Cookies (1) - multiple choice Flashcards
according to developmental psychologist, what primarily determines our self-esteem?
a) adult symbolic interactions
b) early childhood experiences
c) the material self
d) the self as subject
a fundamental reason for incorporating exercise into a holistic & integrative approach to stress management & counseling, aside from its physical & psychological health benefits, is that it enhances the production of ___ in the ____ w/c is essential for memory, learning & changing behavior.
a) epinephrine; hypothalamus
b) BDNF; hippocampus
c) IGF-1; thalamus
d) FGF-2; amygdala
The Marianist Educational Value that advocates for a holistic education where education is not just academic but also includes social, psychological, physical & spiritual is:
a) educate in family spirit
b) educate for formation in faith
c) provide an excellent education
d) educate for service, justice, & peace
Luis wants to understand the effects of watching violence on TV. W/c approach to personality probably would be the most useful for Luis to examine?
a) Freudian
b) biological
c) behavioral/social learning
d) cognitive
Andrew has just started Kindergarten & has had difficulty sitting still in class. He is disruptive & inattentive in class. He has difficulty focusing & has been diagnosed w/ ADHD.
What is the best medication for Andrew’s ADHD?
a) thorazine
b) zoloft
c) seroquel
d) ritalin
e) none of the above
ritalin is for ADHD + ADD
how long have you been married? is an example of a(n) ___ type of question.
a) open-ended
b) closed
c) scaling
d) both b & c
the most common form of sexual harassment in the workplace is:
a) sexual assault
b) sexual bribery
c) sexual coercion
d) sexual verbal remarks
___ training should consist of courses in the area of abnormal psychology, psychopathology, & diagnostic assessment to assure capabilities in working w/ more disturbed populations
a) task/work groups
b) guidance/psycho-educational groups
c) psychotherapy groups
d) counseling/interpersonal-problem solving groups
what is a limitation(s) of Gestalt therapy as it is applied to working w/ culturally diverse populations?
a) clients who have been culturally conditioned to be emotionally reserved may not see value in experiential techniques
b) clients may be “put off” by a focus on catharsis
c) clients may be looking for specific advice on solving practical problems
d) clients may believe that showing one’s vulnerability is being weak
e) all of the above
___ to give informed consent means that the client has the ability to make rational decision.
a) comprehension of info
b) voluntariness
c) capacity
d) willingness
W/c approach to personality probably has seen the greatest increase in interest among personality psychologist during the past decade?
a) neo-freudian
b) trait
c) neuroscience
d) humanistic
attentiveness is communicated primarily through:
a) verbal responses
b) facial expressions & eye contact
c) bodily positions & movement
d) all of the above
The basic goal(s) of existential therapy:
a) to expand self-awareness
b) to increase potential for choice
c) to help clients accept the responsibility of choosing
d) to help clients experience authentic existence
e) all of the above
Understanding the brain’s default network is important in stress management & counseling b/c of its ___ focus w/c may compromise one’s thinking, feeling & behavior resulting in chronic stress.
a) sleep based
b) external
c) logic based
d) self-referential
W/c of the following response has the most potential for harm:
a) offering alternatives
b) information giving
c) advice giving
School-to-work is designed for the:
a) elementary school
b) JR high school
c) high school
d) all of the above
according to self-concept researchers, a person who offers a high # of social self-descriptions is likely to come from:
a) a technologically advanced society
b) an individualistic society
c) a population of self-monitors
d) collectivistic culture
the initial stage of the activation of the stress response releases the neurotransmitter ___ w/c cause the immediate stimulation of the heart, lungs, muscles, & attention
b) norepinephrine
c) cortisol
d) acetylocholine
Gestalt therapy encourages clients to:
a) experience feelings intensely
b) stay in the here & now
c) work through the impasse
d) pay attention to their own nonverbal messages
e) all of the above
applying what you learn in the classroom to help others outside of the classroom is best exemplified by the Marianist Educational Value of:
a) Educate in Family Spirit
b) Educate in Formation in Faith
c) Educate for Adaptation to Change
d) Educate for Service, Justice and Peace
the best definition of reliability is:
a) consistency
b) exactness of measurement
c) correlational coefficient
d) validity of measurement
the research process stresses the importance of ___ in establishing generalizations
a) pretests
b) interactions
c) replications
d) field experiments
w/c type of group leader is most likely to focus on energy & blocks to energy?
a) Adlerian
b) Gestalt
c) psychoanalytic
d) TA
e) person-centered
___ validity has come to be recognized as the fundamental & encompassing validity concept
a) construct
b) criterion
c) content
d) face
the 1st step in the process of acquiring multicultural counseling skills in a training program should be that students:
a) take a self-exploratory class to help identify their cultural & ethnic blind spots
b) open themselves to ppl in other cultures through reading & travel
c) free themselves from all racist thoughts, actions, & feelings
d) have their value system con form w/ an “acceptable norm”
all of the following are procedures in reality therapy that are said to lead to change except for:
a) exploring wants, needs, & perceptions
b) focusing on current behavior
c) the therapist’s evaluation of the client’s behavior
d) the client’s evaluating of his or her own behavior
e) the client’s committing to the plan of action
the fight/flight response is an evolutionary mech. that evolved to assist our distant ancestors in addressing…
a) chronic adaptive problems in the environment
b) acute adaptive problems in the environment
c) chronic & adaptive problems in the environment
d) non-threatening problems in the environment
privilege communication doesn’t apply in cases of…
a) client’s disclosures of personal & sensitive info
b) child abuse & neglect
c) unfaithfulness in one/both partners in couple’s therapy
d) legal proceedings where the therapist is asked to produce a client’s records in court
behaviorists argue that many of our seemingly irrational fears are the result of…
a) inadequate construction systems
b) conditionoing
c) innate reflexes
d) unconscious forces
your elderly grandfather is deteriorating. at 1st, he seemed only mildly forgetful, but lately he has had trouble recalling the names of close relatives & cannot remember where he is. he used to be very loving & patient, but now he is very unpleasant, & his condition is worsening.
he is MOST likely experiencing:
a) Alzheimer’s disease
b) presenile delirium
c) intellectual development disorder
d) stroke induced neurocognitive disorder
the theory based on the concept that ppl invest in their own education and/or training so they will receive increased lifetime earnings is:
a) dual economy theory
b) status attainment theory
c) human capital theory
d) work adjustment theory
a major problem w/ the use of encouragement, affirmation, & self-esteem building includes w/c of the following?
a) their use may foster dependency
b) they are too contrived
c) they are diff responses to formulate
d) all of the above
w/c of the following statements concerning the effects of aging is true?
a) aging almost inevitably leads to dementia if the individual lives long enough
b) aging increases susceptibility to short-term ailments such as the flu
c) significantly increases in life satisfaction are associated w/ aging
d) the aging process can be significantly affected by the individual’s activity patterns
external validity refers to the…
a) adequacy of the experimental design
b) the effectiveness of the manipulation of the independent variable
c) generalization of the results
d) practical application of the research findings
w/c type of group counselor would tend to provide the least degree of direction?
a) REBT therapist
b) person-centered therapist
c) Gestalt therapist
d) behavior therapist
by definition, validity deals most directly w/…
a) what a test measures
b) criterion reliability
c) the economic utility of a test
d) the accuracy of test scores
counselors would not work well w/ diverse populations if they…
a) are open to being challenged & tested
b) are flexible in apply theories to specific situations
c) believe that they are free from any racist attitudes, beliefs, & or feelings
d) are comfortable w/ differences that exist b/w themselves & their clients
choice theory is a basic part of the practice of…
a) behavior therapy
c) reality therapy
d) Adlerian therapy
e) existential therapy
allostatic load refers to…
a) acute stress
b) chronic stress
c) normal stress
d) minimal stress
according to professional ethical principles on testing: it would be unethical for a counselor to…
a) perform testing & assessment services for w/c they have not been adequately trained
b) develop, administer, score, interpret, or use assessment procedures that are appropriate for the situation
c) test w/in the client’s socialized behavioral or cognitive patterns
d) consider the validity of a given test & interpret data in the context of the cultural characteristics of the client
the importance of understanding cultural diversity as part of the educational process is best exemplified by the Marianist Educational Value of…
a) Educate in Family Spirit
b) Educate for Formation in Faith
c) Educate for Adaptation to Change
d) Educate for Service, Justice & Peace
projective tests like ___ remain immensely popular measures of personality
a) the Rorschach
b) the Bem
c) the MMPI
d) the Q-sort
Mendon began by taking 1 amphetamine a day to control his appetite. After a month or so, the pill didn’t work as well but 2 pills did.
This is an example of:
a) tolerance
b) resistance
c) withdrawal
d) dependence
most career theorists believe that personal & career counseling:
a) can be done by the same person if the counselor recognizes that the 2 types of counseling are significantly different
b) overlap considerably as both career & personal issues affect each other
c) should be done by diff individuals w/ different qualifications
d) have little in common, as personal issues do not affect career issues
most contemporary developmental psychologists believe that:
a) personality is essentially formed by the end of infancy
b) personality cont. to be formed until adolescence
c) the shaping of personality continues during adolescence & well beyond
d) adolescent development has very little impact on adult personality
a control group is:
a) the dependent variable
b) the group who receives the “halo effect” but not the treatment
c) a group of individuals who are not exposed to treatment
d) a double-blind group in w/c the researcher doesn’t know who is in the control group
during the initial stage of a behavioral group, the concern of the group leader is…
a) to identify problematic behavior
b) to develop baseline data
c) to teach members about the group process
d) to conduct an assessment of each member’s current behavior
e) all of the above
given our present state of knowledge, the best overall procedure for synthesizing test data about individuals is…
a) the statistical approach
b) the clinical approach
c) the physiological approach
d) a combination of the clinical & statistical approaches
behavior-therapy techniques…
a) must be suited to the client’s problems
b) are assessed to determine their value
c) are geared toward behavior change
d) all of the above are true
e) none of the above are true
cognitive restructuring is used in stress management b/c…
a) it is important to understand how the unconscious causes stress
b) it removes the (-) self defeating thinking w/c is associated w/ chronic stress
c) it can permanently eliminate the activation of the flight/fight response
d) it demonstrates how emotions cause irrational thinking thus resulting in removal of chronic stress
according to professional codes of ethics, sexual relationships b/w client & counselor are considered to be ethical if…
a) the therapist is really in love w/ their client
b) there is consent by the client
c) they are not considered to be ethical under any circumstances
d) the therapeutic relationship has ended & a referral has been given
w/c of the following statements is true about personality assessment?
a) assessment of personality is useful only if we assume ppl can report about themselves accurately & honestly
b) the methods a psychologist uses to assess personality depend partly on w/c approach to personality he/she adopts
c) psychoanalytic psychologists often use self-report inventories to assess personality
d) psychologist no longer use stimuli like inkblots to measure personality
the diff b/w bipolar I disorder & bipolar disorder is:
a) the # of depressive episodes
b) the # of depressive & manic episodes
c) the season variation in the episodes
d) the severity of manic episodes
the concept of developmental change throughout life & the roles that one plays in life are associated w/ one of these theories:
a) Super’s life span theory
b) Myers-Briggs type theory
c) work adjustment theory
d) Holland’s theory of vocational personality (RIASEC)
w/c of the following isn’t true regarding congruence in the clinical interview?
a) congruence means speaking in a consistent & integrated manner
b) congruence should be accompanied by an examination of your motives
c) congruence means honestly saying whatever comes to your mind
d) congruence should always be combined w/ good clinical judgment
an example of (-) reinforcement is:
a) spanking
b) a secondary reinforcer (money)
c) administering electric shock
d) removal of disciplined time-out
the null hypothesis…
a) predicts that the treatment will have no effect
b) is denoted by the symbol H1
c) is always stated in terms of sample stats
d) all of the above
in an existential group the leader would tend to:
a) challenge members to become aware of their freedom & responsibility
b) urge members to free themselves of guilt & anxiety
c) aim for a deep catharsis for each member
d) encourage a regression to one’s early past
e) help each member see how his/her lifestyle has a bearing on present interactions w/ others in the group
w/c of the following procedures are used in the assessment of behavioral change?
a) physiological measures
b) direct observations of target behavior
c) self-reports by the client
d) all of the above can be used
A Chinese-American engineering student w/ traditional Asian values went to a college counselor b/c he was frustrated w/ his studies. He told the counselor that he disliked the engineering field even though his parents were proud of his career choice. The counselor encouraged him to change the course of his career w/out consulting his parents.
The counselor is asking the student to ignore the following Asian value:
a) self-determination
b) passivity
c) filial piety (respect towards parents)
d) academic achievement
unfinished business & avoidance are key concepts of…
a) Gestalt therapy
b) reality therapy
c) behavior therapy
d) rational emotive behavior therapy
e) none of the above
given the relationship b/w:
- exercise & the symptoms of increased heart rate & breathing
- anxiety & the symptoms of increased heart rate & breathing
…one can easily conclude that comparing these relationships provides a key finding for the notion of chronic anxiety as…
a) a brain disorder
b) a cognitive misinterpretation
c) genetic disorder
d) hormonal disorder
when counselors become overly concerned w/ meeting their own needs or pushing their own personal agendas, their behaviors becomes…
a) annoying to the client
b) unethical
c) illegal
d) narcissitics
a psychological develops a test to measure individual diff in social anxiety. she obtains social anxiety scores from a large group of participants, & then tries to predict how those scoring high on the test will act in a social situation as compared to those scoring low.
This psychologist would probably be identified w/ w/c approach to personality?
a) psychoanalytic
b) trait
c) humanistic
d) behavioral/social learning
Little Karen was bitten by a tan pony she was riding at a carnival. the experience left her hurt & frightened. the next month she was visting her uncle, who had a tan Grate Dane. It frightened her even though she never had a bad expereince w/ a dog.
Karen’s fear of this dog is an example of:
a) response discrimination
b) vicarious reinforcement
c) modeling
d) stimulus generalization
the CA court’s ruling that requires that therapist breach confidentiality in cases where the general welfare and safety of others in involved is a result of the:
a) Bradley Center v. Wessner decision
b) Jablonski v. US decision
c) Tarasoff decision
d) Hedlund v. Superior Court decision
the term w/c refers to a confused relationship b/w a parent & a child where contradictory messages are sent to the child is:
a) existential
b) humanistic
c) diathesis-stress
d) double-bind
a researcher observed that preschool children playing in a red room showed more aggression than children playing in a blue room.
for this study, what is the IV?
a) preschool children
b) color of the room
c) amount of aggression
d) the children’s play
w/c stage is generally characterized by increased anxiety & defensiveness?
a) initial stage
b) transition stage
c) working stage
d) termination
clinicians involved in doing psychological assessments use tests mainly…
a) as a substitute for a lengthy interview
b) as the primary source of reliable info about their client
c) as a source of hypotheses to explore further
d) when all other techniques fail
the culturally encapsulated counselor is characterized by…
a) defining reality according to the client’s reality
b) showing sensitivity to cultural variations among individuals
c) evaluating other viewpoints & making attempts to accommodate the behavior of others
d) defining reality according to one set of cultural assumptions
behavior therapy is grounded on…
a) the psychodynamic aspects of a person
b) the principles of learning
c) a philosophical view of the human condition
d) the events of the 1st 5 yrs of life
if a client is hostile & angry, and they apply mindfulness and xinzhai to the hostility & anger during the counseling context…
a) the hostility & anger will increase b/c the client does not judge himself
b) the hostility & anger will decrease b/c the client will bee able to intellectually confront the source of the problem
c) the hostility & anger will decrease b/c the client doesn’t feed or make any judgments regarding the hostility & anger
d) changes are nothing will happen b/c non-Western approaches don’t work in a Western counseling context
counselors who have unresolved personal conflicts….
a) need to recognize that their problems may interfere w/ their effectiveness & refrain from activities that would harm a client
b) must resolve all their diff before counseling others
c) are quite effective b/c they know how diff it is to resolve problems
d) need to repress anxiety-provoking issues in their own lives before becoming effective counselors
a psychologist attributes a boy’s poor social skills to his lack of contact w/ children who model appropriate behavior
the psychologist is using w/c approach to personality?
a) humanistic
b) cognitive
c) behavioral/social learning
d) psychoanalytic
Davon watched his father recoil from a snake in fear. Now he is afraid of snakes. This apparent acquisition of fear of snakes is an example of…
a) modeling
b) response discrimination
c) escape response
d) stimulus genralization
in career counseling, a genogram can be used to…
a) assess abilities
b) send new career info to clients
c) describe parental styles of attachment
d) discuss family patterns such as in health, work & education
w/c of the following is not true?
a) it is possible to attend well but listen poorly
b) attending & listening are synonymous
c) it is possible to attend poorly but listen well
d) practice is important in the development of (+) attending
sometime b/w 9-12 mo. a child begins to experience…
a) Babinski reflect
b) separation-anxiety
c) size constancy
d) a self-concept
statical techniques that summarize, organize, & simplify data are classified as…
a) population stats
b) sample stats
c) descriptive stats
d) inferential stats
resistance in a group can be seen as…
a) inevitable
b) material for productive exploration
c) a bad attitude on the part of the member
d) something that should be avoided at all costs
e) both a & b
norms for an educational or psychological test are established by…
a) the opinion of experts in the field covered by the test
b) testing a representative sample of ppl
c) examining the performance of the top & bottom 10% of a population
d) using item analysis procedures for each item & combining the results for those taking the test
___ counseling is any counseling relationship in w/c the counselor & the client belong to diff cultural groups, hold diff assumptions about social reality, & subscribe to diff world views
a) culturally encapsulated
b) ethnic-sensitive
c) multicultural
d) paradigm
in cognitive therapy techniques are designed to…
a) assist clients in substituting rational beliefs for irrational beliefs
b) help clients experience their feelings more intensely
c) enable clients to deal w/ their existential loneliness
d) teach clients how to thinking only positive thoughts
the treatment plan constructed by the counselor or therapist is most consistent w/ Buddha’s…
a) 1st Nobel Truth
b) 2nd Nobel Truth
c) 3rd Nobel Truth
d) 4th Nobel Truth
the basic purpose of professional code of ethics is to:
a) educate professionals about sound ethical conduct, provide a mech. for professional accountability, & serve as a catalyst for improving practice
b) protect professionals from lawsuits
c) set standards that will be understood & enforced across all cultures
d) ensure that standards remain consistent over time
Sarah’s mother receives a call from her daughter’s teacher telling her that Sarah has been misbehaving.
According to the psychoanalytic approach, her daughter’s misbehavior:
a) results from a poorly formed self-concept
b) is a rxn to her parent’s expectations
c) is the results of unconscious mental activity
d) results from conditioning processes
systematic desensitization has been shown to be especially effective in the tx of:
a) biopolar disorders
b) phobias
c) substance abuse disorders
d) schizophrenia
this resource provides current national job market info for specific career areas such as annual job openings & closures, salary ranges for new & experienced workers, & the kinds of skills, abilities, & education required for the career area.
a) Dictionary of Occupational Titles
b) Occupational Outlook Handbook
c) Affirmative Action in Employment
d) all of the above
A summarization of content response is one in w/c the counselor:
a) ties together the main ideas any client series of messages or rambling message
b) involves rephrasing 2 or more of the client’s cognitive or content messages
c) helps to illuminate themes in the client’s message
d) all of the above
the process by w/c an organism develops physically or mentally in orderly sequence & at a fixed individual rate is:
a) learning
b) maturation
c) imprinting
d) developmentally sound
although research questions typically concern a ___, a research study typically examines a ___.
a) sample, population
b) statistic, sample
c) population, sample
d) parameter, population
w/c is the correct sequence of the stages of a group?
a) transition, initial, working, termination
b) initial transition, termination, working
c) initial, transition, working, terimintion
d) transition, initial, termination, working
the principle fxn of item analysis is to?
a) identify test items that may be faulty or superfluous
b) determine the discrimination index for a test
c) shorten a test
d) calculate the validity coefficient for each item on the test
the term minority group has come to refer to?
a) a sense of identity that stems from common ancestry, history, nationality, religion, & race
b) any relationship b/w 2 or more diverse groups
c) any category off ppl who have been discriminated against or subjected to unequal tx & oppression by society largely b/c of their group membership
d) any pattern of behavior that denies access to opportunities or privileges to member of one racial group
according to REBT, we develop emotional disturbances b/c of?
a) a traumatic event
b) our belief about certain events
c) abandonment by those we depend on for support
d) w/drawal of love & acceptance
the single best intervention for addressing general physical & phsycological concerns is…
a) aerobic exercise
b) anaerobic exercise
c) counseling
d) pharmaceuticals
Robert runs into the office, unprepared & frustrated b/c he is late for his weekly appointment w/ his 1st client of the day.
He is consistently late for his appointments & his behavior is…
a) immoral
b) illegal
c) unethical
d) unprofessional
Frank is a Native American college student who is seeking info about his career choice from a male counselor
The counselor notices that he uses very little eye contact & needs to recognize that Frank:
a) lack trust about the info he is receiving
b) is unlikely to follow through w/ his suggestions
c) is likely to view contact as a lack of respect
d) would be more likely to have direct eye contact if the counselor were a female
a counselor asks her client, “were you happy or sad in your marriage?”
this is an example of a…
a) closed question
b) open question
c) strategic question
d) reflective question
w/c of the following counselor statements is inappropriate when counseling a female client?
a) roofing can be hazardous due to the need to work high off of the ground
b) roofing is a non-traditional employment area for women
c) women are not as strong as men, so they are less qualified to do roofing work
d) please tell me what appeals to you about roofing
It is illegal & unethical for a therapist to disclose confidential info when…
a) the client consent to disclosure
b) there is a duty to warn or to protect 3rd parties
c) an emergency exists
d) an employer requests disclosure to determine the mental status of an employee w/out their consent
e) there is a need to obtain appropriate consultations
Research in PNI indicates
a) there is no relationship b/w mind & body, stress suppresses the immune system, & stress management techniques
b) there is no relationship between mind and body, stress enhances the immune
system, and stress management techniques suppress the immune system.
c) there is a reciprocal relationship between mind and body, stress suppresses the immune system, and stress management techniques enhance the immune system.
d) there is a reciprocal relationship between mind and body, stress enhances the immune system, and stress management techniques suppress the immune system.
w/c approach to family therapy stresses the importance of explaining patterns from one’s family of origin?
a) Bowenian family therapy
b) human validation process model
c) structural family therapy
d) strategic therapy
e) experiential family therapy
the communication of feelings & intentions w/out the use of words is called…
a) attribution
b) self-presentation
c) nonverbal behavior
d) intruition
the approach that teaches members how to identify irrational beliefs & substitute rational beliefs is…
a) reality therapy
c) TA
d) Gestalt therapy
e) behavior therapy
when a confound is discovered in an experiment…
a) internal validity can be assumed
b) external validity can be assumed
c) internal validity is challenged
d) external validity is challenged
Gail feels like she has not accomplished what she wanted in her therapy group & has decided to leave.
Gail’s therapist needs to…
a) encourage her to explain why she wants to leave to other group members
b) encourage her to leave before her (-) attitude affects other members of the group
c) put undue pressure on her to stay in group
encourage other members to pressure her to stay
the cognitive ability that has been shown to decline during adulthood is the ability to…
a) recall new info
b) recognize new info
c) learn meaningful new material
d) use judgment in dealing w/ daily life problems
w/c theorist emphasized the importance of development during childhood & adolescent years?
a) Erikson
b) Eysenck
c) Skinner
d) Kelly
Susan is quite distressed after finding out that her husband has been unfaithful & tells her counselor that she is so angry that she feels like killing him.
in this case, the counselor needs to…
a) question Susan to determine whether she is likely to do physical harm to her husband
b) warn the husband that he is in potential danger
c) commit Susan to a hospital until she can overcome her anger
d) warn Susan that she can be arrested for making threats against her husband
___, not interfering w/ yourself or others, & ___, not getting entangled in the affairs of the world, are 2 Daoist practices that are adaptive solutions to overcoming chronic stress, eliminating illness & allowing the individual to be in harmony w/ the environment
a) wuwei, wushi
b) wushi, wuwei
c) wuzhi, wuyu
d) wuyu, wuzhi
w/c technique(s) is (are) most often used in the person-centered approach?
a) questioning & probing
b) analysis of resistance
c) free association
d) active listening & reflection
e) interpretation
the child-rearing techniques of collectivistic cultures do NOT emphasize w/c of the following qualities?
a) obedience
b) knowing one’s proper social place
c) uniqueness
d) conformity
when a measure relates consistently to other measures of the same concept, it shows ___ validity.
a) convergent
b) divergent
c) face
d) internal
an experiment has internal validity when…
a) the DV is measured reliably
b) the DV is valid
c) only the IV could have caused the results
d) the IV is strongly manipulated
of “offering alternatives,” “info giving,” & “advice giving,” the response that has the most potential for harm is…
a) offering alternatives
b) info giving
c) advice giving
d) all of the above are equally harmful
the main diff b/w hallucinations & delusions is that:
a) hallucinations involve perception & delusions involve belief
b) hallucinations are more common early in the disorder & delusions more common later
c) hallucinations are auditory & delusions are visual
d) hallucinations are more serious than delusions
the central right of client’s concerning confidentiality is that…
a) it guarantees that disclosures during therapy will be protected unless certain legal circumstances are present
b) everything said in therapy will always remain confidential
c) it is illegal to share info w/ anyone at any time unless client has signed an informed consent
d) their records cannot be subpoenaed into court
a limitation of the person-centered approach is…
a) a lack of research conducted on key concepts
b) a tendency for practitioners to give support w/out challenging clients sufficiently
c) a lack of attention to the therapeutic relationship
d) a failure to allow clients to choose for themselves
written consent forms should NOT include…
a) a discussion of how a managed care system will affect the treatment, if applicable
b) a detailed description of what will occur in therapy + a guarantee that the client will resolve their issues
c) a statement describing the counselor’s theoretical orientation & how this will affect treatment
d) clarification pertaining to fees & charges & procedures for filling for insurance reimbursement
the Marianist Educational Value that is most consistent w/ the reason a client comes in for counseling is…
a) in Family Spirit
b) for Formation in Faith
c) for Adaption to Change
d) for Service, Justice & Peace
___ should include a record of client & therapist behavior that is clinically relevant, including interventions used, client responses to treatment strategies, the evolving treatment plan, & any follow-up measures taken
a) assessments
b) progress notes
c) intake
d) screenings
the hormone that extends the activation of the fight/flight response for hours, days, & so on is…
a) vasopressin
b) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
c) cortisol
d) corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
A psychologist studied dependency by measuring how many times children in a school asked an adult for help. A critic argued that asking for help is not a good measure of dependency. In fact, the critic said asking for help shows resourcefulness & initiative.
The critic in this situation was disputing the ___ of the dependency measure.
a) face validity
b) construct validity
c) measurement errot
d) reliability
below is an example of a tech. being used in an unethical way:
a) modifying techniques so they are suitable for the client’s cultural & ethnic background
b) practicing unfamiliar techniques in group
c) have a therapeutic purpose & be grounded in some theoretical framework
d) members are given the freedom on whether or not they wish to participate in a given experiment
the statement, “Obese persons eat fast than non-obese persons” is an example of ___ behavior, & the statement, “The diff. eating habits of obese & non-obese persons are caused by physiological factors” is an example of ___ behavior.
a) explaining; predicting
b) explaining; describing
c) describing; explaining
d) predicting; explaining
an elderly person who can look back on life w/ satisfaction & reminisce w/ a sense of completion has attained Erikson’s stage of…
a) generativity
b) intimacy
c) isolation
d) accpetance
e) integrity
Sunny Hansen’s holistic, integrative approach to life planning is most similar to…
a) cognitive info processing
b) Myers Briggs Type theory
c) spiritual counseling
d) postmodernism
Sarah respects none of society’s boundaries & is insensitive to other ppl, frequently violating their rights. She does not consider the consequences of her actions.
She MOST probably experiences…
a) schizotypal personality disorder
b) antisocial personality disorder
c) schizoid personality disorder
d) histrionic personality disorder
Given the 8 Principles of social psychology, w/c principle correlates w/ the “fxnal brain change” described in the Lara Boyd video on neuroplasticity & may be a barrier to processing a topic in depth in a counseling/stress management context?
a) seeking connectedness
b) striving for mastery
c) accessibility
d) valuing me & mine
the fxn of the existentially oriented counselor is…
a) to develop a specific treatment plan that can be objectively appraised
b) to challenge the client’s irrational beliefs
c) to understand the client’s subjective world
d) to explore the client’s past history in detail
e) to assist the client in working through transfernece
w/c one of the following is a method for assessing the reliability of a measure?
a) determine whether or not ppl lie when giving answers to the question
b) use the measure 2x on the same person under similar circumstnaces
c) ask probing questions to see if individuals truly understand what is being asked
d) vary the test items from one participant to another to determine the amount of error inherent in the measure
a child will not obey her mother. when threatened with punishment, she swears, throws things, & threatens to break everything in the house. her outbreaks seem to be restricted to her parents, but she is almost completely unmanageable.
this is an example of:
a) conduct disorder
b) juvenile delinquency
c) childhood schizoophrenia
d) oppositional defiant disorder
w/c of the following statements best describes the study of personality?
personality psychologist…
a) are interested in how ppl react to diff situations
b) now recognize that early explanations of personality, such as Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, are incorrect
c) are interested in consistent behavior patterns & intrapersonal processes originating w/in the individual
d) are interested in the consistent behavior patterns caused by either something about the person or by placing the person in the same situation
the Marianist Educational Value that is most consistent w/ working together & in groups in the class room is best exemplified by the Marianist Educational Value of…
a) Educate in Family Spirit
b) Educate for Formation in Faith
c) Educate for Adaption to Change
d) Educate for Service, Justice, & Peace
informed consent generally implies that the person…
a) doesn’t have the capacity to consent
b) verbally gives consent
c) has been persuaded or coerced to sign the consent form
d) has been informed about the counseling context, expectations, rights, has the capacity to consent & has freely, w/out undue influence expressed consent
aside from explaining to clients, threat based thinking & its relationship to the stress response, w/c of the following is fundamental to clients understanding why they are chronically stressed…
a) mind wandering
b) negativity bias
c) default network
d) all of the above
countertransference refers to…
a) the irrational rxns that clients have toward their therapist
b) the irrational rxns that therapists have toward their clients
c) the projections of the client
d) the client’s need to be special in the therapist’s eyes
e) all except for (a)
an African-American woman was interacting w/ her child in a domestic abuse shelter where she was overheard saying to her child, “keep touching that & I’m going to whoop you.” the social worker who heard this statement should…
a) immediately report that she will be evicted from the shelter if she continues to talk to her child that way
b) tell the mother that she will be evicted from the shelter if she continues to talk to her child that way
c) recognize that what constitutes abuse in one culture may not be viewed as abuse in another culture & not reportable until it is determined that the child is in danger
d) remove the child from the mother’s care until the mother can learn how to talk to her child w/ respect
your car speedometer fluctuates b/w 15 & 90 mph as you are driving on a freeway at a constant speed.
as a measure of speed, your car speedometer is low in…
a) reliability
b) face validity
c) reactivity
d) none of the above
the following is true in regards to group ethics:
a) as a rule, group leaders should conduct only those types of groups for w/c they have been trained
b) the legal concept of privileged communication applies in group settings the same as it applies to individual sessions
c) group leaders are not obligated to inform psychiatric hospitals patients that they are documenting group sessions
d) parents & guardians have the legal right to all communications that have occurred in groups for minors
at the beginning of the term, researchers measured the attitudes of students taking a class in cross-cultural communication. at the end of the term, the students’ attitudes were measured again.
this is an example of a ___ design
a) nonequivalent control group
b) independent groups
c) Latin squares
d) one-group pretest-posttest
a counseling relationship is established w/ a high school senior who admits to relationship issues. he indicates the doesn’t have a good relationship w/ his parents, & it is rocky w/ his gf. the counselor is well-schooled in Erikson’s psychosocial stages.
the counselor concludes that the student is experiencing a crisis in w/c stage?
a) trust v. mistrust
b) integrity v. despair
c) intimacy v. isolation
d) industry v. inferiority
Shana has just learned that she has been fired from her job as a sales clerk in a department store.
according to Hopson & Adams, she is likely to be in this transition stage:
a) intenalization
b) letting go
c) immobilization
d) self-doubt
Marie is a counselor who has been working w/ the parents of their 6 yr old daughter. they want Marie to counsel w/ their child since the effects of their stormy marriage are negatively affecting her behavior. Marie is hesitant to do so since she has no experience working w/ children.
the ethical codes of most professional organizations would specify that…
a) she would have to use diff types of therapy to work effectively w/ the child
b) it would be unethical for Marie to counsel the child if she has not been trained in that area
c) she needs to take specialized training in parent education b4 working w/ the child
d) CPS needs to be called
Dr. Jay says to her client: “On one hand, you say you love your child, but on the other hand you cont. to put her out in the hall where you force her to stand for 3 or more hours. how do you put that together?”
what type of interviewer tech. is Dr. Jay using?
a) condemnation
b) reflection of meaning
c) an indirect question
d) confrontation