Coordination Flashcards
What is the CTA voice coordination parameter between OPL and SPN/MLE/CAN/TBD/AUG?
15 minutes
- Use a 15 SRP as memory aid, or a BRL dragged back along route to 20-30 minutes from the boundary
- Complete early (any post-coord pilot requests must be coordinated prior to granting)
What is the back coordination parameter between all sectors?
10 minutes
How do you discern whether a pilot request requires back coord? CTA
BRL dragged back 10 minutes
If it infringes the boundary, back coord required.
For how long are all post-hand-off aircraft kept IQL’d and why?
10 minutes, as a visual prompt to check for back coord and maintain separation with aircraft under your jurisdiciton
Phraseology: coordination (forward or backwards) for level request or deviation, and HMI
ATC 1: [c/s] requests [level/deviation, etc.]
ATC 2: [c/s] concur [level, deviation, etc.]
HMI: Change RXXX to CXXX in label, issue level change and amend CFL or issue deviation and add OTD
Phraseology: rejecting proposed level or deviation
[c/s] requested level/deviation is not available due [reason]. Higher/lower levels are available.
Phraseology: back coord for descent, and HMI for no restrictions response
ATC 1: [c/s] any restrictions on descent?
ATC 2: [c/s] no restrictions on descent
HMI: sector/unit and NRD in local ops field
What is the coordination parameter for aircraft taxiing near the boundary, for Class A/E
15 minutes flight time from the boundary
Use a 15 min SRP to determine
What is the coordination parameter for aircraft taxiing near the boundary for Class G only
5 mins
remember that if an aircraft is taxiing with a request for CTA level, they are still assessed for coord as a Class G. You can do the CTA coord on taxi, however, but treat them as separate procedures
Phraseology: aircraft taxiing for ascent to CTA within 15 minutes of boundary (with readback)
ATC 1: Taxies [ADEP], [c/s]
ATC 2: [c/s], [level]
Phraseology: aircraft taxiing within 10NM of boundary (Class G/OCTA)
ATC 1: Taxies [ADEP], [c/s]
ATC 2: [c/s], [level]
HMI for cross-FDRG coordination
Once EST message has sent, check the ECSW window
If BPX, time (within 2 mins), and CFL/XFL match, toggle C prompt
Once cross FDRG coordination complete, can changes be made?
Yes, but must be coordinated again prior to issue of change
this is true of all coordination in all classes
Phraseology: CTA voice coordination between OPL and SPN, MLE, CAN, TBD, AUG
Heads up coord
- VIA [point] [c/s] [level]
or the words ON CLIMB or ON DESCENT if not maintaining at time of coordination
Readback is [c/s] [level]
If, in CTA you have forgotten to complete coordination but have issued a level change, how can you satisfy your requirements?
If the aircraft has not yet left level:
then complete required coordination and reissue the change
If, in CTA, you have forgotten to complete coordination but have issued an airways clearance, how can you satisfy your requirements?
If the aircraft has not yet ascended into CTA:
then complete coordination
In CTA Phraseology for ‘locking in’ a trajectory prior to your jurisdiciton
LEVEL CHECK [c/s], [level]
(this locks in the level with the other controller, assisting you in planning for the aircraft’s entry into your airspace)
In CTA, within YMMM what voiceless coord HMI action is taken for announced tracks headed for your airspace?
Change SRP to 15 minutes upon first sight, and begin initial assessment through your airspace
Once 15 SRP touches your boundary, designate, route up, white the CFL (if level is safe), toggle C prompt, and change to 5 SRP
In CTA, across the FDRG, what voiceless coord HMI action is taken for announced tracks headed for your airspace?
Change SRP to 15 minutes upon first sight, and begin initial assessment through your airspace
Once 15 SRP touches your boundary, designate, route up, white the CFL (if level is safe), enter PRL, and set PETO for first point. Toggle C prompt, and change to 5 SRP.
In CTA what actions are taken upon receipt of voice coordination?
- designate
- route up
- make your final assessment
- readback callsign and level
- white CFL (enter PETO and PRL if cross-FDRG)
Once EST message sent, can any changes be made to an aircraft’s trajectory?
Yes, however any change must be coordinated by the boundary parameter (15 mins CTA, 5 mins OCTA), or before the change is issued if coordination already complete.
Phraseology: you wish to take jurisdiction of an aircraft earlier than the usual hand-off point
[c/s] calls me early
example: aircraft entering your airspace will require descent and separation. “ABC calls me early, do you have any restrictions on descent?”
Phraseology: you are still processing an aircraft’s request, or are separating with another aircraft in your jurisdiction, and require longer before hand-off to next sector
[c/s] late hand-off, [reason]
example: you are still separating with another aircraft in your airspace, both of whom are transiting into a neighbouring sector. “ABC late hand-off, I will separate with DEF”