Abnormal Psychology Flashcards
a disorder marked by persistent & excessive feelings of anxiety & worry about numerous events & activities
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
a persistent & unreasonable fear of a particular object, activity, or situation
Anxiety Disorder
Recurrent & unpredictable panic attacks (short bouts of panic that occur suddenly, reach peach w/in 10 min, gradually pass). feel like you are losing control/dying/going crazy.
1) cognitive - misinterpret what is going on in their body
2) biological - norepinephrine abnormality
panic disorder
recurrent & unwanted thoughts, a need to perform repetitive & rigid actions, or both
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (ODC)
obsessive = persistent thought, idea, impulse, image that is experienced repeatedly, feel intrusive, & causes anxiety
compulsion = a repetitive & rigid behavior or mental act that a person feels driven to perform in order to prevent/reduce anxiety
an event that creates a sense of threat by confronting a person w/ a demand or opportunity for change
3 types:
1) normal
2) eustress - exciting, challenging, adventurous
3) dis-stress - negative, disease
depression w/out a history of mania
unipolar depression
a disorder marked by alternating or intermixed periods of mania & depression
bipolar depression
treatment = lithium
excessive & extended feelings of anxiety, depressed mood, antisocial behaviors
somewhere b/w effective coping strategies & PTSD is the syndrome of ____.
adjustment disorder w/ depression (or anxiety)
an illness w/ no identifiable physical cause, in w/c the patient is believed to be intentionally producing or faking symptoms in order to assume a sick role
Factitious Disorder
Munchausen’s Syndrom/Proxy
when a physical illness or impairment has no apparent medical cause, in w/c there is a patten of physical complaints that is explained largely by psychosocial causes
these ppl don’t consciously want/purposely induce their symptoms
these ppl believe they are ill
somatoform disorder
illnesses that result from an interaction of psychosocial & organic factors
brings about actual physical damage
psychophysiological disorders
aka: psychosomatic disorder
a disorder marked by the pursuit of extreme thinness & by extreme loss of weight
1) restricting (food intake)
2) binge-eating/purging (eating binges but still lose excessive weight by force)
anorexia nervosa
a disorder marked by frequent eating binges that are followed by forced vomiting or other extreme compensatory behaviors
maintains body weight w/in normal range
bulimia nervosa
aka: binge-purge syndrome
a pattern of maladaptive behavior centered around the misuse (temp. changes in behavior, emotion, or thoughts as a result of substance/drug), abuse (chronic/excessive) ,or dependence (involves physical dependence on drug, increases tolerance, w/drawl symptoms) on certain substances
substance related disorders
a substance that slows the activity of the CNS & in sufficient dosages causes a reduction of tension & inhibitions
(alcohol, sedative-hypnotic drugs, opiods)
a substance that increases the activity of the CNS
(cocaine + amphetamines, caffine)
substances that primarily cause powerful changes in sensory perception, including strengthening a person’s perceptions, & producing illusions & hallucinations
(LSD, marijuana)
aka: psychedelic drugs
a cognitive-behavioral approach to treating alcohol abuse that is similar to BSCT but also has ppl plan ahead for risky situations & rxns
relapse prevention
a cognitive-behavioral approach to treating alcohol abuse & dependence in w/c ppl are taught to:
1) keep track of/monitor their drinking behavior
2) apply coping strategies to situations that typically trigger excessive drinking
3) set appropriate limits
4) control rate of drinking
5) apply relaxation responses + coping behaviors
behavioral controlling training (BSCT)
lack of interest in sex
hypoactive sexual desire disorder
(desire disorder)
revulsion & avoidance of genital sexual interplay
sexual aversion disorder
(desire disorder)
inability to maintain lubrications/genital swelling during sex
female sexual arousal disorder
inability to maintain erection
male sexual arousal disorder
ejaculation b/4, on, or shortly after penetration & before he wishes it
premature ejaculation
(orgasmic disorder)
absence or long delay in reaching orgasm following normal sexual excitement phase
female/male orgasmic disorder
involuntary contractions of vaginal muscles preventing intercouse
(sexual pain disorder)
severe genital pain during sex
(sexual pain disorder)
disorder marked by a persistent inability to fxn normally in some area of the human sexual response cycle
sexual dysfunction
recurrent, intense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors involving either nonhuman objects, children, non-consenting adults, or experiences of suffering/humiliation
recurrent, intense sexual urges, fantasies involve use of non-living object
repeated, intense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors that involve dressing in clothes of the opposite sex
transvestic fetishism
(transvestism, cross-dressing)
exposing self in sexual manner
repeated, intense sexual desires/urges to secretly observe unsuspecting ppl as they undress or have sex
repeated, intense sexual desires/urges, fantasies, behaviors that involve touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person
intense sexual fantasies about watching, touching, or engaging in sex w/ prepubescent children
repeated, intense sexual urges that invovle being humilitaed, beaten, bound, or made to suffer
sexual masochism
repeated, intense sexual urges that involve inflicting suffering on others
sexual sadism
persistent feelings of being uncomfortable about assigned sex
strong wishes to be member of opposite sex
sometimes undergoes sex-change operation
males 2x more than females
gender-identity disorder (transexualism)
a psychotic disorder in w/c personal, social, & occupational fxning deteriorate as a result of strange perceptions, disturbed thought, processes, unusual emotions, & motor abnormalities
ill for at least 6 mo. w/ at least 2 symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, & (-) symptoms
schizophrenia w/…
persecutory delusions + auditory hallucinations, no (-) symptoms, disorganized speech or catatonic behavior
paranoid type
schizophrenia w/…
delusions + hallucinations are less prominent than (-) symptoms + disorganized speech + behavior
disorganized type
schizophrenia w/…
the cardinal symptoms of this subtype are excessively retarded or excited activity + bizarre behavior
catatonic type
these patients will have some or all of the 5 basic types of psychotic symptoms, but none dominate clinical picture
undifferentiated type
after an acute psychosis has marked improved, these patients still seem somewhat unusual, odd or peculiar
residual type
significant alterations in memory not due to clear physical causes
dissociative disorders
inability to recall important personal events + info
dissociative amnesia
person travels to a new location + may assume a new identity, simultaneously forgetting their past
dissociative fugue
person develops 2 or more distinct personalities
multiple personality disorder
aka = dissociative identity disorder
a syndrome marked by severe problems in memory + at least 1 other cognitive fxn
age: older age groups
most common, occurring after 65 yrs of agve
Alzheimer’s Disease
caused by cerebrovascular accident, stroke that restricts blood flow
vascular dementia
aka = multi-infarct dementia
neurological disease that affects the frontal & temporal lobes
Pick’s Disease
cause by slow acting virus that may live in the body for years before the disease unfolds
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
inherited; progressive problems in cognition, emotions, + movement
Huntington’s Disease
slow, progressive neurological disease, marked by tremors & rigidity, that may also cause dementia
Parkinson’s Disease
very rigid pattern of inner experience & outward behavior that differs from the expectations of one’s culture & leads to dysfxn
onset in adolescence or early adulthood
personality disorder
pattern of extreme distrust + suspicion of others
paranoid (odd personality disorder)
persistent avoidance of social relationships + shows little emotional expression
schizoid (odd personality disorder)
interpersonal problems marked by extreme discomfort in close relationships, odd forms of thinking & perceiving + behavioral eccentricities
schizotypal (odd personality disorder)
disorder marked by a general pattern of disregard for + violation of the rights of other
antisocial (dramatic personality disorder)
disorder in w/c individual displays repeated instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, + mood, as well as extremely impulsive behavior
borderline (dramatic personality disorder)
disorder in w/c individual displays a pattern of excessive emotionally + attention seeking
histrionic (dramatic personality disorder)
disorder marked by a broad pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, + lack of empathy
narcissistic (dramatic personality disorder)
disorder in w/c an individual is consistently uncomfortable + restrained in social situations, overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy, + extremely sensitive to (-) evaluation
avoidant personality disorder
pattern of clinging + obedience, fear of separation, + a persistent, excessive need to be taken care of
dependent personality disorder
disorder in w/c person is so focused on orderliness, perfectionism, + control that they lose flexibility, openness, + efficiency
obsessive personality disorder