Conversions, Formulae, Classifications for Surveyors Flashcards
To memorize frequently used formulae, memorize conversions, basic survey measurements, and classifications.
Conversion from Foot to Meter
1 foot = 0.3048 Meters
Conversion from Meter to Foot
1 meter= 3.28084 feet
Conversion from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius
Conversion from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit
°F = °C×(9/5)+32
Dimensions of a square acre
Square footage of an acre
43560 square feet.
Old style USQS Quadrangle map
1:24,000 scale on 7.5 minute map
What is the length of a “Gunter’s Chain” ?
Edmund Gunter 100 links=66’, each link 7.92’ inches
What is the length of an Engineer’s Chain?
100’ , 1’ link.
Who was Benjamin Banneker?
Not inventor of chain, African American Surveyor from Maryland who helped to survey Washington DC in 1791. 40 markers placed, some still remain.
Conversion from Vara (Spanish territory measurement) to feet
1 vara= 2.7500005511811 feet, or divide Varas by 0.36
Conversion from feet to Vara (Spanish territory measurement)
1 foot= 0.36 Varas, or multiply foot by 0.36
NGS standard, 3rd order Class II
Traditional standard, Order AA
1 part in 100,000,000
Traditional standard, Order A
1 part in 10,000,000
Traditional standard, Order B, first order
1 part in 100,000 angles:(2”√N¹)
Traditional standard, Order B, second order, Class I
1 part in 50,000 angles:(3”√N)
Traditional standard, Order B
1 part in 1,000,000
Traditional standard, Order B, second order, Class II
1 part in 20,000 angles:(5”√N)
Traditional standard, Order B, third order, Class I
1 part in 10,000 angles:(10”√N)
Traditional standard, Order B, third order, Class II
1 part in 5,000 angles:(20”√N)
Engineering Construction (Fourth Order)
1 part in 2,500 or 1:2,500 angles:(60”√N)
1 degree curve has an arc length of?
100’ arc length and a radius of 5729.58
1 minute angle at 100’ is what distance
.029 (or .03’) per 100’
1 degree angle at 100’ is what distance
1.745’ (or 1’-9”) per 100’
20 seconds angle at 100’ is what distance
1/8 or .01’ per 100’
1 mile= how many feet
1 mile= how many yards
What is an adit
a (mining) tunnel for mine drainage, ventilation or transportation)
What is reversion, and regarding what
term used to define process of of adjusting a spirit level by splitting the error and adjusting ½ the error until the bubble does not change position
Total station is less accurate than steel tape when
the measured distance is less than 100’
area of a circle formula
A = π(3.14)r²
length of an arc formula
Arc Length = θ * r where θ (theta) where angle is radians, is angle if in degrees (πrθ)/180 (look to calculator for degrees min sec) (another version is L=θdπ/360°)
Volume of Cylinder formula
V = πr²h (height)
Whatever the number, if raised to zero power, is =1
polygon formula
Sum of interior angles=(n-2)180°
Weight of a gallon of fresh water
Weight of a gallon of salt water
Formula converting Pound (lb) to Kilogram (Kg)
Formula converting Kilogram (Kg) to Pound (lb)
1 meter is how many inches
39.37” exactly
1 meter in U.S. feet
3.2808333 U.S. feet also 39.37”
How many rods is a Gunter’s Chain
4 rods (4 poles) 66ft
1 international foot in meters
.3048 meters
How many Gunter’s chains in a mile
80(Gunter’s Chain 66’)
How many square feet in 10chains²?
435600 feet² (10 acres)
Formula for Circumference of a circle
Area of a trapezoid
A=1/2h(a+b), where h is height, a and b are the horizontal sides
Area of sector of a circle (fractional part of circle in relationship to radial lines)
A = π(3.14)r² parts of this are arc angle/360°
Area of a segment of a circle (any part of circle not just along radial lines)
(θ / 360°) × πr2 - (1/2) r2 sin θ (OR) r2 [πθ/360° - sin θ/2], if ‘θ’ is in degrees
Area of a triangle (not necessarily right triangle)
A=1/2bh (where b is base, h is height)
Volume of a cube
V=lwh (l is length, w is width, h is height)
What is a prism in geometry
A solid shape that is bound on all sides by plane faces, faces other than top and bottom of a prism are called lateral faces
Formula of volume of Right prisms and cylinders
V=Ahₚ (the area x height of the prism (or cylinder).
Formula of volume of a cone
Formula for volume of a pyramid
Volume of a sphere