastal development affect coral reefs
- increases turbidity
- removes the coral
How does loss of interdependent habitats affect coral reefs
- if we loose one, some coral reef species can die
Facts about COTS
- sharp venomous spikes
- nocturnal
- they eat the coral
What are COTS like under normal conditions
- population will be kept in check by predators
- small number will get to adulthood
What causes an increase in the number of COTS
- sewage and agricultural run off - contains fertilisers which are rich in nutrients
- COTS eat the nutrients and live longer
Consequences of COTS outbreaks
- loss of coral
What are the controls of COTS
- increase predators
- support healthy ecosystems
- stop agricultural runoff
What are the 5 conservation methods for coral reefs
- MPAs
- control of fishing
- control of tourism
- sustainable exploitation
- reef creation
How do MPAs protect coral reefs
- manage overfishing
- support coral health
-protect mangroves, seagrass meadows
What is an example of MPAs
- the great barrier reef
How does fishing controls help coral reefs
- maintains fish population
- restrict fishing times
- no-take zones
What damage has been caused by tourism on the coral reef system
- pollution
- ships anchoring their boats
- divers physically pulling up the coral
How are tourism activities being restricted to protect coral reefs
- reduce plastic use
- divers are limited to certain areas
How can we continue to exploit resources associated with coral reefs sustainably
- fishing restrictions
- CITES - restrict taking of ‘endangered species’