COPD Flashcards
What are two main types of COPD
Emphysema. Bronchitis.
Define bronchitis
An inflammatory condition affecting the airways
What are the causes of acute bronchitis
Caused by virus or bacteria short lived infection, in the young and elderly
What are the causes of chronic bronchitis
Results from long-term infection and lung damage common in elderly
What are the symptoms of COPD and bronchitis 11
Productive cough. Cyanosis. (Blue bloaters). Tachycardia. Tachypnoea. Dyspnoea. Use of accessory muscles. BP normal to slightly elevated. Slow Cap refill. Reduce levels of consciousness in severe hypoxia. Reduced Sats. Oedema.
How is emphysema characterised
Distension and destruction of the alveoli. Lung tissue loses its elasticity and airways lose their muscular integrity and collapse AKA atelectasis.
What shape is the chest in emphysema and why
Barrel shaped due to air being trapped in the lungs by the collapse of a passages
What are the signs and symptoms of emphysema
Thin. Normal skin colour. Tachycardia. Tachypnoea. Dyspnoea. Use of accessory muscles. Bp elevated. Confusion anxiety fear. Palpation usually reveals a hollow sound. Cardiac dysrhythmias develop. Oedema
What are the 11 features of exacerbation of COPD
Increased dyspnoea. Increased sputum/purulence. Increased cough. Upper airway symptoms. Increased wheeze. Chest tightness. Reduced exercise tolerance. Fluid retention. Increased fatigue. Acute confusion. Worsening of previous stable condition.
What are the seven features of severe COPD exacerbation
Marked dyspnoea. Tachypnoea. Pursed lip breathing. Use of accessory muscles at rest. Acute confusion. New onset peripheral oedema. Marked reduction in daily living.
In what two ways to Chest diseases cause hypoxia?
Airway obstruction. Impaired perfusion of alveoli.