Contraceptives Study Guide Flashcards
Progestin-Releasing IUD (Mirena) MoA
Endometrial atrophy»_space; Inhibit implantation; Cervical mucous thickening
Progestin-Releasing IUD (Mirena) Effects
Decreased menstrual blood loss & severity of dysmenorrhea
Progestin-Releasing IUD (Mirena) Cautions
Multiple sex partners ^ risk of PID; Copper allergy; Wilson’s disease
Progestin-Releasing IUD (Mirena) Disadvantages
Risk of ectopic pregnancy; Rare - Uterine perforation
2 Classes of OCPs
Combination (Estrogen & Progestin); Progestin-only
Monophasic OCPs
All active pills have identical amts of hormones
Biphasic & Triphasic OCPs
Different amts of hormones in active pills to mimic natural cycle and reduce AEs
Estrogen MoA
Suppress production of FSH»_space; prevent selection & emergence of dominant follicle
Lowest Ethinyl Estradiol Dose
20 mcg
Effects of Lower Ethinyl Estradiol Dose
^ risk of spotting; less margin of error for missed tabs; minimizes estrogen related side effects
Highest Ethinyl Estradiol Dose
35 mcg
Estrogen Side Effects
Spotting; peripheral edema; HTN; Hypertriglyceridemia; THROMBOEMBOLISM
Progestin MoA
Inhibits ovulation by suppressing LH surge; Thickens cervical mucous
Drug with Most Progestin Activity
Progestin with Most ANDROGENIC Activity
OCPs safe during lactation
Progestin-only pills (“minipills”)
Progestin Side Effects
Mood changes; Gallbladder dysfunction
Androgenic Side Effects of Progestin
Increased appetite/wt gain; Acne; Hirsuitism; ^LDL & Dec HDL
Non-contraceptive benefits of most OCPs
Decreased risk of endometrial/ovarian CA; ectopic preg; Iron def anemia; Acne
Benefit of Combined OCPs
Prevention of ovarian cysts
Risks of Combined OCPs
Increased risk of CV events; HTN; VTE; Breast/Cervical CA; Glucose intolerance; Gallbladder dz; Hepatic tumors
OCP contraindications
Thromboembolic dz; Cerebrovascular dz; CV dz; Impaired liver function; Breast CA; Smokers > 35; Personal or Familial Hypertriglyceridemia
Adverse effects of Too Much Estrogen
Nausea; Breast tenderness; HTN; Melasma; HA
Adverse effects of Too Little Estrogen
Early/mid cycle spotting; Hypomenorrhea
Adverse effects of Too Much Progestin
Breast tenderness; HA; Fatigue; Mood changes
Adverse effects of Too Little Progestin
Late cycle spotting
Adverse effects of Too Much Androgen
Increased appetite; wt gain; Oily skin; Acne; Hirsuitism; ^LDL & Dec HDL
Combination OCP MoA
Inhibits ovulation; Reduced penetration of egg by sperm; Reduced implantation; Thickened mucus to prevent sperm penetration; Slowed tubal motility
OCP “Starter Set” (EE & Norgestimate)
Ortho-Cyclen; Ortho Tri-Cyclen; Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo
Starting OCPs
Start pills during first five day of cycle; use backup method for one week after starting pills
When to use backup birth control
Use for 7 days if more than 2 pills are missed
Drugs Decreasing Effectiveness of OCPs
ABX, esp. rifampin; Anticonvulsants
Meds affected by OCPs
Anticoagulants; Insulin; Hypoglycemics; TCAs
Extended & Continuous OCPs
Seasonale (84 active tabs); Seasonique (84 active tabs); Lybrel (continuous)
Seasonale AE
More intercycle spotting
Seasonique Advantage
Helps with menstrual symptoms & migraines
Disadvantage of Transdermal Patch (Ortho-Evra)
Increased failure rate in pts > 200 lbs; may have more thromboembolic risks
Disadvantage of Vaginal Ring (Nuvaring)
^ incidence of vaginitis & vaginal d/c; back up required until ring is in for 7 consecutive days
Minipill Disadvantages
Higher rate of unintended preg; Spotting is common; Must take at same time every day; > 3 hrs late requires backup for 48 hr
DepoProvera Cautions
Undiagnosed abNL vaginal bleeding; Liver dz; Severe depression; Severe CV disease
DepoProvera Advantages
Safe while lactating; Less risk of thromboembolism
DepoProvera Disadvantages
Decreased bone density
Emergency Contraceptive MoA
Inhibit/delay ovulation; Interferewith fertilization or tubal transport; Prevent implantation by altering endometrial receptivity; ineffective after pregnancy has occurred
Best Emergency Contraceptive
High dose progestin = Levonorgestrel
Emergency Contraceptive Timing
Best w/in 24 hr of unprotected sex; Labeled for use up to 72 hr after sex