Contraception (RANZCOG) Flashcards
Interval DMPA administration
12 weekly
Disadvantages DMPA
- prolonged or irregular vaginal bleeding
- delay return to fertility
- weight gain
Contraindications DMPA?
> 50yo
Abnormal undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
history of breast cancer, stroke, IHD, severely impaired liver function
cervical mucous, endometrial thinning, ovulation inhibition
Dmpa perfect use and typical use failure rate
Advantage of DMPA over other hormonal contraceptives
unaffected by liver enzyme inducing medications.
Rate of amenorrhoea with DMPA
Risk profile of breast, endometrial, and ovarian cancer and DMPA?
Other health effects?
Increasing evidence fo protection agarinst endometrial, ovarian cancer. No change to breast or cervical cancer May prevent PID Associated with BMD loss VTE risk uncertain
Pregnancy rate of LNG and UPA if taken within 120 hrs of UPSI?
LNG = 2.2% UPA = 1.4%
Most effective emergency contraception?
Copper IUD
What is UPA?
Ulipristal acetate 30mg is a selective progesterone receptor modulator.
Precautions of UPA/LNG
less effective if obese
less effective if liver enzyme inducing medications
recommend CU IUD or double dose UPA/LNG
Time frame for insertion of Copper IUD?
within 5 days of UPSI
Ensure screening for STI
What other emergency contraceptives may be available, but not licensed in New Zealand
Mifepristone. 25-50mg. Can be effective up to 120hrs after. Not licensed for this use in NZ.
Give two risk factors for which should prompt STI swabs?
>25yo, new sexual partner or ?1 partner in one year
What is the risk of pelvic infection after IUD insertion?
small increase: additional 1/300 cases of PID in the first 20 days after. After this no additional increase
Risk of uterine perforation
6 fold risk in breastfeeding women
Iud insertion Follow up advice as per RANZCOG
Review 3-6 weeks after insertion to exclude infection, perforation or expulsion.
Present if abnormal bleeding or symptoms of pregnancy or infection.
Most common infections with IUDs?
chlamydia and gonorrhoea
Considerations for removal of IUD with PID?
- risk of pregnancy
- consider if no clinical response within 72 hrs
- patient requests removal
Prevalence of actinomycetes like organisms in IUD users?
7%. Not all actinomycetes cause sepsis. Incidental detection on Pap smear does not correlate well with subsequent PID.
Management if actinomycetes Israeli identified on vaginal swab culture in women with IUC + pelvic pain?
Removal of the IUC
If symptomatic will require antimicrobial treatment in consultation with clinical microbiologist.
Risks of leaving in IUD with intrauterine pregnancy?
50% spontaneous miscarriage
Adherent placenta
Risk of pregnancy in women with LARC vs. oral contraception?
20-fold reduction
Rate of unintended pregnancy in Australia
Barriers to provision of LARCs?
lack of accurate knowledge by medical practitioners
insufficient training in insertion, removal and complications
Lack of appropriate renumeration
Lack of awareness of benefits and misperceptions of risks of infection and infertility
Perfect and typical use failure rates COCP
perfect 0.3%
typical 9%
Anti-androgenic effects
reduction in: acne- sebum and comedones increased HDL decreased SHBG hair growth ovarian cysts
Cancer profile of COCP?
Not associated with an overall increased risk of cancer. Actually protective with statistically significant reduction in older women who had previously used COCP.
reduction endometrial and ovarian cancer
reduction bowel cancer
uncertain breast cancer
small increase cervical cancer
Non-menstrual/contraceptive indications of COCP?
acne premenstrual syndrome premenstrual dysphoric disorder PCOS prevention of functional ovarian cysts and benign ovarian tumors
COCP contraindications
breastfeeding and <6 weeks postpartum smoker >35yo and >15 cigarettes per day CVD risk factors or disease HTN >160/95 vascular disease major surgery with prolonged immobilsation current or past VTE thrombogenic mutations migraine with aura Diabetes with complications breast cancer severe liver disease Raynaueds with LA SLE with APL antibodies
VTE risk of EE pills with 3rd generation progesterone?
RR 1.-1.8 compared to first generation. ~1/10,000 extra.
Concerns with regard to COCP <6w PP with breastfeeding?
?effect in establishing lactation
excreted in breastmilk. ?long term effects. ?reduced infant weight gain.
VTE risk is most significant concern.
Insertion recommendations postpartum
FSRH: within 10 minutes of delivery of placenta, within 48 Hours of uncomplicated CS or vaginal birth or 28 days after.
Expulsion rate 24% (vaginal del), minimal data on CS insertion
No Increased in risk of infection
ACOG endorsed advice:
How can drosperinone containing COCP increase risk of VTE?
Aldosterone may be involved with haemostasis, leading to decrease in coagulability. Therefore, anti-mineralocorticoids could lead to hyper coagulability.
Contrast risk per 10,000 of VTE in drosperinone COCP women with other COCP women? What is the risk in non-users or pregnant women?
dros: 10/10,000
other CHC: 3-9/10,000
nonuser/non preg= 1-5/10,000
pregnant: 5-20/10,000