Conversations Flashcards
that’s right
Sou desu. / そうです。
“Is Naruto a ninja?”
“Hai, sou desu” Yes, that’s right
Goodbye; sorry (formal)
Shitsurei shimasu. / しつれいします。/ 失礼します。
Used to say bye in formal contexts, or to someone higher in status (bosses, teachers) or also used to say sorry
What is a pitch-accented language?
some sounds in a word are pronounced with a higher pitch than others
anou / あのう
When do we use “um”?
we use “anou” to politely attract people’s attention when we want to say/ask something
Is that so?
Sou desu ka
that’s right; let me think
Sou desu ne
When do we use そうでsu?
sou desu / that is so; that’s right
when responding positively to a yes/no question
When do we use そうですか?
sou desu ka? / Is that so?
When we want to express surprise when we learn something new
When do we use そうですね?
sou desu ne / that’s right; let me think (Let me think…that’s right!)
To agree with someone or give ourselves time to think before answering a question
How do you express strong surprise and interest? (oh!)
Hee / へえ
How do we ask, “How about you?”
We add “wa” after their name to ask “How about you?”
name + san + wa
Watashi wa gakusei desu. Tanaka-san wa?
I am a student. How about you, Tanaka-san?
How do you ask “Are you American?”
Amerikajin desu ka
Richard Jenkins: Anou, sumimasen, nihonjin desu ka.
Yamada Sari: Hai, sou desu. Amerikajin desu ka.
How do we offer something? (the construction used) (5)
subject + wa + dou + desu + ka = to offer something
Ocha wa dou desu ka. / お茶はどうですか。(How about tea?)
How do we accept and politely decline a proposal? (2)
ii desu ne (sounds good)
chotto (a little (difficult or inconvenient))
Ocha wa dou desu ka. / お茶はどうですか。(How about tea?)
ii desu ne. / いいですね。 (Sounds good!)
A, sumimasen, chotto… / あ、すみません、ちょっと… (Oh, sorry, it’s a little…)