Control and Opposition Flashcards
Unit 2 of the Nazi Germany section
When was the SS set up, and what was its initial purpose?
1925, it was Hitler’s personal bodyguard service and fanatically loyal to him and utterly ruthless
Who was the SS led by?
Heinrich Himmler
How large was the SS?
It had 250,000 members by 1939
What was the SS described as?
A “state within a state”
What was the Kripo?
The first branch of the SS who carried out general policing duties
What was the Gestapo?
The second branch of the SS which was the secret police force
What was the name of the Gestapo leaders in every town who collected donations and reported suspicious behaviour?
Block Leaders
What was the name of the Gestapo members who were provincial leaders appointed in 42 districts?
What was the law passed in relation to the Gestapo?
The Gestapo Law of 1936
What was the Gestapo allowed to do?
Arrest, detain and execute anyone suspected of working against the state
How large was the Gestapo?
It had 45,000 members by 1940
What did the Gestapo do to eliminate opposition?
They listened in on telephone conversations, intercepted letters and encouraged informers
What was the SD?
The third branch of the SS, responsible for the security of Hitler and other top Nazis
Who was the SD led by?
Reinhard Heydrich
When were the People’s Courts set up?
What were the differences between normal courts of law and the People’s Courts?
The People’s Courts were presided over by Nazi judges expected to always act in the interests of the state, they had no juries and the role of defence lawyers was weakened
What happened to the number of crimes that carried the death penalty?
It increased from 3 to 46
What was “protective custody”?
A policy meaning people could be arrested, detained and put in prison without trial even if they had not broken the law
What other changes meant the legal system was no longer fair?
The highest ranking jobs in the police and courts were given to loyal and well-connected Nazis, crimes committed by the Nazis were ignored and all lawyers had to join the Nazi Lawyers’ Association so they could be controlled.
What did the Nazis do when the German prisons became overrun?
They built large prison camps to concentrate prisoners, or concentration camps
What were the key groups of people sent to concentration camps?
Communists, socialists, Jews, journalists, trade unionists, gay people
Where and when was the first concentration camp established?
Dachau in Bavaria, in March 1933
Who were the concentration camps run by?
Part of the SS called the Death’s Head Units
How many people had been sent to concentration camps by 1939?
6 million
What was the name of the concept embraced by the Nazis in order to control the people of Germany?
Volksgemeinschaft, meaning people’s community