Control of Microbial Growth Flashcards
Why control microbial growth?
- To prevent spread of pathogens and disease in hospitals, nursing homes, medical offices, and homes
- Prevent food contamination and spoilage at home and elsewhere
- To prevent microbial degradation of material sin industry or in homes
Free of all viable organisms (by removal or killing)
Process of killing or removing all microorganisms in a material or object including any spores
The process of decreasing the number of viable microorganisms on an inatimate object/surface to a level that presents a minimum possibility of disease transmission or contamination
Disinfection of a living tissue
Reduction of microbial population to levels deemed safe
Any physical or chemical agent that either kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth
-There are antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiprotozoal
Antimicrobial agent
Antimicrobial agent that kills microorganisms
-Could be bacteriocidal, viricidal, fungicidal
Antimicrobial agent that inhibits the growth of a microorganism
-Specifically could be bacteriostatic, viristatic, and fungistatic
Inability of microorganisms to reproduce
Death for microorganisms
Different antimicrobial agents can act in different ways to kill or inhibit
Mechanisms of death
Alternating the physical state of the cytoplasm damages…
Inactivating enzymes–>
Destroys proteins in cells and viruses
Disrupting the cell membrane–>
- Alters cell membrane permeability
- Lyse cell membrane
- Affect transport
Disrupting cell wall–>
Cell lysis