A Must Answer MCQs Flashcards
What is the
- Minimum Subscription?
- Minimum paid-up capital?
25% of 25% or 15k which ever is higher
The amount that ca be distributed from Optional Fund is how many percentage?
T or F
- A director representing the majority can be removed oy if there is valod cause
- A director representing the minority can be removed only if there is a valid cause
Payment will void if the incapacity pertains to?
Debtor, creditor or both?
Debtor only
The existense of a CORPORATION SOLE begins from?
Filing of the verified articles of incorporation
Which of the ff are now required tp be a resident of the PH?
Compliance Officer
There is no watering of stocks in no par value
Where is the meeting for:
- Stockholders
- Anywhere in the universe
- Principal office, of if not possible, within municipality or city where the office is located
The number of stockholder for this type of Corporation shall not exceed 20
Close Corporation
The following are considered Insiders
External Auditor
Deceptive Sales Act - Fraud
Unconscionable Sales Act - No Fraud
Home solicitation sales, when permitted, may be conducted between____ on each working day
9AM to 7PM
Express warranties on consumer products shall be operative from the?
Moment of sale
Under Gov Procurement Act, atleast how many pre bid conference shall be conducted for each procurement?
Negotiated procument may be restored to after howmany failed biddings?
Direct Contracting is aka?
Under FRIA Suspension of payments applies only to?
Individual Debtors
For Liquidation, whether voluntary or Involuntary, to be proper, the debts should be atleast?
The approval of the rehabilitation plan will require___ of the claims creditor
If no rehab plan is confirmed within period of ____, the court can convert to liquidation
1 year
Risk Distributing Device
Distribite the risk of loss among as amny as possible to those who are subject to same kind of risk
Truth in Lending
Actions to recover the penalties under TIA may be brought within____ from the date of the violence occurence
1 year
When employee is permitted to work on his rest day, he shall be addtional compensation of atleast?
30% of his regular
An employee who has rendered at least one year of service shall be entitled to a yearly SIL of ___ days with pay
Under SSS law, the minimum pension of members with 10 credited years pf service shall be
All retirement, death, and disability pensioners receiving monthly pensions in or after Jan 2017, shall receive an additional monthly benefit allowance amounting to?
Penalty in case failure to disclose any info in violation of TIA
100 or twice amount of Finance Charged/max 2000 which ever is higher
Delay will not exist from obligation?
Not to do
Negative Obligation
Who is the injured party by assumption?
3 Obligation as to Plurality:
- Conjuctive
- Alternative
- Facultative. Who has right?
- Conjuctive - AND
- Alternative - OR
- Facultative - one prestation has been agreed upon but the obligor may render another Substitution. Right to substitute always belong to debtor
When is demand necessary fpr debtor’s delay to exist?
When the obligation is unilateral one
In case of doubt, in incidental circumstances of contract of commodatum, it shall be interpreted in favor of?
LEAST transmission of rights
An agreement of the leasing for a term.more than 1 year shoud b3 i writing, otherwise, Unenforcable
Sale of Land by agent with authority but not in writing, VOID
Please provide 3 void stipulations
- Pledge not extinguished by the return of the thing pledged
- Automatic appropriation
- Recovery of deficiency in case proceeds from sale pf thing pledge is insufficient
Which of the following are liable to the extent of separate asset?
Industrial Partner
Limited Partner
Industrial Only
Partnership is as to number of patners NOT as to amount of Capital
Define Quasi Partner
No longer partner of the business but has left his capital in the business as loan, thereby, receiving interest from such loan
This partnership is created even without express agreement among partners
Partnership Prescription
Which of the ff is necessecary power of corporation
Power to
Declare and distribite dividends
Enter into a merger or consolidation
To sue
Issue Checks
Issue checks
De Jure and De Facto has Juridical Personality. Which one does not have?
Ostinsible Corporation
seeming or said to be true or real but very possibly not true or real.
Which of the ff shares are allowed as NoPar Vale shares?
Common shares
Preferred shares
Common only
Trust Companies - Not allowed to issue NO Par value shares
What is the minimum ownership of Filipinos Educational Institution?
Right of first refusal
Contractual right of incumbent shareholders
What type of dividends is Tresury shares declared as dividends?
Property Dividends
Sibscribers allowed to:
Inspect corporate books
What if deliquent already?
Still allowed to dividends only
Which of the ff is valid consoderation of issuance of shares?
Future Services
Promissory Notes
Neither from the two!
When shall public sale of delinquent stocks be held counted from the date of deliquency?
Not less than 30 days but not more than 60 days
It refers to a private corporation created for charitable purposes
What is the term of office of BOD of a stock corporaton?
1 year only
What is the nimber of cooperators pr founders of Primary Cooperative?
15 or more natural persons
What is the Max foreign investment or ownership in a cooperative?
Define as to power and responsibility
- General Assembly
- Board pr directors
- Excerise power stated on Coop Code, Article of Coop, ByLaws
- Responsible for strategic planning, direction setting, policy formulation
What type of invesment maybe examined by AMLC even without consent of impeachable officer?
PH Deposit
Foreign Currency Deposit
PH Deposit only
Duration of right of the ff:
- Copyright: Capi
- Patent: Patwo
- Trademark: T=?
- Pipti
- Patwo 20 years
- T = Ten years
Type pf right provided to Copyright?
Moral right. NOT intellectual right
What Law shall cover Dacion en Pago?
Law on Sales
Legal life or duration of right of the following:
- Capiright
- Patent
- Trademark
- Pipti
- Patwo 20 years
- T=Ten years