Contraception products Flashcards
Dr. Flores
Risk of hormonal contraception
-menstrual changes
-hormonal side effects
-MI, CVA (stroke), VTE, HTN
-Gallbladder disease
-Hepatic tumor
-cervical cancer
Benefits other than for contraception
-reduced risk for ovarian cancer (due to suppression of ovulation)
-relief of benign breast disease (CHCs)
-prevention of ovarian cysts (CHCs)
-improvement in acne control (CHCs)
-improvement in menstruation regulation (CHCs)
-decrease in endometriosis symptoms
-reduction in anemia risk (less/shorter menses, iron)
-reduction in risk of fetal neural tube defects
-relief from PMDD symptoms (drospirenone)
Estrogen containing types of contraceptives
Transdermal patch
Vaginal ring
estrogen-containing contraceptives
can help by having a shorter and lighter period
-no STI protection
-increased risk of CVA/MI/VTE
-side effects of spotting, breakthrough bleeding, nausea, bloating, breast tenderness, HA
CI: women older than 35 who smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day
< 35 mcg EE is a risk factor for CV
Monophasic products containing drospirenone
Extended cycle:
Clot risk: progestin and estrogen
Drospirenone (a progestin) has a higher clot risk when combined with estradiol
Levonorgestrel or norgestrel (a progestin) has a lower clot risk
What is the purpose of extended-cycle contraceptives?
24/4 -> 4 days of placebo pills instead of 7
the hormone-free phase causes a drop in progesterone which triggers the period
-> by making it shorter, the period itself will be shorter
Products containing drospirenone
Yasmin (21/7), Yaz (24/4)
Safyral (21/7), Beyas (24/4)
higher clot risk
How do extended-cycle contraceptives cause fewer periods (instead of shorter periods)?
all pills contain active ingredients: progesterone
Amethyst (levonorgestrel)
Seasonale, Introvale
since all contain progesterone, there is no drop in progesterone that stimulates the period
Multiphasic oral contraceptives
-amount of estrogen varies
-the same amount of progesterone
How to counsel patients who use multiphasic contraceptives and suffer from heavy periods
choose a product that has estrogen in the progesterone-free phase
COC Missed pills
Missed 1 pill: take the missed pill ASAP and continue with the pack
Missed 2 pills (48h after it should be taken): take the missed pill ASAP and continue with the pack, abstain from unprotected sex until hormonal pills have been taken for 7 days, consider an emergency pill when 2 pills were missed during the hormonal phase
missed 2 pills in the last week of the hormonal phase:
take the remaining hormonal pills -> skip hormone-free pills and start a new pack the next day, consider back up contraception (condom) for 7 days
Transdermal patch product
-monophasic: 35 mc EE/1.5mg norelgestromin
-should be changed every week, but has enough hormones for 9 days
-apply patch for 1 week and change, repeat for 3 weeks -> then 1 week without the patch -> repeat the cycle
Advantages/disadvantages of contraceptive Transdermal patches
less DDI bc no oral absorption
consider for patients with dysphagia
bypassing first-pass metabolism
-> more exposure -> higher risk of clotting, and side effects
CI if BMI > 30
may be less effective
Delayed application or detachment
if <48h: apply a new patch ASAP and keep the same patch change day, no backup is needed
if >48h: apply a new patch ASAP, and keep the same change day, abstain from sex or use a barrier for 7 days
if >48 in the last hormone week: finish the hormone patch and skip to the hormone-free week -> start a new pack, consider emergency contraception if they had sex
Counseling Nuvaring (monophasic)
-keep in refreigerator
-leave it inside for 3 weeks, then 1 week without the ring
-insert on the 5th or before the 5th day of menses
-if it falls out for < 3hr -> use back up for > 7 days
Advantages/disadvantages Nuvaring
-lower estrogen exposure
-lower incidence of spotting/breakthrough bleeding after 2nd cycle
-protection continues for 4 weeks if left in place
-foreign body sensation, vaginal symptoms, expulsion
what is the standard dose for estrogen-containing contraceptives?
20-25 mcg
10 mcg for women < 100 lbs and adolescents, good adherence needed
30-35 mcg: consider if breakthrough bleeding on lower doses or significant obesity -> evaluate CV risk
When considering low progestin/androgenic activity products
-low progestin: progestin-sensitive women (weight gain, fatigue)
-low androgenic activity products: androgen-sensitive women (oily skin, acne, hirsutism)
-> Norgestimate, desogestrel, drospirenone products (evulate clot risk)
Which products should be used in patients with heavy bleeding, anemia, dysmenorrhea (pain), patients decreased menses
-extended cycle products
-Progestin-only products (but may cause breakthrough bleeding - bleeding outside of normal cycle)
so that there is more progestin exposure that prevents menses stimulation
Products for patients with PMDD
PMDD: emotional and physical symptoms (mood)
extended cycle or drospirenone-containing products
Yaz, Beyaz, Introvale
Products for patients with acne
bc it contains drospirenone which has low androgenic activity (evaluate clot risk)
Products with weight concerns
-Nextstellis (estetrol/drospirenone) - monophasic
-Natazia (confusing regimen for missed dose) - multiphasic
-Xulane (patch), BMI > 30 - monophasic
-Twirla (patch), BMI > 30 - monophasic
-Vaginal ring (Annovera), BMI > 29
-Slynd (POP), BMI > 30
-planB Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg, BMI > 26
-planB Ella Rx, BMI > 30
Products for patients with dysphagia
Twirla (patch)
Layolis FE (chewable)
Nexplanon (subQ implant, biceps)
Products that can be taken postpartum
IUD copper
LARC: Nexplanon
-68 mg of etonorgestel (progesterone)
-insertion: between day 1 and 5 -> when inserted on other days -> use backup
Patients with estrogen side effects
progestin-only products
Monitoring of potassium levels is recommended when using which products?