Convulsive Disorders Flashcards
What’s an Aura?
peculiar sensation prior to seizure
visual, audible, gustatory, dizziness, numbness
reflects the irritable focus (important to know)
What’s Tonus?
excessive muscle tone, constant state of contraction
What’s Clonus?
pattern of spasm rigidity & relaxation repeated occurs after tonus in Tonic/Clonic seizure
What’s Prodromal?
early manifestation of symptoms of disease headache, depression, increased sleep, etc.
What’s Ictus?
Acute seizure phase
What’s Post-ictal?
the period of recovery immediately after the
seizure has occurred
O2 Demend in the brain increases by what % per degree (celcius)?
What questions/observations are you observing for with a seizure patient?
Onset - Was it preceded by aura?
Duration - How long did it last? What time of day?
Frequency - How many did patient have? Usually?
L.O.C. - Did the patient loose consciousness, how long?
Motor - Where did the motor activity begin?
Movement Pattern - Involuntary or deliberate? Was it focal & did it progress?
Eyes - Did they deviate or changed in size?
Tongue - Did the patient injure his tongue or mouth?
Respirations - Were there periods of apnea, cyanosis?
Incontinence - Was the patient incontinent, vomit, salivation?
Awareness - Did the patient know they had a seizure?