Contract Flashcards
How many days are in a work cycle?
Whenever possible employees will be given how many days notice for in-service training?
10 working day
Midnight officers will be scheduled for in-service training when?
After Regular Days Off
Employees scheduled to work more than how many hours in a single tour of duty, due to a declared emergency, shall furnished a hot meal on the second and each succeeding day. Every effort will be made to provide a hot meal on the first day of the emergency.
12 hours
In Ride Along situations, any officer who does not wish to ride with a particular individual may decline to do so by notifying who by what means?
Commanding officer via Form-4
A Form 4 submitted by an officer requesting not to ride with an individual will be forwarded from the officer’s commanding officer to who?
Chief of Personnel (will not be part of his personnel file)
Reserve Officers shall not display a rank higher than his control officer except when?
When the Sheriff declares a state of emergency
Employees may be transferred between any section of the organization. Employees shall be notified how many days prior to transfer, except when the nature of the situation requires immediate reassignment.
10 calendar days
Grievance challenging demotion with loss of pay, suspensions with loss of pay or termination shall be filed at what Step?
Step IV
In computing any period of time in the grievance process, will the day the act, event or default occurred be included?
In computing any period of time in the grievance process, the last day shall be included unless it is what ?
Saturday, Sunday or Holiday Observed by Contract
How many days does an officer have to file a grievance at Step 1. Who is it filed to?
Within 10 days of incident, to the A/C in writing
How long does the A/C have to set up a meeting between the aggrieved employee and himself in a Step 1 grievance?
10 days
How many days after a Step 1 meeting does the A/C have to respond to the aggrieved employee in writing with an response?
10 days
How many days does an officer have to file a grievance at Step2. Who is it filed to?
Within 5 days after the Step 1 response or when Step 1 response was due, to the Chief
How many days does the Chief have to set up a meeting with the aggrieved employee and himself in a Step 2 grievance?
10 days
How many days after a Step 2 meeting does the Chief have to respond to the aggrieved employee in writing with an response?
10 days
How many days does an officer have to file a grievance at Step 3. Who is it filed to?
Within 5 days after the Step 2 response or when Step 2 response was due, to the Director
How many days does the Director have to set up a meeting with the aggrieved employee and himself in a Step 3 grievance?
10 days
How many days after a Step 3 meeting does the Director have to respond to the aggrieved employee in writing with an response?
10 days
How many days does an officer have to file a grievance at Step 4. Who is it filed to?
Within 5 days after the Step 3 response or when Step 3 response was due, to the Sheriff
How many days does the Sheriff have to set up a meeting with the aggrieved employee and himself in a Step 4 grievance?
10 days
How many days does after a Step 4 meeting does the Sheriff have to respond to the aggrieved employee in writing with a response?
10 days
If the grievance is not settled after Step 4, the grievant (or the FOP on behalf of the grievant) may request arbitration by providing a written request to who within how many days after the Step 4 response (or when the Step 4 response was due)?
Chief of Personnel within 30 days
When a case is heard by an arbiter, the arbiter will submit a decision within how many days of the arbitration hearing?
30 days
What employees do not have a right to a Civil Service Board Hearing, or to appeal pursuant to the agreement?
Police Recruits and Entry Level Police Officers
Who selects the 5 members of the Disciplinary Review Board?
2 chosen by the officer, 2 chosen by the Administration and 1 chosen by the other 4
What are the requirements to be chosen to the Disciplinary Review Board?
Must be certified Officer at JSO and not related to the aggrieved employee
In a Disciplinary Hearing Board, if the aggrieved does not agree with the Decision of the Sheriff, how long does he have to appeal with the Civil Service Board? How long to request arbitration?
10 days - Civil Service Board
5 days - Arbitration
If an officer is interviewed or interrogated in reference to an investigation which could result in his demotion or dismissal, he will be provided a copy of the interview within how long following the interview?
72 hours
If an officer is interviewed or interrogated in reference to an investigation which could result in his demotion or dismissal, when will he be interviewed in relation to other witnesses?
He will be interviewed last and provided a copy of all evidence, interviews, statements, etc. immediately prior to the interview
JSO officers using drugs or therapeutic treatments prescribed by a physician or health practitioner that may affect/interfere with the performance of duties must do what?
Notify their supervisor
Officers using over the counter non-prescription drugs which in any way could impair his job performance must notify his supervisor of such by what means?
Form 4
When an officer provides his supervisor with a Form-4 documenting his use of non-prescription drugs, the form is sent to who? The form will remain in the officer’s Personnel file, but can be removed when?
Medical Designee in Personnel
After it has been there for 6 months and the officer requests it be removed (if not part of an ongoing treatment plan)
If an employee knowingly ingests a drug during the performance of his duties, he will do what? Who will complete a detailed report?
Notify on duty supervisor by Form-4
His commanding officer will complete a detailed report
Employees who are knowingly subjected to passive inhalation of a drug such as marijuana, will do what?
Notify on duty supervisor by Form-4 detailing the type of drug he was exposed to, the duration and the necessity of exposure
Form 4s documenting an officers passive exposure to a drug will be forwarded to who for review?
Who is responsible for the following Drug Testing?
- Basic Recruit Training, Probationary Police Officers and Random Drug Tests?
- Employees reasonably suspected of using drugs or drugs found to be in possession of an officer or for disciplinary actions?
- Personnel Division
2. Internal Affairs
During drug testing, any attempts to alter or tamper with the specimen, its container, or any mechanical device, instrument, or document by any individual is considered what?
grounds for termination and/or prosecution under FSS
If during alcohol testing, an employee’s initial test registers an alcohol concentration of ______ or greater, a confirmation test will be performed, the employee will be monitored for _______ minutes, but not more than ______ minutes, then given a confirmation test?
at least 15 minutes, not more than 20 minutes
Within how many days of receiving a positive confirmed drug/alcohol test result, the employee may submit information to the employer explaining/contesting the test results, and why they results do not constitute a violation of the employer’s policy?
10 working days
The employer shall discipline an employee, subject to termination who has failed or refused to sign a written consent allowing the employer to obtain information regarding the progress or successful completion of _______ or a _________?
EAP or a Drug Rehabilitation Program
The Sheriff or his designee may impose an immediate suspension without pay in advance of the conclusion of any grievance or arbitration procedures in which 4 circumstances?
- Employee arrested for a Felony
- Failed substance abuse test with confirmation
- Employee Fails to obey a lawful order of a supervisor
- Employee is a danger to himself or others
An immediate emergency suspension without pay must be issued by a _________ or above?
Division Chief
An employee that has been temporarily suspended without pay will be afforded a meeting with the assigned Division Chief for the purpose of coordinating a meeting with the Sheriff within how long?
The next business day
Files containing the following information will be purged on the following schedule:
- Formal Investigations (unfounded, exonerated, not sustained.
- Sustained Formal Investigations- Written Reprimand without suspension.
- Sustained Formal Investigations- Written Reprimand with suspension or loss of pay
- Formal Counseling - Kept in division file not in Internal
- 1 year from the date of case disposition
- 3 years from the date of case disposition
- 5 years from the date of case disposition
- 1 year from date of issue
Employees who retire or are terminated with 10 or more years of service will be paid for all unused leave. Employees with less than 10 years of service (other than retirement) will be paid at what percentage for unused leave?
Yearly leave accrual based on years of service: 0-4 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-19 years 20-24 years 25 years or more
0-4 - 160 hours 5-9 - 184 hours 10-14 - 208 hours 15-19 -232 hours 20-24 - 256 hours 25 + - 280 hours
Officers that win Officer of the Month shall receive how much leave as a bonus?
Officer of the Year?
1 day
4 days
Except in cases of illness or emergency, requests for personal leave up to two (2) consecutive working days must be submitted for approval how far in advance?
at least 24 hours in advance
Except in cases of illness or emergency, requests for personal leave of more than 2 and up to 4 consecutive working/shift days must be submitted for approval how far in advance?
at least 48 hours in advance
Employees will be charged for actual leave time taken, with what minimum?
1/4 hour minimum
Each Squad, watch, zone, or section of a division will establish a seniority list. The employee with the most seniority will have priority of first personal leave choice, before what date? After that date leave will be based on first come, first serve basis.
February 1st
Unscheduled absences not requested and approved in advance, require the employee notify JSO as soon as possible but no later than __________.
45 minutes before starting time, on the first day the employee is unable to report to work
Bereavement leave may be granted to an employee for death of an employees immediate family (as defined by contract). The employer may grant paid time off up to how many days?
5 days
Who can grant an employee paid time off to attend a funeral of a JSO employee?
A/C or higher
As related to Bereavement Leave, who does the term “Immediate Family” include?
Spouse, Children (step and spouse’s children), Parents (step and in-laws), Siblings (Half, in-laws), Aunts and Uncles, Grandparents, Grand Children, Other relatives that reside with the employee
Employees who are commissioned Military Reserve Officers or Reserve Enlisted Personnel in the Military, Navy or National Guard, are entitled to leave of absence without loss of pay, vacation, time, or efficiency rating on all training days. Leave of absence under the provision shall not exceed ___________ hours in a year?
240 working hours
Any request for adjustment of schedule for military weekend drill will be done how and by who?
How many days before?
In writing to their supervisor
At least 14 days prior to drill date
Accrued holidays carry over to the following year. Any holiday rolled over must be used by when or it will be sold back and the employer will compensate the employee for the days not used.
September 30 of that year
Employees shall receive payment for any paid holiday unless what (4 things)?
- Employee has unexcused absence or unpaid absence on the last working day preceding such holiday or the next work day following the holiday.
- Employee is on a leave of absence or lay on the holiday
- Employee fails to report to work on the holiday without justifiable reason
- Employee receiving workers compensation or supplemental workers compensation pay
The work period of a police officer is how may consecutive days?
How many hours?
28 days
160 hours
Police Officers covered by the contract will be paid time and a half for all hours worked in excess of ________ in a work period.
171 hours
Hours in excess of ________ hours in a 24 hour period will be paid at double time.
16 hours
Premium payments shall not be duplicated for hours worked. What is considered premium payments?
- Holidays
- Call-Back
- Standby pay
- Deposition or court time
- Hearing Board/Internal Affairs
- Pager Standby
What is the max hours of comp time a police officer can accrue?
480 hours
The employer may require employees with more than _______ of comp time or less than _______ of comp time to utilize the comp time.
More than 5 days
Less than 2 hours
Meal breaks are how long?
45 minutes
Call back overtime will be compensated at how many hours at time and half?
2.5 hours unless the call back time runs into the start of the employees regular shift
Employees assigned a take home assigned vehicle on a permanent basis off-duty that are required to handle a call shall be paid at what rate?
Regular rate unless such duty puts the officer over 171 hours for a 28 day work cycle
Police recruits are hired at what percentage salary of a Step 1 Police Officer?
Upon completion of 12 month probation - paid at Step 1
College incentive pay will be paid to officers hired before 10/01/06 at the following rate:
AA or AS Degree
BA or BS Degree
Masters Degree
AA - $100/ month
BA - $150/ month
Masters - $200/ month
Hired after 10/01/06 - Paid only for Masters
What are the percentages of shift differential pay based start time?
12: 00 pm
10: 00 pm
12: 00 pm - 3.75%
10: 00 pm - 3.5%
What are the current FTO differential pay percentage rates?
5% of base pay for each day training
5% of base pay for each day supervising a FTO training
Employees required to be on call will be compensated at what rate? Under what conditions?
1 hour or straight time for each day.
Must be only officer in the unit on call (except Homicide)
Canine officers will be compensated for Canine care how?
1 hour of overtime per shift and 1 hour per day on days off
Officers with take home vehicles living outside the county but within 10 miles shall pay ________ per pay period for use of the take home vehicle. If the vehicle becomes inoperable, the employee will be reimbursed at what rate per day?
$25.00 per pay period
$3.56 per actual day worked
If an employee fails the physical abilities test he will have how long to retake the test?
30 calendar days
Employees who fail to pass the physical ability test will forfeit _________ & ___________ wuntil the PAT is passed.
Take home vehicle privileges and secondary employment (police related)
When making accommodations for officers, the third priority, refers to the fact that officers who are _______ will be bumped before others.
More Senior and qualified for retirement
According to Workers Compensation, during the first ______ days of a disability, the employee shall receive net supplement pay based on his/her net take home pay reduced by workers compensation indemnity payable.
28 calendar days
The employee will be examined every ______ days by a medical doctor selected by the employer. If the IOD injury leave continues through the ______ week following the pay period which the injury occurred, the supplemental pay will be terminated.
28 calendar days
24th Week
The Sheriff or his designee has the sole discretion (not subject to arbitration) to provide a defined extension to the 24 week period, not to exceed ______ days for each extension.
20 days
The employer will pay to replace / repair personal property damaged while the employee is on duty and the damage was not due to negligence, as long as the property was necessary for duty. What property is not covered?
Telephones, Electronic Devices, Jewelry (except watches)
When JSO pays to replace/repair lost/damaged property what is the limit of payment? Watches?
$100 for watch repair/replacement
When property that is owned by the employer that is damaged, destroyed, or lost due to employee negligence, the employee shall pay the cost to replace/repair the item up to a maximum of ________.
Employees who are required to wear business attire during duty and members of Organized Crime will receive a clothing allowance of ________, how often?
$100 per quarter
Secondary employment hours shall be limited to how many hours per month?
104 hours
May be supplemented with compensatory time or annual leave. The Sheriff or his designee may waive the limit
During a 24 hour period encompassing an employees scheduled work day, the employee may not exceed ______ hour of work.
16 hours (8 hours rest period is mandatory)
The current administrative fee for secondary employment is how much?
Traffic Enforcement Related?
$5.00 - Normal
$7.00 - Traffic Related (does not apply to police escorts
Administrative fees must be paid by what day each month?
10th of the month
The current administrative scheduling fee for secondary employment jobs is how much? When is it due?
$15 per site
Due by the 10th of the month
Current hourly rate for secondary employment jobs is what?
$28 / hour
$31 / hour
Employees will not engage in secondary employment until they have been off duty for _______ or worked for ______ following sick leave, bereavement
leave, IOD, light duty, suspension (with or without pay) or administrative leave.
2 days
1 day
Officers who fail the PAT are subject to what (4) four things?
- Forfeiture of take home car privileges
- Forfeiture of annual step raise
- Delayed consideration from promotion
- Forfeiture of secondary employment
Officers failing to pass the PAT will be given how long to obtain a passing score?
1 calendar year from failure. The officer will remain on duty but will be required to participate in an on-duty training program at least twice monthly.
Officers that fail the PAT and are placed on an on-duty training program will be required to attend the on-duty training program at least how often?
at least twice monthly
The JSO will make available a combined number of positions, up to what percentage of the total sworn police ranks to be designated permanent light duty?
How many supervisory positions?
1.5 % of total sworn positions
A maximum of 3 supervisor positions
_______ occurs when the number of qualifying officers exceeds the number of available permanent light duty positions. The officer with the highest years of service will no longer be entitled to the position. He will either retire or resign.
Employees shall furnish written notification of their intent to sue a third party in any court of law, in the suit arises out of an employee’s official duty. The notice shall be provided to who, not less than ______ days before the filing.
The Undersheriff
Not less than 5 days prior to the actual filing