Contracts Flashcards
meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something or to render some service (Art. 1305)
Stages of Contract
- Negotiation - Preparation or Conception or generation
- Perfection - birth
- Consummation - Death or termination
What is contract of adhesion?
one where there is ALREADY PREPARED form containing the stipulations desired by one party whereby the latter only asks the other party to agree to them i wants to enter into contract
Generally Valid!
Ex. PAL, Apps
Essential Elements of a Contract
- Consent of Contracting Parties
- Object/Subject Matter
- Cause or Consideration
- Other essential elements - such as delivery
spoil or impair the quality or efficiency of. napasama, nakasama
Absolute simulation - when one or both parties did not intend to be bound by the contract - this contract is____
Both are incapacitated to give consent. The contract is ______
Ex. Contract bet. a minor and demented person
Both parties gave their consent, but such consent was vitiated:
Vices of consent:
Under this vices of consent, the contact is VOIDABLE!
Undue Influence
It is the damage or injury to the party asking for rescission, which represents the difference between the price and the actual value of the property. For it to be ground for rescission, it must be MORE THAN ONE-FOURTH of the value!
Defective Contracts that remain to be valid and binding until rescinded by the court
Rescissible Contracts
those which are valid until they have been annulled by proper action in court. There contracts are likewise subject for ratification to cure the defect, in which case, no annulment can be held anymore
Voidable Contracts
The following are Voidable Contracts
- Those where one of the parties is incapable of giving consent. One lang, kasi pag two, Unenforcable na
- Those where the consent is vitiated by MIVUF
Note that under fraud, only Dolo causante is voidable. Not Dolo incidente
to cure the defect
Four Types of Defective Contracts
And Explain
Rescissble Contracts
Voidable Contracts
Unenforceable Contracts
Void or Inexistent Contacts
Prescriptive Period to claim rescission and to annul voidable contracts
4 years, with full details on page 109 and and 112
Those defective contracts that are valid although not binding until ratified. They are contracts that for some reason cannot be enforced, unless ratified in the manner provided by law. No legal remedy required but to leave the contract as it is
Unenforceable Contracts
Kinds of Unenforceable Contracts
- Unauthorized Contracts
- Those that do not comply with Statutes of Frauds - agreements that are required to be in writing in order to avoid fraud
- Those were both parties are incapable of giving consent
Those contracts that are either, inexistent or illegal or illicit. They are defective contracts that are INVALID and therefore not biding and considered an absolute nullity and produces no effect, as if they had never been executed or entered into and CANNOT BE RATIFIED.
An offer made by the principal is ACCEPTED from the time acceptance is conveyed to him or his agent
Dolo Incidete/Incidental Fraud - voidable?
No! it only obliges the person employing it to pay damages and does not vitiate consent.
Only Dolo Causante is Vodiable