Contracts Flashcards
Legally enforceable agreement
Quasi-Contract: Definition
Equitable remedy (restitution) to prevent injustice
Quasi-Contract: 3 Elements
(1) Plaintiff has conferred a benefit on defendant (more than just detrimental reliance)
(2) Plaintiff reasonably expected to be paid and
(3) Defendant realized unjust enrichment if plaintiff not compensated
Quasi-Contract: How to Measure Recovery
Contract price is not the measure of recovery.
Focus on the value of the benefit being conferred.
The contract price is a ceiling if plaintiff is in default– plaintiff cannot recover more than she would have in full performance of her contract
Bilateral Contract
Offer that is open as to method of acceptance
Unilateral Contract
Offer that expressly requires performance as the only possible method of acceptance
Assume bilateral contract unless…
(1) reward, prize, contract
(2) offer expressly requires performance for acceptance
3 Magic words: offer… only by
Common Law of Contracts
Applies to all contracts but the sale of goods
Article 2 of UCC
Applies to contracts that a primarily sales of goods– at any price! Most rules are the same as the common law.
Need not be between 2 merchants.
Does Article 2 Apply?
(1) type of transaction– sale not lease
(2) subject matter of transaction– goods (i.e. tangible, movable personal property
Mixed Deals: General Rule
Look to the predominant purpose.
(1) how much money on goods v. services?
(2) how much time spent on services?
(3) how sophisticated are the services (i.e. pacemaker implant surgery)
(4) does contract include sales language
Mixed Deals: Exception
If contract divides payment, then apply UCC to sale of goods part and common law to the rest
3 Stages of Contract Formation
(1) initial communication OFFER
(2) what happens after the officer– TERMINATION OF THE OFFER
(3) who responds and how– ACCEPTANCE
Offer: General Test
Manifestation of commitment.
Words or conduct showing commitment. Basic test is whether a reasonable person in the position of the offeree would believe that his or her assent creates a contract.
Sale of Real Estate Offer: Material Terms
Common law: price and description required
Sale of Goods Offer: Material Terms
Article 2
No price requirement: still an offer is parties so intend
Vague or Ambiguous Material Terms
NOT AN OFFER under either common law or UCC
*contrast with no price– okay under Article 2
Look out for
Requirements Contracts/Output Contracts
A contract for the sale of goods can state the quantity of goods to be delivered under the contract in terms of the buyers requirements, the seller’s output, or in terms of exclusivity.
Terms: requirements, all, only, solely
Unreasonably Disproportionate Limitation on Increases
Requirements Contracts/Output Contracts
Buyer can increase requirements as long as the increase is in line with prior demands
Not an offer– just an invitation to deal
Advertisement: Rewards
Advertisement can be an offer if it is in the nature of a reward (Carbolic Smoke Ball)
Advertisement: Specific to Quantity and Expressly Indicate Who Can Accept
An advertisement is an offer if it is specific as to quantity and expressly indicates who can accept
4 Methods of Termination of Offers
(1) Lapse of Time
(2) Revocation (words or conduct)
(3) Rejection
(4) Death
Termination: Lapse of Time
time stated or reasonable time
1 month or more
Read closely for dates